Introduction 6
1.1 What is Component Engineering? 6
1.2 High Reliability Components 6
1.2.1 Hi-Rel Parts, High Reliability Components 7
1.3 The BathTub Curve 7
1.4 Operating Environment for Space Components 9
1.5 Hi-Rel vs. COTS 10
1.6 Design Approval 10
2.0 Component Procurement Systems
Fuzzy control is a practical alternative for a variety of challenging control applica-tions since it provides a convenient method for constructing nonlinear controllersvia the use of heuristic information. Suchheuristic information may come froman operator who has acted as a “human-in-the-loop” controller for a process.
This book, Basics of Fluid Mechanics, describes the fundamentals of fluid mechanics phenomena for engineers and others. This book is designed to replace all introductory textbook(s) or instructor’s notes for the fluid mechanics in undergraduate classes for engineering/science students but also for technical peoples.