2022年09月15日 09:06:08

转自公众号:Hhlloo设计网 一朵神秘的云朵漂浮在空中,栖息在西西里的一处屋顶。 Perched on the heights of a Sicilian rooftop, an enigmatic cloud floats in the air.  ▽视频 装置由类似于投影仪和电子设备中使用的光学透镜制成,形成一个透明并且可以移动的作品,以缓慢而壮观的方式起伏和变形。这些透镜相互交错、重叠并利用反射将光与装置本身投射至无限远,模糊了装置的界限。



Perched on the heights of a Sicilian rooftop, an enigmatic cloud floats in the air. 



Made of optical lenses similar to those used in projectors and electronic devices, the mobiles forms a transparent and moving constellation which undulates and deforms in a slow and spectacular way. Light & aerial, the magnifying glasses cross each other, overlap and multiply themselves to infinity, blurring the limits of the installation. 

这是法国艺术家文森特·勒罗伊(Vincent Leroy)的新作品,名为“镜片云”,他延续了在之前的项目Lenscape和Slow Lens中激发人们的感知并与周围环境对话的设计手法。从某些角度来看,该装置几乎融入了自然:移动的装置与周围的植被和仙人掌融合在一起,透明的圆盘反射自然光并根据西西里天空的色调而变化。在其他角度下,放大镜产生的重叠影像将景色转变为万花筒般的诗意效果。

This new artwork by the French artist Vincent Leroy, entitled  Lens Cloud, plays with our perception and dialogues with its surroundings In the continuity of his previous projects  Lenscape    &   Slow Lens  projects. From certain angles, the installation almost blends into nature : the mobiles mingles with the vegetation and cactus that surround them and the transparent discs reflect natural light and evolve according to the hues of the Sicilian sky. Under other points of view, the constellation of magnifying glasses transforms the landscape and diffracts it into a kaleidoscopic and poetic vision.

Project Title : Lens Cloud

Design : ?vincent leroy studio / Paris

Location : Villa Vendicari / Sicily / Italy

Pictures : Tina Kentner, Stéphane Janin, Vincent Leroy Studio

Video : Vincent Leroy Studio

非常感谢   Vincent Leroy       供稿分享
本文由 hhlloo/景观邦 编排翻译

