栖息半山的心灵之所: 教堂
2022年05月24日 08:58:48

教堂设计是一种艺术精神的传承。 在几个世纪的人类历史发展中,这种艺术精神从未受到干扰。 Designing a church is a message of continuity with the spirit of art that has passed unperturbed through the centuries of humanity.



Designing a church is a message of continuity with the spirit of art that has passed unperturbed through the centuries of humanity.

—— Mario Cucinella

Santa Maria Goretti



MC A 设计的 Santa Maria Goretti教堂 ,宁静地矗立在意大利卡拉布里亚 山城莫曼诺 (Mormanno)的北部,俯瞰山峦起伏的 波利诺国家公园 (Pollino National Park)。

The Church, a sacred and solemn building, is the place where heaven and earth are connected, where transience and eternity interacted.

The church of Santa Maria Goretti, designed by MC A, stands peacefully in the north of Mormanno, a mountain city in Calabria, Italy, overlooks the ridges of  the Pollino National Park.

流线型的建筑外观来源于自然 不规则的四叶草有机形态 ,同时呼应前罗马帝国东部地区,由逃避追捕和迫害的僧侣们建造的简朴而美丽的卡拉布里亚教堂。 建筑线条蜿蜒伸展 ,极具 雕塑般的立体感 。是 历史与自然的交织 ,打造出最具 代表性的当代主义教堂 ,献给天主教最年轻的圣人 玛利亚·葛莱蒂 (Saint Maria Goretti (1890-1902))。

The streamlined appearance of the church is derived from nature, the organic form of irregular four-leaf clover, as well as in dialogue with the tradition of austere and beautiful apsidal Calabrian churches built by monks from the eastern reaches of the former Roman Empire escaping conquest and persecution. The building with stretch line and  strong three-dimension like a sculptural. It is the interweaving of history and nature to create the most  innovative contemporary church, dedicated to Saint Maria Goretti (1890-1902) - the Catholic Church’s youngest saint.




沿着场地东北侧的小径,一路俯瞰波利诺国家公园的壮观山脊。终点处, 16 m 高的Santa Maria Goretti 教堂犹如洁白优美的四叶草静静地绽放在半山, 与周围景观融为一体 。四片纯白色的花瓣构成教堂的四个内室, 以简约曲线连结 形成对主礼拜空间的拥抱之势 巨大 十字架状的教堂主入口 看似空间狭窄 ,实则是设计师利用 弯曲线条带来的错觉 。夜幕降临,十字架上的LED灯亮起, 建筑犹如一座为人们 指明方向的灯塔 ,别有一番明净沉醉的景致。

Follow the trail on the northeast side of the site, overlooking the spectacular ridges of Pollino National Park. At the end, the 16-meter-high Santa Maria Goretti Church blooms quietly in the middle of the mountain like a white and beautiful four-leaf clover, blending with the surrounding landscape. Four pure white petals form the four inner chambers of the church, which are connected by simple curves to form an embrace of the main worship space. The huge cross-shaped main entrance of the church seems to have a narrow space, but it is actually an illusion brought by the designer using curved lines. When night falls, the LED lights on the cross light up, and the building is like a lighthouse that points the way to people, with a clear and intoxicating scenery.

《圣经》 约翰一书 说道:“ 神就是光,在他毫无黑暗 ”。 “光”是教堂空间宗教情感表现和氛围营造的重要题材 。教堂 内部窗户不多 ,但设计巧妙地将 自然光引入 ,仿佛是上帝的启示,照亮内部空间。教堂顶部,一系列 半透明薄片曲线排布 自然垂落 分散光线 。天光经过 褶皱反射 光影洒落墙面 ,随着日夜和季节交替而变化,让人联想到 神秘的极光奇观 ,予以慰藉和启迪之感。

设计的灵感一方面受到 信徒虔心祈祷的启发 ,另一方面则来源于意大利罗马著名的巴洛克教堂, 四泉圣嘉禄堂和圣依华堂的 几何形状

The Bible, First Epistle of John says, "God is light, in him there is no darkness at all." "Light" is an important theme for religious emotional expression and atmosphere creation in church. There are not many windows inside the church, but the design cleverly introduces natural light, as if it is God's revelation, to illuminate the interior. At the top of the church, a series of translucent veils, like scenic drapes, are arranged in a curvilinear arrangement to disperse the light. The central space with skylight , reverberating natural light through its folds in a play of reflections that harks back to the mystical spectacle of the Northern Lights, thus creating anintimate and collected atmosphere.

The inspiration of the design is inspired by the faithful prayers of believers. Also, it is inspiredby the geometries of some of the most beautiful Baroque churches, such as  “San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane” and  “Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza” in Rome. 

