2022年08月16日 10:35:29

《流水望月》大理青绿海景度假酒店设计         Usual Studio寻常设计?新作        

Usual Studio寻常设计?新作        


前言 浪漫主义续篇


▲  酒店主立面

01. 设计立意「  掬水望月     Design concept

掬水月在手,弄花香满衣。       --《春山夜月》出自于唐代诗人于良史,此诗描写春夜山中赏月的乐趣,其中流露出一种悠然自得、纵情山水的畅快心情正是我们在这个项目设计中希望营造的度假氛围。    

Scoopingthe water, the moon is in my hand; Playing with flowers, my dress is full ofscent.  “ From  Moon   Over   the   Spring   Mountain  by Yu Liangshi, a poetof the Tang Dynasty. This poem describes the joy of watchingthe moon in the mountains on a spring night. The feeling of being at ease andcarefree in it is the atmosphere we hope to create in this project.


▲  月影水院

▲  月影水院黄昏景


The hotel consists of two buildings. We createda sea between two buildings, and the "moon" is suspended above thesea. Weuse architecture and space to create a traditional and innovative artisticconception of " As the bright moon shines over the sea; Fromfar away you share this moment with me.”

▲  月影水院光影变化    

▲ 连接场地流线的       月影水院    

▲ 连接场地流线的 月影水院 ▲  墙上明月

"Lunar ShadowRoom" is the key point of hotel renovation, and it is also a space thatreflects the hotel's characteristics and spirit. We hope that tourists who come here will notrush to other attractions, but can stay here and feel the nature and thecomfort.    

▲  月影水院日景          

02.   对话场地—重塑胜景   | R eshape the scene


In resort hotel design, we focus on the shapingof vacation scenes.When the space and the site reach a correspondingrelationship, a different space situation can be created. Just at the entrance of the hotel starts from a dome, andthe spiraling stairs extend to the distance, so the picturesque scene can makepeople look forward to it.

亦或是一条斜坡走道穿过中心水院,连接起两栋楼的交通,旅客沉浸水院之中由低到高缓缓向圆满的月亮走去。   此时水院、月亮与人三者相互对话着,水院托举着明月,连同着访客共同组成一道内在的景致。
A sloping walkway passes through the centralwater courtyard and connects the two buildings.   The passengers are immersed in the water courtyardand slowly walk from low to high toward the full moon. At this time, the watercourtyard, the moon and the people correspond to each other. The watercourtyard holds the bright moon and forms a scene with the visitors.

▲  月影客房


Inside the "Full Moon" is a guest room, and the"Full Moon" is the viewfinder of the guest room looking towards thecourtyard.  You can read a book under the moon, or you cantake a soothing bath to wash away the tiredness of the journey.

▲    借助现场一株小树就能创造一个如画般的沐浴场景  


03.  寄情山水的度假散文诗 |Like a poem


Every opening and fenestration in the building space are an opportunity to reconnect with the natural landscape. According to the different landscape conditions at the site, we correspond to it with spaces with different degrees of openness.    Let every space have the right atmosphere.  

  ▲顶层   客房

空间越往高处,视野越渐高远,透过 270 °落地玻璃将苍山洱海收入眼底。 大理的四季与昼夜的变幻才是空间的主角。

The higher the space, the higher the view.    Through the 270° floor-to-ceiling glass, the Erhai Lake is brought into the eyes.    The four seasons of Dali and the changes of day and night are the protagonists of the space.

04.    原貌与改造过程     Renovation Process



05. 技术图纸 Technical Drawings

▲轴测图 Axonometric drawings  ?Usual Studio

▲总平面图 Master Plan ?Usual Studio

▲B5一层平面图 The Ground Floor Plan ?Usual Studio

▲B5三层平面图 The Third Floor Plan ?Usual Studio

▲B6四层平面图 The Fourth Floor Plan?Usual Studio

项目名称   《流水望月》大理青绿海景度假酒店改造设计
设计单位:寻常设计事务所  Usual Studio
设计团队:林经锐、王坤辉、温馨、Laura Canto López、David Qiu、吴海伦、吴志远、   刘源(实习)


建筑面积 :1800㎡

完工时间 2022年
项目摄影:余几摄影 、大理青绿酒店

