2022年08月02日 09:14:43

拉巴特是摩洛哥的首都,拥有强大的文化和建筑遗产,该项目试图通过转录其精神来回应这一遗产,其特点是优雅和清醒,具有历史延续性和和谐感。学校分为两个主要实体:幼儿园和小学,以及中学,并在此基础上增加了行政办公室、图书馆、体育设施和礼堂等辅助功能。 Rabat, the capital city of Morocco has a strong cultural and architectural heritage, and the project tries to respond to this heritage by transcribing its spirit, characterized by elegance and sobriety, a sense of historical continuity and harmony. The school is divided into two main entities: the kindergarten and elementary school, and the secondary school, and adding to this, support functions such as administrative offices, library, sports facilities, and an auditorium.


Rabat, the capital city of Morocco has a strong cultural and architectural heritage, and the project tries to respond to this heritage by transcribing its spirit, characterized by elegance and sobriety, a sense of historical continuity and harmony. The school is divided into two main entities: the kindergarten and elementary school, and the secondary school, and adding to this, support functions such as administrative offices, library, sports facilities, and an auditorium.


The organization of these different entities on the plot is decisive and influences the general layout of the project. Thus, the kindergarten and elementary schools are located on the southwest side of the plot with an annex entrance, allowing a better regulation of flows and better management of accesses. The secondary school is located on the northeast side of the plot and is articulated in an L-shape which frees maximum space for the playground and the outdoor sports area. The central area of the plot is occupied by the support functions which are linked together by a set of corridors on the ground floor and the upper levels.


The volume composition allows the maximum possible views, through framed perspectives.A landscape layout, between the main volumes and the adjoining roads, allows to the protection somehow indoor spaces from sunshine and urban noise.

该建筑试图同时做到精致、动感、简约和富有表现力,并试图通过强调水平和强烈的线条、简约和纯白的体量,以最佳方式适应拉巴特的建筑特征。这些体量通过大的缝隙得到加强,它们的皮肤通过一组垂直(和声学)遮阳板变得生动,并被粗糙的石墙包围在地面上,这是拉巴特现代主义学校的特点。一些体量还被摩洛哥传统的瓷砖 "zellige "序列所强调,给孩子们带来俏皮和快乐的感觉。

The architecture tries to be refined, dynamic, sobre and expressive at the same time and tries also to fit in the best way with the architectural identity of Rabat by highlighting horizontal and strong lines, sobre and pure white volumes. These volumes are enhanced by large slits, their skin is made vibrant by a set of vertical (and acoustic) sunshades, and are encamped on the ground by rough stone walls, characteristic of Rabat’s modernist schools. Some volumes are also highlighted by Moroccan traditional tiles “zellige” sequences, bringing a playful and joyful touch to children.


Most of the teaching spaces are distributed by outdoor covered corridors. This arrangement makes it possible to obtain opt     imal bi-ventilation and natural lighting for almost all teaching spaces, using proven passive solutions suitable for Rabat’s climate.

建筑师:Driss Kettani,Mohamed Amine Siana,Saad El Kabbaj

