2009年,Lund Hagem和Atelier Oslo architects赢得了设计Oslo’s new main图书馆的国际建筑竞赛。图书管理员想要一座能够激发游客探索现代图书馆所能提供的所有新设施和活动的建筑。这促使我们创造了一个开放而有趣的建筑,在这里你可以不断地被邀请到下一个角落,去发现新的地方。 The international architecture c
2009年,Lund Hagem和Atelier Oslo architects赢得了设计Oslo’s new main图书馆的国际建筑竞赛。图书管理员想要一座能够激发游客探索现代图书馆所能提供的所有新设施和活动的建筑。这促使我们创造了一个开放而有趣的建筑,在这里你可以不断地被邀请到下一个角落,去发现新的地方。
The site is relatively small. In order to avoid building too many floors, the building cantilevers out above its footprint: The first floor above the street to the east, and the fourth floor almost 20 meters out above the urban plaza, creating a protective covering for the entrance. This largest cantilever displays the building to the city and still preserves the line of sight to the neighbouring Opera. The cantilevered floors are suspended from the roof above. The roof has a characteristic folded geometry that provides structural strength.
An open public space dominates the interior, with a variety of furniture and activities. Enclosed spaces and niches are organised around three free standing book towers, liberating the facades and allowing daylight to flow in from all directions.
Rooms and niches create arenas for temporal installations and exhibitions, with a rich variety of colours and atmospheres. The open areas have more permanent surfaces in neutral colours and robust materials. The concrete structures around the light shafts and in the folded roof are lasting elements that give the building a permanent and recognizable quality.
The facade combines high insulation value and even distribution of daylight. Narrow insulated panels alternate with narrow glass panels. The diffused glass of the interior eases the impression of the closed panels, creating a soft and even interior light. The facades are relatively closed in order to strengthen the impression of the light shafts and the library’s inner life and activities. In the corners of the building panoramic windows open views in different directions, lending variation and tension to the interior.
Deichman Bj?rvika是一座环保建筑,在立面、通风和材料使用方面有创新的解决方案。
建筑师:Atelier Oslo, Lund Hagem
面积:19600 m2