Structural Forms
Structural forms, such as the beam or the arch ,have developed through the ages in relation to the availability of materials and the technology of the time. The arch, for instance, undoubtedly developed as a result of the availability of brick. In the technology of buildings .every structure must work against gravity ,which tends to pull everything down to the ground .A balance must therefore be attained between the force of gravity ,the shape of the structure ,and the strength of the material used. To provide a cover over a sheltered space and permit openings in the walls that surround it ,builders have developed four techniques are post and lintel, arch and vault, truss, and cantilever construction.


Underground Space Utilization
The rapid growth of world civilization will have a significant impact on the way humans live in the future. As the global population increases and more countries demand a higher standard of living, the difficulty of doing this is compounded by three broad trends: the conversion of agricultural land to development uses; the increasing urbanization of the world`s population; and growing concern for the maintenance and improvement of the environment, especially regarding global warming and the impact of population growth. Underground space utilization, as this chapter describes, offers opportunities for helping address these trends.