我想找以下几篇冰蓄冷的外文论文,这几篇文章对我很重要 但是我找不到 希望大家能帮忙:1 A computer program for simulation of ice storage systems2 Descri ption of a steady-state cooling plant model developed for use in evaluating optimal control of ice thermal energy storage systems
1 A computer program for simulation of ice storage systems
2 Descri ption of a steady-state cooling plant model developed for use in evaluating optimal control of ice thermal energy storage systems
3 Methodologies for optimal control of chilled water systemwithout storage
4 A comparison of chiller priority,storage priority and optimal control of an ice storage system
5 Planning horizon for a predictive optimal controller for thermal storage systems
6 Cost optimal analysis and load shifting potentials of cold storage equipment