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Activities HighlightsLeaders’ exclusive visitWith a view to reporting the general picture of the wall material renovation and great fruits that have achieved in more than 10 years, to the Party and State Leaders, the organizing committee will invite Party and state leaders, and the leadership of the National People’s Congress, Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress in Beijing, the leadership of the CPPCC and the Standing Committee of the CPPCC in Beijing, Leaders of Depar
 The information release conference of International New Wall Materials and Energy-Saving buildingsTime: 9: 30-11:30 13:30-16:30 Sep. 26, 2007Venue: China International Exhibition Center Presence: representatives and experts of new wall materials enterprises of the United States, France, Germany, Japan and other developed countries; principals and representatives of wall materials enterprises of main wall materials reform cities.Content: to invite enterprises’ rep