Te Ara ātea是一个新的图书馆和社区设施,位于基督城附近的Rolleston。作为未来Rolleston镇中心的主要项目,Te Ara ātea不仅在位置上,而且对于它所服务的多样化和不断增长的社区来说,都是一个灯塔。该项目有一个强烈的社区焦点,并挑战 "图书馆 "的典型成见,这与它的天赋名称相一致,意思是 "通往世界和其他地方的畅通无阻的小路"。
Te Ara ātea是一个新的图书馆和社区设施,位于基督城附近的Rolleston。作为未来Rolleston镇中心的主要项目,Te Ara ātea不仅在位置上,而且对于它所服务的多样化和不断增长的社区来说,都是一个灯塔。该项目有一个强烈的社区焦点,并挑战 "图书馆 "的典型成见,这与它的天赋名称相一致,意思是 "通往世界和其他地方的畅通无阻的小路"。
Te Ara ātea is a new library and community facility located in Rolleston near Christchurch. The anchor project for the future Rolleston Town Centre, Te Ara ātea acts as a beacon, not only in location but for the diverse and growing community it serves. The project has a strong community focus and challenges the typical preconceptions of a ‘library’, in keeping with its gifted name which means ‘unobstructed trail to the world and beyond.’
与塞尔温区议会的广泛社区和客户接触,为设计团队提供了重要的当地知识,并为项目形成了强有力的文化简介。Te Taumututu提供了 "Tü te Rakiwh?noa "的故事,讲述了形成Rakaia峡谷和编织河的竞争力量,设计团队将其作为整个设计的关键驱动力。叙事本身的主题以一种有趣和有意义的方式被整合,创造了一个丰富和多层次的环境和体验,激起了一种愉悦和发现的感觉。
Extensive community and client engagement with the Selwyn District Council provided vital local knowledge for the design team and formed a strong cultural brief for the project. Gifted by Te Taumututu the story of the ‘Tü te Rakiwh?noa, which tells of the competing forces which formed the Rakaia Gorge and braided river beyond, the design team used this as a key design driver throughout. Themes from within the narrative itself have been integrated in both a playful and meaningful way, creating an environment and experience that is rich and multi-layered, provoking a sense of delight and discovery.
Collaboration was a key theme throughout the design process, including the integration of museum experience within the building. Working with leaders in the exhibition and experiential design field to add elements of museum display and digital artworks, further embedded the building into its unique cultural and geographical context. Within the interior spaces, the design narrative influences both the built forms and material palette.
On the ground floor, the braided rivers are represented with curved forms referencing river stones eroded by the current of the water. A timber-clad pod houses a workshop space and meeting rooms, which are colored in bold vibrant tones - a visual representation of the richness of the flora and fauna that inhabit the underground rivers and shallows. The Tamariki area continues the link to the water’s edge with blue feature flooring and colorful furniture.
Providing a continuous curved pathway from the main entrance through the main reception and circulation space is a feature projection wall, where video artwork of the local area and scenery are projected throughout the day. The central staircase and void spaces reference the walls of the gorge, rising up from the riverbed below.
1层延续了峡谷的叙述,材料的色调参考了河岸风化的顶部,采用了丰富和温暖的色调。灰色和绿色的特色地毯创造了整个空间的趣味性和区域性,而折叠的木皮天花板沿着上面的屋顶线连续流过,这里有主要的图书馆藏品、合作区和 "Waka Huia",一个安静的反思研究室,通过参考宝盒的概念与文化叙事相联系,并容纳了来自塞尔温区的重要的taonga。
Level 1 continues the gorge narrative with the material palette referencing the weathered tops of the riverbanks, in rich and warmer tones. Grey and green feature carpet create interest and zoning throughout while a folded timber veneer ceiling following the roofline above flows continuously over the space which houses the main library collection, collaborative zone, and the ‘Waka Huia’, a quiet reflective research room that connects with the cultural narrative by referencing the idea of a treasure box, and houses significant taonga from the Selwyn District.
The result is not only a library but a flexible, multi-purpose community and performance space that acts as a hybrid museum and living history tour. With a rich cultural narrative and a blank canvas to work from, the team created a distinctive civic project that is unique in its outcome.