2022年07月07日 22:00:14

    项目位于武汉市汉口区的模范区,紧邻吉庆街。是青岛路产居品质片核心项目,将作为武汉“老城新生”的模范作品打造。 The project located in the model area of Hankou Distric,near Jiqing Street,It39;s the core project of Qingdao road39;s industrial and residence area will be building as the Wuhan "The old newborn" model works.




The project located in the model area of Hankou Distric,near Jiqing Street,It39;s the core project of Qingdao road39;s industrial and residence area will be building as the Wuhan "The old newborn" model works.




In early 20th century,a new city was built with the most advanced ways by the Chinese elite in Hankou near ancienne concession.The aim is beyond the ancienne concession to be the model of Hankou, it was the most internationalized top level zone.



Model district as the origin of the spirit of the city of Hankou,hosting numerous legends and elite culture, it is the top of Chinese and Western cultural hybridities.Project locate here,is bound to continue the Spirit of city.



Designer study on the model area ways of life, To ”Lane“as a blueprint build accommodation. Restore the scenery of private garden in Hankou,  reproduct the beauty of modern celebrity.



Extraction of the core elements in the space to be polished ,to play with contemporary desigh method,heritage  the memory of sites.



The structure of lane showing a strong sense of the axis.  continuing this classic form in the project,taking the axis of symmetry and Sequence space layout to bulid it.



Demonstration area to "modern lane" design theme,create a  private garden club scene,integrating the ideal of Chinese and Western cultural hybridities.




The huge water occupies in the center of space, peaceful path corridor around the enclosure is a classic spatial structure of traditional Chinese - style private garden.Metropolitan style buildings,colonnade and complicated metal ornamental engraving give space of modern Western style.



Corridor is a typical Western - style colonnade, but the screen taking selected patterns of Chinese - style tracery element. During the walk, and feel the unique charm of the collision of Chinese and Western……



重重缩放的光带景框,是 “亭”的意象转译。尽端漂浮于水面之上的优雅舞女,伴随着涌泉的轻灵水声,在光影间翩翩旋转,仿佛风靡旧时光的西洋八音盒。

Many lighting frame as the substitute of " pavilion ".The elegant dancer float on the surface in the end,accompaning by the sound of water, rotating between shadow and light,like Western music box.




Sunshine dancing in the shade of a tree, the form of fountain like a champagne tower in the corner to express the best wishes to life, and every day is a new day.




Under the tree hide secret corners of the Fragrant Garden,with the sound of water.Mosaic pavement is the symbol of the Golden Age39;s decoration.Lighting design making an elegant and quiet atmosphere……



Make use of plant to divide the space into two regions about sinking box and umbrella seat.Not only provide a good place for pedestrians to have a rest,but also provide a sweet waiting point for the car owner.




The architecture and landscape echo with the same design symbols. Roman bells, circular steps and curved vaults, these symbolic design elements are used in the architecture and landscape, remembering the history of the site.



Hankou model , modern life



An excellent project landing is inseparable from the cooperation of Party A and Party B. Thanks to the high degree of control of Party A39;s team.In order to ensure the perfect presentation of the project, the designers have repeatedly rushed to the site to solve many problems.After continuous communication and on-site cooperation, it finally showed good results smoothly.




In order to highlight the elegant and modern temperament of the project, the material selection is mainly based on light colors. In order to ensure the harmony and unity of the overall effect, the designers have made multiple rounds of comparison of the material selection of each part.



In order to ensure the smooth transition of the arc and the surrounding area, and the delicacy of its own radian, that the stone and aluminum plate are shaped accurately. In particular, the curved wall in the corner has poured designer39;s many efforts: the main body is consist of 7 special processing stone that  is a continuous row of 24 semi-circular arcs, and the spacing of the arcs is carefully considered and the way of fix .Designers closely track the situation on site to achieve the best results.



以设计回溯历史,致敬经典。 以一座公园,陈述一种城市精神。设计以现代手法再续模范传奇,以中式格局结合西方符号,演绎模范区中西杂糅美学的精髓。礼序并存的空间,庄重典雅的氛围,静谧葱茏的体验。还原汉口黄金年代的私园胜景。居住其间,经典和现代并存,繁华与静谧共享,生活的序章以一种充满仪式感的方式拉开。

Retrospecting history through the design, pay tribute to the classic.Expressing the spirit of city with a park. The project mixes of Chinese and Western characteristics by modern design39;s method, to restore the Golden Age of private gardens highlights in Hankou.


项目名称:   越秀中交 - 星汇园   
摄       影:CHILL SHINE丘文三映  
项目地点:湖北 武汉 汉口历史文化风貌区  

注: 本文由万境景观供稿景观周发布


