hwater@sl Lv.2
2004年09月14日 11:56:13

目前,截至2004年4月。世界上能够用到的GIS,水文,生态水文,水力,地下水,地表水,给排水等,软件及模型。以及 区域性水文,生态水文描叙;水文水力模型;洪水风险分析;防护控制法规;实践分析等等 , 在这里都有描叙及相关网络链接。不过是英文,总共有近200个。先发几个看看,<b>如果对大家有帮助的话。请回帖告知,我就慢慢全部发上来。请支持原创。</b><u>129 ArcView, </u>

目前,截至2004年4月。世界上能够用到的GIS,水文,生态水文,水力,地下水,地表水,给排水等,软件及模型。以及 区域性水文,生态水文描叙;水文水力模型;洪水风险分析;防护控制法规;实践分析等等 , 在这里都有描叙及相关网络链接。不过是英文,总共有近200个。


<u>129 ArcView, </u>

GIS tools software Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the ArcView mapping software.
URL http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/arcview/

<u>130 MGE Grid Analyst (MGGA), </u>

GIS tool software Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the Grid Analyst (MGGA) software
URL http://imgs.intergraph.com/

<u>131 Modelling and Decision Support Framework(MDSF), UK</u>

Webpage describing the MDSF is the Modelling and Decision Support
Framework. MDSF is a tool for the development of CFMPs (Catchment
Flood Management Plans).
URL http://www.mdsf.co.uk/

<u>109 MICROFEM,</u>

groundwater model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the MICROFEM model, a groundwater flow model for layered aquifer systems
URL http://www.microfem.com/

<u>137 MapInfo, </u>

GIS tool Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the MapInfo GIS tool, software for mapping and geographic analysis
URL http://www.mapinfo.com

<u>143 Techniques for estamating probability of failure of a dam, UK</u>

Online report describing methods for estimating the probability of dam failure
URL http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/water/rs/pdf/defra_rs_flood-etc-19.pdf

<u>128 ArcGIS</u>

GIS tools software Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the ArcGIS family of GIS software products. ArcGIS consists of ArcView, ArcEditor, ArcInfo, ArcIMS, andArcSDE.
URL http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/

<u>110 TriWaco, </u>

groundwater model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the Triwaco&reg; model, a groundwatermodel with exchange of data with ARCView/Info facilitates and GIS
URL http://www.triwaco.com/

<u>97 ISIS Flow, </u>

hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the ISIS flow model, river andflood plain flow simulations
URL http://www.wallingfordsoftware.com/products/isis/

<u>98 MODFLOW,</u>

hydrologic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the MODFLOW model family,
multifunctional groundwater models
URL http://water.usgs.gov/software/

<u>99 HEC-RAS, </u>

hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the HEC-RAS model, a steady flowmodel for river systems
URL http://www.bossintl.com/html/hec-ras_overview.html

<u>100 LISFLOOD-FP & J-FLOW,</u>

hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the LISFLOOD-FP & J-FLOWmodels, simulating spreading of water in floodplains
URL http://www.ggy.bris.ac.uk/research/hydrology/paul_research.htm

<u>101 Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH) </u>

Webpage describing the Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH), which gives guidance on rainfall and river flood frequency estimation in the UK based on GIS datasets.
URL http://www.nwl.ac.uk/ih/feh/

