2020年08月20日 11:32:40

  城市的物质空间是生活基础设施的集合。 基础设施(Infrastructure)的英文前缀“Infra”指代“底层”,概括了人们对于这些设施系统的基本理解,即它们是容易被忽略的,或存在于地下,又或是处于视野之外的。 对基础设施的这种定义,体现的是其单一的功能性,一种与商业,文化和生态的机械关系,以及对地理和自然系统的工程式的理解。


城市的物质空间是生活基础设施的集合。 基础设施(Infrastructure)的英文前缀“Infra”指代“底层”,概括了人们对于这些设施系统的基本理解,即它们是容易被忽略的,或存在于地下,又或是处于视野之外的。 对基础设施的这种定义,体现的是其单一的功能性,一种与商业,文化和生态的机械关系,以及对地理和自然系统的工程式的理解。

设计行业的机会来自于重新想象基础设施在城市中扮演的角色,并拓展我们对基础设施本身的理解。 从“底层”引入这些设施,使其成为生命和生活的基础。将文化和生态系统融合到功能框架中。最终从无数的基础设施——包括公园,街道,水系统,基站,电网等——中创造出一个充满活力的系统。以颂扬活动和文化,减少人类活动对气候环境的长期影响,并将我们与我们赖以生存的生态系统连接起来。

建道ArchiDogs 特别邀请到 SMM (Spackman Mossop Michaels) 联合创始人/负责人 Wes Michaels ,全新解读城市基础设施 SMM 是美国知名景观事务所,实践项目曾多次获得ASLA、AIA、IFLA等景观行业大奖。

The physical city is a collective infrastructure for living. Infra—meaning below—epitomizes our fundamental understanding of these systems, that they are not to be seen, they exist below the ground, or below our vision. This approach to infrastructure assumes a singular functionality, a mechanistic relationship to commerce, culture and ecology, and an engineered understanding of geography and natural systems.
The opportunity for the design community is to reimagine the role infrastructure plays in our cities—and to expand our understanding of the idea of infrastructure itself. To bring infrastructure from “below” and make it an infrastructure for life and living. To blend cultural and ecological systems into the framework of functionality. And to ultimately create a vibrant system out of the myriad of infrastructures—parks, streets, water systems, cell towers, electrical grids—that celebrate life and culture, reduce our long-term impacts on the climate, and connect us to ecological systems that sustain us.


Wes Michaels

Suprastructure, Ecostructure, Vivastructure


北京时间 8月23日 (周日) 早 10:00 am

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Wes Michaels

SMM (Spackman Mossop Michaels) 联合创始人/负责人,美国注册景观建筑师,毕业于哈佛大学设计学院。 在美国路易斯安那州立大学的建筑设计系和景观规划设计系任职期间,是Urban Landscape Lab城市景观实验室的创始人与负责人。

Wes Michaels的作品专注于城市景观中文化与生态的融合, 分别于2018年、2012年、2009年和2008年获得美国景观建筑师协会 (ASLA)国家优秀奖, 并于2009年获得Fulbright奖学金,用于在斯堪的纳维亚半岛进行研究和旅行。他的设计作品曾在库珀-休伊特国家设计博物馆、格雷厄姆艺术基金会和加拿大建筑中心展出,并刊登于多家书籍杂志。

Wes Michaels is a Principal of Spackman Mossop Michaels landscape architects. His work is focused on the integration of culture and ecology in urban landscapes. Wes was awarded the ASLA National Award of Excellence in 2018, 2012, 2009 and 2008 and a Fulbright Fellowship in 2009 for research and travel in Scandinavia. His work has been exhibited at the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, The Graham Foundation for Fine Arts and the Canadian Centre for Architecture.

|SMM 公司介绍|

Spackman Mossop Michaels是一个在城市战略和景观建筑领域多次获奖的国际设计事务所。SMM的使命是为人们创造乐于使用的场所,即使是平凡的事物也能获得非凡而有意义的体验。SMM专注于寻找丰富城市环境的创造性解决方案,设计方法是基于对自然、社会和文化环境如何影响建筑环境设计以及技术现实的深刻理解。


Spackman Mossop Michaels is an award-winning international office for urban strategy and landscape architecture. Our mission is to create places that people love to use every day. We believe that as designers of public space we have a responsibility to transform the mundane into an extraordinary and meaningful experience.
Our approach to design is driven by a deep understanding of how the natural, social and cultural environments contribute to the design of the built environment as well as the technical realities of a project. We are focused on finding creative solutions that enrich the urban environment.
Our approach is both pragmatic and visionary in its search for new multi-functional and responsive urban systems. As we continue to work in the public realm, it is increasingly important to us that our work is both effective socially, and accessible to diverse communities.
Our practices in Sydney and New Orleans comprise teams of landscape architects, urban designers, architects, and planners committed to delivering high-quality outcomes. We take a multi-disciplinary approach to design and urbanism and the practice has extensive experience in small and large-scale master planning and design of multi-functional urban infrastructure.

