珠海横琴口岸新名片 Aedas 从简陋的铁皮房到如今的高楼林立,历经四代变迁的横琴口岸见证了粤澳往来的发展历程,更是大湾区融合发展的一个微观缩影。在横琴口岸的桥头堡区域, Aedas全球设计董事温子先博士(Dr. Andy Wen )带领团队历时五年,打造出代表横琴蓬勃发展的全新地标——珠海横琴中冶?盛世国际广场项目,日前项目已竣工开业。 In the bridgehead area of Hengqin Port between Zhuhai and Macao, Aedas has recently completed the MCC?Shengshi International Plaza — a new landmark representing the area’s evolution, with its integration of retail and offices.
从简陋的铁皮房到如今的高楼林立,历经四代变迁的横琴口岸见证了粤澳往来的发展历程,更是大湾区融合发展的一个微观缩影。在横琴口岸的桥头堡区域, Aedas全球设计董事温子先博士(Dr. Andy Wen )带领团队历时五年,打造出代表横琴蓬勃发展的全新地标——珠海横琴中冶?盛世国际广场项目,日前项目已竣工开业。
In the bridgehead area of Hengqin Port between Zhuhai and Macao, Aedas has recently completed the MCC?Shengshi International Plaza — a new landmark representing the area’s evolution, with its integration of retail and offices.
项目紧邻珠海横琴口岸,与澳门隔海相望,是连接横琴新区和澳门的重要纽带地段,步行可达口岸大楼、城际铁路横琴站以及莲花大桥,交通便捷,区位优势显著。 “这是个特别的地块,出入关的车流抬眼可及,我们需要在有限的高度与高楼林立的口岸建筑中,寻求突破,打造一座代表横琴的地标性城市综合体。” 温子先博士如是说。
"We sought to create a landmark urban complex that rises above the surrounding warren of high-rise buildings and reflect its significance as an important link between Hengqin New Area and Macau," says Aedas Global Design Principal Dr. Andy Wen.
A new landmark in Hengqin
The site
The building form is modeled on the movements of dragon fish tail. Floor plates are designed with dynamic curves to create a staggered, fluid building mass. This presents a rich visual image that effectively enhances the urban interface, provides additional green areas, and echoes the Hengqin Headquarters Building (Phase II) on the north side, which is also built by Aedas.
A fluid form inspired by the dragon fish
Echoe the Hengqin Headquarters Building (Phase II) on the north side
为兼顾通透的城市空间与动感的建筑体量,设计将板楼沿城市干道一侧中间分离镂空,形成南北两座塔楼,优化城市视觉通廊与场地自然通风。 并以5层体量的连桥连接南北塔楼,连桥内部容纳办公功能,兼顾场地通达性的同时,将场地价值与景观资源最大化。
The building is hollowed out to form two towers in the north and south respectively. This creates an urban visual corridor as well as help facilitate the natural ventilation of the site. The twin towers are connected by a 5-storey bridge, inside of which accommodates office functions, maximising site use and landscape resources.
Offices are afforded panoramic view of the city in the tower. Below is the retail podium, where a unique and vibrant roof garden is formed with featured retail villas and a dazzling cloud canopy, providing differentiated retail and dining experience for the consumers.
The undulating lines mediated by parametric technology
Facade lines like water waves
Dynamic building silhouette
The facade is composed of glass panels framed in aluminum plates conducive to energy saving, paired with black brushed stainless steel; the undulating lines mediated by parametric technology is reminiscent of rippling blue waves.
Podium roof commercial villa
团队基于多首层的设计,打造了多方向入口和飞天梯,引导不同方向人流,进行有效整合引导,形成便捷高效的动线,让多元的业态独立运行,同时又通过裙楼和空中连桥实现各业态以及南北双塔之间的无缝连接。 并在商业裙楼各层构建24小时全天候步行通廊,与城市步行系统无缝连接。开放的商业空间结合朝北的L型布局,和隔街相望的北侧地块商业形成商业环,激活片区发展。
The design heeds to details with respect to the atrium spaces in the development. For instance, the tall, cavernous space in the tower is topped with a glass canopy to introduce natural light into the interior while adding vitality to the roof garden.
The aerial bridge connects the twin towers
The design includes multi-directional entrances to guide the flow of people from all directions, engendering a convenient and efficient moving line. A 24-hour all-weather pedestrian corridor threads through the entire retail podium; coupled with the aerial bridge connecting the twin towers, the design artfully creates an integrated self-contained ecosystem within the development while seamlessly linked with its surroundings.
Tall atrium space in the tower
The outlines of the rooftop commercial villa and the podium echo each other
"We hope to present a building sculpture through flowing and elegant arcs, a becoming artistic statement for the port area’s sophisticated image." — Aedas Executive Director Dong Wei Wang.





温子先博士(Dr. Andy Wen),全球设计董事