2004年09月07日 05:23:47
81 flood risk management strategy in UK Webpage at Environmental Agency, UK.,
contains a document on flood risk
management strategy formulated by the Environmental Agency in UK for the
years to come.
URL http://www.environmentagency.
82 flood risk management strategy in UK Document by the Environment Agency on flood
risk management strategy
formulated by the Environmental Agency in UK for the years to come
LocalFile kbase/82_UK_EPA_floodmanagement.pdf
83 national flood defence database in UK Webpage at DEFRA, descri ption of the
National Flood and Coastal Defence
Database (NFCDD) construction. Database is an inventory of all flood defence
works in UK
URL http://www.defra.gov.uk/environ/fcd/hltarget/nfcdd.htm
84 project on coastal flood risk assessment in UK Webpage at DEFRA, Shoreline
Management Plans (SMPs) provide a largescale
assessment of the risks associated with coastal processes and presents a
long term policy framework to reduce these risks to people and the developed,
historic and natural environme
URL http://www.defra.gov.uk/environ/fcd/policy/smp.htm
85 online flood maps of Scotland Webpage at the Scottish Environmental Protection
Agency (SEPA), announcement
of s plans to make flood maps available online.
URL http://www.floodrisknet.org.uk/news_items/News_Item.2003-10-
86 Flood management in UK Webpage describing the development of Catchment Flood
Plans (CFMPs) for all river catchments in England and Wales
URL http://www.mdsf.co.uk/about_cfmps.shtml
87 Flood management in UK Document describing the development of the Catchment Flood
Plans (CFMPs) for all river catchments in England and Wales
LocalFile kbase/87_UK_MDSF_flooddefences.pdf
88 flood an coastal defence in UK, RASP project Website describing of the RASP
project Risk Assessment for Strategic Planning.
To better understand the performance of flood and coastal defences it is
often necessary to consider "systems" of defences rather than single defences
in isolation.
URL http://www.rasp-project.net/
90 Descri ption of frequently used hydrologic and
hydrodynamic models, sources and availability
Spreadsheet with a list of frequently used hydrologic and hydrodynamic models
in Norway, The Netherlands, Sweden, UK, Denmark. Short descri ption,
availability and main applications.
LocalFile kbase/90_Models.xls
91 DEM of Sweden Webpage of Lantmateriet, availability of DEM URL
92 DEMs of European countries Webpage with a list of European countries and
availability of DEMs URL http://www.eurogeographics.org/gddd/lists/sp_53.htm
93 MITCH Online forum for discussion and debate, to assist hazard planning and
by disseminating start-of-the-art research, to match end user needs
with research community capability, to seek implementation pathways for
research results
URL http://www.mitch-ec.net/links.htm
94 DEMs of UK Webpage at NEXTMap Britain. This company brings you the most current,
accurate and affordable digital elevation and image data of England, Wales
and Scotland.
URL http://istore.intermaptechnologies.com/nm_britain.cfm
2004年09月07日 05:24:05
65 Swedisch flood risk assessment and insurance policy Document with descri ption of
Swedisch flood risk assessment and insurance,
EU Project INTEREST (2001-2002)
LocalFile kbase/65_S_Svedin_floodrisk.pdf
66 Food risk maps of Sweden Webpage at the Swedish Rescue Services Agency,
availability of flood risk
maps for Sweden.
LocalFile kbase/66_www.srv.se
67 flood risk in Sweden. Document on flood risk through increased sedimentation in
riverbeds, Sweden. LocalFile kbase/67_S_Darghai_sedimentation.pdf
68 Flood Risk Net. A network for flood risk research,
advances, publications and institutions
Webpage of tje Flood Risk Net. A network for flood risk research, advances,
publications and institutions
URL http://www.floodrisknet.org.uk/disciplines
69 DEMs, digital land use and land cover maps in UK Webpage at Ordnance Survey. A
variety of digital maps of the UK available
from this site. Good descri ptions of these products
URL http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/
70 DEM of UK Webpage at Ordnance Survey, the availability/ descri ption of PROFILEDEMs,