Bowen Place Crossing ? SMM

Miller Park ? SMM

Redfern Park ? SMM

The Mid ? SMM

Habans Green Schoolyard, New Orleans
2020 ASLA Louisiana Honor Award

Rosa F. Keller Library and Community Center, New Orleans
2020 ASLA Louisiana Honor Award
2017 AIA/ALA Library Building Awards
2014 Louisiana Landmarks Society’s Award of Excellence in Historic Preservation
2014 AIA Louisiana Chapter Merit Award
2013 AIA Gulf States Honor Award
2013 AIA New Orleans Honor Award

Mussafer Hall, Tulane University, New Orleans
2019 AIA Louisiana Merit Award

Goldring/Woldenberg Complex, Tulane University, New Orleans
2019 AIA Louisiana Merit Award

The Schoolhouse, New Orleans
2019 AIA Louisiana Merit Award

Rose Collaborative, New Orleans
2019 Louisiana Landmarks Society Awards for Excellence in Historic Preservation

New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation, New Orleans
2019 Louisiana Landmarks Society Awards for Excellence in Historic Preservation

Copper Vine Wine Pub, New Orleans
2019 AIA New Orleans Industry Award in Landscape Design

Lamar Advertising Corporate Headquarters, Baton Rouge
2019 ASLA Louisiana Merit Award
2013 Good Design is Good Business Award
2012 American Architecture Award
2012 AIA Gulf States Honor Citation
2012 AIA New Orleans Merit Award
2012 Baton Rouge Good Growth Award
2009 AIA Louisiana Honorable Mention

1824 Sophie Wright Place, New Orleans
2018 Louisiana Landmarks Society’s Award of Excellence in Historic Preservation

St. Thomas and Ninth, New Orleans
2018 Louisiana Landmarks Society’s Award of Excellence in Historic Preservation

Bowen Place Crossing, Canberra
2017 IFLA Asia-Pac Landscape Architecture (LA) Awards for Excellence
2016 AILA National Award of Excellence for infrastructure design
2016 AILA ACT Award of Excellence for infrastructure design
2016 AIA National Walter Burley Griffin Award for Urban Design
2016 AIA ACT Canberra Medallion
2016 AIA ACT Sir John Overall Award for Urban Design
2016 Australia Award for Urban Design - small scale
2016 Planning Institute of Australia ACT Great Places Award 2016 WAN International Transport Award shortlist

Oatley Station Accessibility Upgrade, Sydney
2017Planning Institute of Australia NSW Great Place Award

Fitzgerald Neighborhood Revitalization Plan, Detroit
2017ASLA Award for Planning and Analysis

St. Roch Market, New Orleans
2016 Louisiana Landmarks Society’s Award of Excellence in Historic Preservation

New Orleans East Hospital Renovation, New Orleans
2015 AIA New Orleans Merit Award

Dwyer Canal Revitalization, New Orleans
2014 ASLA Louisiana Chapter Honor Award

Pitt Street Mall, Sydney
2013 AIA NSW Architecture Award for Urban Design

2013 AIA National Architecture Awards Commendation

Princes Wharf Shed No. 1, Hobart, Tasmania
2013 AILA NSW Urban Design Award
2013 AIA TAS Urban Design Award
2012 AIA TAS Public Architecture Commendation
2011 VIC Lighting Design Award

Pacific Highway Upgrade Glenugie, NSW
2013 AILA NSW Land Management Award

Humanities and Science Campus, Sydney
2012 AILA National Design Award 2011AIA ACT Urban Design Award 2011PIA Award (NCA)

Digital Drawing in Landscape Architecture (Book by Wes Michaels) 2012 ASLA Award for Excellence in Communication

Chinatown Public Domain Plan, Sydney
2012 AILA National Award for Urban Design
2010 AILA NSW Award of Excellence in Urban Design

Warragamba Dam Parklands, Sydney
2011AIA NSW Premier’s Award
2011AILA NSW Landscape Architecture Award for Design in

South West Growth Centre, Sydney
2011AILA NSW Landscape Architecture Award for Planning

Redfern Park Upgrade, Sydney
2010 AILA National Award for Urban Design 2009 AILA NSW Award for Landscape Design

Great Western Highway Leura to Katoomba, NSW
2010 AILA NSW Award for Excellence in Landscape Architecture for Road Infrastructure Projects
2007 RTA Staff Award for Excellence in Design

2002 AILA NSW Award for Excellence
2002 AILA NSW Project Award for Masterplanning 2002 RTA Urban Design Award

Scout Island Strategic Plan, City Park, New Orleans
2009 American Society of Landscape Architects Professional Awards, Award for Excellence, Analysis, and Planning

Couturie Forest Arboretum, City Park, New Orleans
2009 ASLA Award of Excellence in Analysis & Planning

NOCCA Vision Plan, New Orleans
2009 Louisiana APA Outstanding Planning Award

Great Western Highway Shell Corner, NSW
2008 AILA NSW Award for Excellence in Landscape Architecture on Road Infrastructure Projects

Viet Village Urban Farm, New Orleans
2008 ASLA Professional Awards, Award for Excellence, Landscape Planning
2008 AILA National Awards, Landscape Architecture Award, Landscape Planning

Darlinghurst Road, Sydney
2005 AILA NSW Commendation For Design in Landescape Architecture, Public Spaces

Camden Valley Way, NSW
2005 AILA NSW Award for Excellence for Planning in Landscape Architecture

Mount Anna Botanic Gardens, Sydney
2002 AILA NSW Merit Award for Planning in Landscape Architecture

Moore Park Bus Interchange, Sydney
2002 AILA NSW Project Award for Design

Cook and Phillip Park, Sydney
2002 AILA NSW Project Award, Achievement in Landscape Architecture 2001 AIA Architecture Award for Civic Design
2001 Australian Council of Building Design Professions (ACBDP) Urban Design in Australia Award

Devils Back Ridge Gardens, Western Sydney Regional Parklands
1997AILA NSW & ACT Chapter Merit Award, Parks

2020年09月08日 10:28:05



