庙东排骨于2014年在南京创立,近年来逐渐发展成一家大型餐饮品牌连锁企业。随着品牌的 开拓与员工的扩张,愈发需要效率更高氛围更好的环境作为工作支持,于是这个办公空间设 计便承担起激发工作活力与秩序的功能诉求。 Miaodong Spare Ribs was founded in Nanjing in 2014 and has gradually developed into a large-scale restaurant brand chain enterprise in recent years. With the development of the brand and the expansion of employees, an environment with a higher efficiency and a better atmosphere is increasingly needed as work support, so the design of this office space assumes the functional demands of stimulating work vitality and order.