URL http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/products/landformprofil
71 DEM of UK Webpage at Ordnance Survey, the availability/ descri ption of Landform -
URL http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/products/landformpanor
72 DEM of UK Webpage at Environmental Agency, LIDAR DEM construction and availability
URL http://www.environmentagency.
73 SWECLIM; a project on climate change impact for
Webpage at Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturv&aring;rdsverket).
Descri ption and expected results of the SWECLIM project. An ongoing project
on climate change impact, Sweden
URL http://www.internat.naturvardsverket.se/index.php3?main=/documen
74 ADDRESS-POINT dataset with residential, business
and public postal addresses UK
Webpage at Ordnance Survey, descri ption and availablility of ADDRESSPOINT.
This dataset defines and locates residential, business and public postal
addresses in UK. It is created by matching information from Ordnance Survey
digital map databases with mo
URL http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/products/addresspoint/
75 digital land coverage map of UK Webpage at CEH, availability of land coverage map
of UK URL http://www.ceh.ac.uk/data/lcm/LCM2000.shtm
76 digital land coverage map of UK Document by CEH, descri ption of land coverage map
of UK LocalFile kbase/76_UK_CEHlandcoverage.pdf
77 UK flood management, regulations, policy Webpage at DEFRA, extensive information
on flood management in UK. Projects,
regulations, policy, all you need is there
URL http://www.defra.gov.uk/environ/fcd/default.htm
78 hydrogeologic and aquifer vulnerability maps of UK Webpage at British Geological
Survey, availability of color-printed hydrogeologic
and aquifer vulnerability maps
LocalFile kbase/78_http://www.bgs.ac.uk/bookshop/catalogue.cfm?id=4
79 geologic maps, UK Webpage at British Geological Survey, availability of color-
printed geologic
URL http://www.bgs.ac.uk/bookshop/catalogue.cfm?id=2
80 digital datasets in UK Webpage at the National Digital Archive of Datasets (NDAD),
as a part of The
National Archives. Online accessible digital data and documents from UK
central government departments
URL http://ndad.ulcc.ac.uk/access/
2004年09月07日 05:24:21
47 INTWIS spatial watermanagement database, the
Webpage describing the components of the INWIS a spatial watermanagement
database in the Netherlands
URL http://www.intwis.nl/index.htm
48 land use GIS of the Netherlands Webpage at Alterra/Wageningen University.
Availability and descri ption of
the LGN4: an updated land use GIS of the Netherlands (2000)
URL http://cgi.girs.wageningen-ur.nl/cgi/projects/lgn/index_uk.htm
49 Applications of a digital land use database in watermanagement,
the Netherlands
Document with examples of applications of the LGN4 digital land use database
in watermanagement, the Netherlands
LocalFile kbase/49_NL_WUR_LGNapplicationsinwatermanagement.pdf
50 DEM of the Netherlands Webpage at Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat.
descri ption and availability
of a laser altrimetry based DEM of the Nethelands (AHN, Algemeen Hoogtebestand
URL http://www.minvenw.nl/rws/mdi/geoloket/ahn.html
51 DEM of the Netherlands PDF document of website at Ministerie van Verkeer en
Waterstaat. descri ption
and availability of a laser altrimetry based DEM of the Nethelands (AHN,
Algemeen Hoogtebestand Nederland):
LocalFile kbase/51_NL_MinVWS_AHNtop10.pdf
52 geohydrologic and groundwater GIS database for
the Netherlands
Website at the Dutch Geological Survey. Descri ption of REGIS, a geohydrologic
and groundwater GIS database for the Netherlands
URL http://www.nitg.tno.nl/ned/projects/regis/index.shtml
53 geohydrologic and groundwater GIS database for
the Netherlands
Document with a escri ption of REGIS, a geohydrologic and groundwater GIS
database for the Netherlands
LocalFile kbase/53_NL_NITGTNO_REGIS2.pdf
54 comprehensive descri ption of Norwegian hydrogeology
Document with comprehensive descri ption of Norwegian hydrogeology LocalFile
