2020年09月14日 15:14:41

“铜”墙外立面——办公楼 收录于话题 钢结构设计实战全程班(入门 提高 录播 答疑) Hammarbyterrassen办公楼位于HammarbySjostad的西侧,临近供热厂和以工业美学设计为特征的Hammarby湖泊。它与相邻的Skeppshandeln街区组成了一个建筑群, 这些建筑的立面相互影响, 并末端是SodraHammarbyhamnen的椭圆形公园广场。这些建筑也与Luma工厂相对应,并从中汲取了灵感。


钢结构设计实战全程班(入门 提高 录播 答疑)

Hammarbyterrassen办公楼位于HammarbySjostad的西侧,临近供热厂和以工业美学设计为特征的Hammarby湖泊。它与相邻的Skeppshandeln街区组成了一个建筑群, 这些建筑的立面相互影响, 并末端是SodraHammarbyhamnen的椭圆形公园广场。这些建筑也与Luma工厂相对应,并从中汲取了灵感。

The office building Hammarbyterrassen is located in the western part of Hammarby Sjostad, close to the heating plant and the Hammarby lake, which is characterized by its industrial design. Together with the adjacent quarter Skeppshandeln, it forms an ensemble of buildings with facades that interact with each other and end the oval park room in Sodra Hammarbyhamnen. These buildings are also a counterpart to the Luma factory and have taken inspiration from there.

外墙材料是铜和带有可见磨砂的不锈钢盒体。 铜作为外观材料,暗示了老式木制帆船中使用诸如铆钉和镀层等铜元素的材料,这种材料是腐蚀不敏感的材料,氧化物在其中形成保护层。

屋顶覆盖着景天属,草坪和铺砌的露台,露台上可一览无余海景。 该建筑旨在实现BREEAM-SE级环境认证标准。

The facade material is copper and stainless-steel cassettes with visible scrubs. Copper as a facade material alludes to the materials in older wooden sailing vessels with copper elements such as rivets and cladding, a corrosion-insensitive material where the oxide formed a protective layer. The roof is covered with sedum, grass, and a paved terrace with some sea glimpses and views in all directions. The building aims to meet the criteria for environmental certification BREEAM-SE level Very good.

Fabege是业主和产权人,租户是再见堪萨斯工作室(Goodbye Kansas Studios ),该工作室其在视觉特效,CGI,动作捕捉和动画方面的屡获大奖,而且在电视,电影,游戏预告片和商业广告中扮演了一个角色,这些角色定义了全世界的流行文化。

再见堪萨斯工作室(Goodbye Kansas Studios )在过去两年中将员工人数增加了一倍,并在国外开设了两家分支机构。


Fabege is the client and property owner. The tenant is Goodbye Kansas, one of Sweden's fastest-growing companies in the animation, gaming, and special effects industry. The company is behind effects in the TV series "The walking dead" as well as digital visual effects for games, feature films, and advertising for customers all over the world. Goodbye Kansas has doubled its staff in the last two years and started two branches abroad. Now they gather the staff in Hammarbyterrassen where they also have room for a Motion-Capture studio with almost eight meters ceiling height. 





建筑师:AIX Arkitekter







