吕元祥建筑师事务所 (RLP) 为职业训练局辖下的香港高等科技教育学院(THEi)兴建的新校舍位于香港柴湾区,预计于2016年竣工。设计摒弃香港常见的蛋糕形建筑,改以采用独特的双塔式设计,将以环保和社区为本为大前提。这也使得本项目在来自香港及亚太地区的90个参赛项目中脱颖而出,在新建筑单元—建筑设计项目评比中荣获2014年环保建筑大奖。Ronald Lu & Partners (RLP) worked with the Vocational Training Council (VTC) to create a new campus in Hong Kong for the Technological and Higher Education Institute (THEi).Instead of adopting a traditional building form, the community-oriented, sustainable campus used creative twin tower design, bringing it theGrand Award at the Green Building Awards 2014, in the New Building Category – Building Projects under Design, prevailing over 90 entries from Hong Kong and Asia-Pacific.
吕元祥建筑师事务所 (RLP) 为职业训练局辖下的香港高等科技教育学院(THEi)兴建的新校舍位于香港柴湾区,预计于2016年竣工。设计摒弃香港常见的蛋糕形建筑,改以采用独特的双塔式设计,将以环保和社区为本为大前提。这也使得本项目在来自香港及亚太地区的90个参赛项目中脱颖而出,在新建筑单元—建筑设计项目评比中荣获2014年环保建筑大奖。 Ronald Lu & Partners (RLP) worked with the Vocational Training Council (VTC) to create a new campus in Hong Kong for the Technological and Higher Education Institute (THEi).Instead of adopting a traditional building form, the community-oriented, sustainable campus used creative twin tower design, bringing it theGrand Award at the Green Building Awards 2014, in the New Building Category – Building Projects under Design, prevailing over 90 entries from Hong Kong and Asia-Pacific. 鸟瞰图 校园西北侧 THEi校舍旨在促进思想的交流,不仅局限在校园内,还包括从自然环境和社区中学习。它不论外观、建筑材料和室内设计,俱结合绿化和现代化,成功为学生创造舒适宽敞的学习环境。 设计考虑朝向,使夏季的自然风能够进入校舍,也令公共与校园内的绿化空间相互结合,绿化空间得以垂直向上延伸,形成“摩天绿化”。向海的一方开扬通风,和周边邻里、海湾以及连绵山脉毫无阻隔,互相连系;而面向架空铁路的一方仿如屏障,让学生远离噪音滋扰。 校舍低层的楼层设有公共设施,高层则是学校专用的空间,设计也因应用途而不尽相同:公用空间的弧型流线观赏心悦目,与采用了简洁直线条的塔楼形成有趣的建筑搭配。摩天绿化从校舍广场一直延伸到塔楼屋顶,既强调了核心空间的人性化,又统一了各部分的建筑构成元素。 Targeted for completion in 2016, the design focuses on integrating the school with the neighbourhood. The lower floors of the campus are home to shared campus and neighbourhood amenities, while the upper floors of the tower blocks are used exclusively by the institute. The architectural built forms reflect these distinct uses –the shared facilities have a benign organic form, while a simple rectilinear form was chosen for the tower blocks. This twin-block design¬– rarely seen in Hong Kong schools –opens the campus to an adjacent public park and the prevailing summer wind, embracing the outdoor public green space and extending it vertically through sky-rise greening via various terraces and “pocket spaces” located on multiple levels. RLP made wise use of resources through the whole building process by adopting sustainable design. By addinghumane, soft touches to the spaces between the blocks, the campus enjoysa high permeability of natural light and air, enhancing liveability and improving the environment of neighbourhood. 可持续发展概念图 南面外立面 北面外立面 垂直向上延伸的摩天绿化空間 项目的总绿化覆盖率达百分之四十,两个塔楼通过绿意盎然的人性化公共空间联结在一起。这些空间享有良好的自然采光和通风度,能提升整个校舍和周边邻里的宜居性。另外,THEi校舍加入大量可持续发展元素,包括南北朝向、遮阳装置、绿化外立面;独特的窗户设计能达到减低噪音、加强自然通风的效果; 而逾半建筑和工程采用模块设计,减省建造时间和物料应用。整幢建筑每年节省用水超过百分之三十。校园内种植超过 120 棵树和 33,000 棵灌木,大部份是本地物种,大大提高生物多样性,生态环境亦得以改善。 Green sustainable design features include a north-south building orientation, high building permeability, external shading and light shelves and a bioclimatic façade. Theinstitute will also improve thebiodiversity of the neighbourhood, thanks to the introduction of over 30,000 trees.These spaces also enjoy high permeability of light and air and preserve sightlines, enhancing the liveability of the campus and improving the environment of neighbourhood. 概念图 项目获得2014年新兴市场全球城市景观建筑大奖以及环保建筑大奖,并已成功取得香港绿建环评暂定铂金级认证。 The project has alsowon the Cityscape Awards for Emerging Markets 2014 and attainedaBEAM Plus Provisional Platinum Rating. 项目信息: 项目名称:香港高等科技教育学院新校 建筑设计:吕元祥建筑师事务所 建筑团队:梁杰文、梁文杰、叶颂文、余启昌、黄乐儿、陆沛灵、梁绰科、谭咏雯、刘升阳 地点:香港柴湾 委托人:职业训练局 顾问:土建及结构工程:Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd 建筑设备工程:栢诚(亚洲)有限公司 造价咨询:利比有限公司 景观设计:Earthasia Ltd. 声学顾问:Shen Milsom& Wilke Ltd. 功能:教育 竣工日期:2016年 占地面积:1公顷 建筑面积:39000㎡ 奖项:2014 年新兴市场全球城市景观建筑大奖 2014 年环保建筑大奖 - 大奖 |