55 flood risk management in Norway Document with functional descri ption of Norwegian
flood risk management LocalFile kbase/55_N_Ingebrigt_floodmanagement.doc
56 water resources management in Norway Document with descri ption of water resources
management in Norway LocalFile kbase/56_N_Ingebrigt_floodrm&wrm.pdf
57 hydrology and hydrogeology of the Netherlands Document with descri ption of
hydrology of the Netherlands LocalFile
kbase/57_NL_vanHelvoortt_hydrologicdescri ption.pdf
58 Flood risk assessment project Website of EU project EUROTAS. This is a project on
river flooding. Aim =
to develop and demonstrate tools and procedures for the assessment and management
of flood risk, including the effects of environmental change
URL http://www.hrwallingford.co.uk/projects/EUROTAS/
59 geohydrologic and groundwater GIS database for
the Netherlands
Document with a escri ption of REGIS, a geohydrologic and groundwater GIS
database for the Netherlands
LocalFile kbase/59_NL_denBesten_REGIS.pdf
60 Danish hydrologic modelling software, the MIKE
model family
Webpage describing vailablilty of MIKE models family. MIKE11, MIKE21,
URL http://www.dhisoftware.com/index.htm
61 Dutch hydrological modeling software: Delft3D,
and SOBEK models family
Webpage at WLDelft. Availability of hydrological modeling software: Delft3D,
and SOBEK models family
URL http://www.wldelft.nl/soft/intro/index.html
2004年09月07日 05:25:12
84 project on coastal flood risk assessment in UK Webpage at DEFRA, Shoreline
Management Plans (SMPs) provide a largescale
assessment of the risks associated with coastal processes and presents a
long term policy framework to reduce these risks to people and the developed,
historic and natural environme
URL http://www.defra.gov.uk/environ/fcd/policy/smp.htm
85 online flood maps of Scotland Webpage at the Scottish Environmental Protection
Agency (SEPA), announcement
of s plans to make flood maps available online.
URL http://www.floodrisknet.org.uk/news_items/News_Item.2003-10-
86 Flood management in UK Webpage describing the development of Catchment Flood
Plans (CFMPs) for all river catchments in England and Wales
URL http://www.mdsf.co.uk/about_cfmps.shtml
87 Flood management in UK Document describing the development of the Catchment Flood
Plans (CFMPs) for all river catchments in England and Wales
LocalFile kbase/87_UK_MDSF_flooddefences.pdf
88 flood an coastal defence in UK, RASP project Website describing of the RASP
project Risk Assessment for Strategic Planning.
To better understand the performance of flood and coastal defences it is
often necessary to consider "systems" of defences rather than single defences
in isolation.
URL http://www.rasp-project.net/
90 Descri ption of frequently used hydrologic and
hydrodynamic models, sources and availability
Spreadsheet with a list of frequently used hydrologic and hydrodynamic models
in Norway, The Netherlands, Sweden, UK, Denmark. Short descri ption,
availability and main applications.
LocalFile kbase/90_Models.xls
91 DEM of Sweden Webpage of Lantmateriet, availability of DEM URL
92 DEMs of European countries Webpage with a list of European countries and
availability of DEMs URL http://www.eurogeographics.org/gddd/lists/sp_53.htm
93 MITCH Online forum for discussion and debate, to assist hazard planning and
by disseminating start-of-the-art research, to match end user needs
with research community capability, to seek implementation pathways for
research results
URL http://www.mitch-ec.net/links.htm
94 DEMs of UK Webpage at NEXTMap Britain. This company brings you the most current,
accurate and affordable digital elevation and image data of England, Wales
and Scotland.
URL http://istore.intermaptechnologies.com/nm_britain.cfm
95 PPG25: development and flood risk (new guidance
note) in UK
Webpage at the Office of the deputy prime minister (UK). Descri ption of
PPG25: development and flood risk (new guidance note)
URL http://www.odpm.gov.uk/stellent/groups/odpm_control/documents/cont
96 Floodrisk assessment in UK Document describing some recent issues in flood risk
management developments
LocalFile kbase/96_UK_Huband_floodriskassessment