每年 7月6日 ,玛利亚·葛莱蒂庆日这一天,一束阳光透过 巧妙设计的开口照射在祭坛背后的十字架上 。在此, 自然 艺术 建筑 宗教信仰 以及 象征主义 和谐共处 ,营造出宗教场所独特的精神境界。置身教堂,仿佛步入了永恒。
On June 6, the date of death of the Saint to whom the Church is dedicated, a beam of sunlight shines on the cross behind the altar through a cleverly designed opening. Here, nature, art, architecture, religious faith and symbolism work in spiritual harmony, creating a unique spiritual realm for religious sites. Being in a church is appears to stand outside time.

白色的外墙,镶嵌着意大利艺术家 朱塞佩·马拉尼洛 (Giuseppe Maraniello) 的作品,由 当地孩童以“苦路十四处”为主题创作的粘土砖 。教堂内部陈设该艺术家创作的 流线型雕塑 作品 ,如圣母玛利亚雕像、圣水池等。室内家具由 MC D(Mario Cucinella Design) 设计,简朴的设计旨在 突出建筑和雕塑元素 与教堂构成一个有机的整体

室内墙壁采用 混合大麻纤维和石灰的灰泥 手工打磨 而成。略带斑驳、大地色调的表面,营造宁静的平和感。

The white exterior walls are inlaid with the work of Italian artist Giuseppe Maraniello. They are the clay bricks created by thechildren of the local community with the theme of "Via Crucis". The interior displays streamlined sculptures created by the artist, such as the figure of the Virgin Mary, the Holy water font, etc. The furnishings in wood and steel, designed by MC D - Mario Cucinella Design, have been deliberately conceived with a minimal and austere design, to highlight the architectural and sculptural elements, forming an organic whole with the church.

The earth-toned interior walls are hand-finished with plaster mixed with hemp fibers and lime in slightly mottled to create a sense of serene peace.




Santa Maria Goretti 教堂南侧为新建的 教区综合体 ,供教会和非教会社区内的所有居民使用。教区综合体由 基础的十字平面变化 而成 ,围绕 中央绿色庭院 布置活动室、教室和牧师宿舍等。屋顶采用 绿色植被覆盖 美化环境 保护建筑结构层 的同时, 有效的增加了建筑节能效应

The south of Santa Maria Goretti is the new parish complex for all residents in community. The parish complex is transformed from a basic cross plane, with activity rooms, classrooms and priests' dormitories arranged around a central green courtyard. The roof is covered with green vegetation to beautify the environment and protect the structural layer of the building, while effectively increasing the energy-saving effect of the building.

屋顶靠近教堂的北侧设计为 扇形 ,与教堂的 四叶草形式相呼应 。而神职人员可从祭坛后方,通过 隐藏于墙壁内的圣器室 进入教堂。此外, 教堂钟也隐藏在墙壁之内 ,柔和清亮的萦绕回响于教堂四周。

The north side of the roof near the church is fan-shaped, echoing the four-leaf clover form of the church. The clergy can enter the church from behind the altar through the sacristy hidden in the walls. In addition, the bell is also hidden within the walls, and the soft and clear lingering echoes around the church.




项目将 可持续目标 被动设计原则 相结合, 降低能源消耗,优化建筑性能 屋顶花园 中央庭院 有机种植花园 构成建筑的 绿色缓冲区 形成微气候 节约了被动室内降温所需的能源 。采用 自然通风和采光 ,最大限度地 减少了空调和人工照明 的使用。室内一系列悬挂在天花板上的 半透明 面纱 漫射自然光 避免环境中的眩光现象 ,为祈祷和冥想营造出 温暖却有力的宗教空间氛围 。多种节能技术的综合运用使Santa Maria Goretti教堂获得 A 级能源认证

The project combines sustainability goals with passive design to reduce energy consumption and optimize building performance. Roof gardens, central courtyards and organically grown gardens form the building’s green buffer zone, creating a microclimate that saves energy needed for passive indoor cooling. The use of natural ventilation and daylighting minimises the use of air conditioning and artificial lighting. Inside, a series of translucent veils suspended from the ceiling diffuse natural light and avoid glare in the environment, creating a warm yet powerful religious space for prayer and meditation. The combined use of various energy-saving technologies has given  the Church of Santa Maria Goretti a Class A energy certification .



The setting sun goes down, and night comes; day after day, year after year.

This beautiful little church is guarded in the mountains and forests. Compose a sacred dialogue between architecture, contemporary art and religion, giving people emotional belonging and protection of the soul.



▲教堂 平面图



位置 意大利,莫曼诺

时间 2022

团队 Mario Cucinella, Luca Sandri, Alberto Bruno, Alberto Casarotto, Emanuele Dionigi, Enrico Pintabona, Michele Roveri

效果图 MC A Engram

模型 MC A


艺术家 Giuseppe Maraniello

礼拜礼仪师 Don Amilcare Zuffi


结构工程 Milan Engineering

景观设计 Paolo Scuderi, Riccardo Giannoni

工程经理 Gaetano Leto

项目招标经理 Raffaele Boise


建设公司 Generali Costruzioni

天花顶棚 GiPlanet  