46 maps of average runoff/ precipitation/ evaporation/
recharge in Denmark
Document with maps of average (1971-1998) runoff/ precipitation/ evaporation/
recharge in Denmark
LocalFile kbase/46_DK_DMU_meteo&waterbalancemaps.pdf
2004年09月07日 05:25:41
73 SWECLIM; a project on climate change impact for
Webpage at Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturv&aring;rdsverket).
Descri ption and expected results of the SWECLIM project. An ongoing project
on climate change impact, Sweden
URL http://www.internat.naturvardsverket.se/index.php3?main=/documen
74 ADDRESS-POINT dataset with residential, business
and public postal addresses UK
Webpage at Ordnance Survey, descri ption and availablility of ADDRESSPOINT.
This dataset defines and locates residential, business and public postal
addresses in UK. It is created by matching information from Ordnance Survey
digital map databases with mo
URL http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/products/addresspoint/
75 digital land coverage map of UK Webpage at CEH, availability of land coverage map
of UK URL http://www.ceh.ac.uk/data/lcm/LCM2000.shtm
76 digital land coverage map of UK Document by CEH, descri ption of land coverage map
of UK LocalFile kbase/76_UK_CEHlandcoverage.pdf
77 UK flood management, regulations, policy Webpage at DEFRA, extensive information
on flood management in UK. Projects,
regulations, policy, all you need is there
URL http://www.defra.gov.uk/environ/fcd/default.htm
78 hydrogeologic and aquifer vulnerability maps of UK Webpage at British Geological
Survey, availability of color-printed hydrogeologic
and aquifer vulnerability maps
LocalFile kbase/78_http://www.bgs.ac.uk/bookshop/catalogue.cfm?id=4
79 geologic maps, UK Webpage at British Geological Survey, availability of color-
printed geologic
URL http://www.bgs.ac.uk/bookshop/catalogue.cfm?id=2
80 digital datasets in UK Webpage at the National Digital Archive of Datasets (NDAD),
as a part of The
National Archives. Online accessible digital data and documents from UK
central government departments
URL http://ndad.ulcc.ac.uk/access/
Wp1A “Mapping and Modelling Inventory” - Final report
81 flood risk management strategy in UK Webpage at Environmental Agency, UK.,
contains a document on flood risk
management strategy formulated by the Environmental Agency in UK for the
years to come.
URL http://www.environmentagency.
82 flood risk management strategy in UK Document by the Environment Agency on flood
risk management strategy
formulated by the Environmental Agency in UK for the years to come
LocalFile kbase/82_UK_EPA_floodmanagement.pdf
83 national flood defence database in UK Webpage at DEFRA, descri ption of the
National Flood and Coastal Defence
Database (NFCDD) construction. Database is an inventory of all flood defence
works in UK
URL http://www.defra.gov.uk/environ/fcd/hltarget/nfcdd.htm
2004年09月07日 05:26:01
59 geohydrologic and groundwater GIS database for
the Netherlands
Document with a escri ption of REGIS, a geohydrologic and groundwater GIS
database for the Netherlands
LocalFile kbase/59_NL_denBesten_REGIS.pdf
60 Danish hydrologic modelling software, the MIKE
model family
Webpage describing vailablilty of MIKE models family. MIKE11, MIKE21,
URL http://www.dhisoftware.com/index.htm
61 Dutch hydrological modeling software: Delft3D,
and SOBEK models family
Webpage at WLDelft. Availability of hydrological modeling software: Delft3D,
and SOBEK models family
URL http://www.wldelft.nl/soft/intro/index.html
62 Swedish hydrodynamic modeling, the HBV model. Webpage at SMHI, availability of the
HBV model, choose Hydrology from the
main menu at the homepage, then HBV model
URL http://www.smhi.se/en/index.htm
63 Flood defence and damage insurance in the UK Webpage at water department of
Halcrow Consultancy, UK URL http://www.halcrow.com/halcrow_water.asp
64 Flood damage insurance policy in UK Document with descri ption of UK flood damage
insurance policy, as a part of
EU Project INTEREST (2001-2002)
LocalFile kbase/64_UK_Duglolecki_floodinsurance.pdf
65 Swedisch flood risk assessment and insurance policy Document with descri ption of
Swedisch flood risk assessment and insurance,
EU Project INTEREST (2001-2002)
LocalFile kbase/65_S_Svedin_floodrisk.pdf
66 Food risk maps of Sweden Webpage at the Swedish Rescue Services Agency,
availability of flood risk
maps for Sweden.
LocalFile kbase/66_www.srv.se
67 flood risk in Sweden. Document on flood risk through increased sedimentation in
riverbeds, Sweden. LocalFile kbase/67_S_Darghai_sedimentation.pdf
68 Flood Risk Net. A network for flood risk research,
advances, publications and institutions
Webpage of tje Flood Risk Net. A network for flood risk research, advances,
publications and institutions
URL http://www.floodrisknet.org.uk/disciplines
69 DEMs, digital land use and land cover maps in UK Webpage at Ordnance Survey. A
variety of digital maps of the UK available
from this site. Good descri ptions of these products
URL http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/
70 DEM of UK Webpage at Ordnance Survey, the availability/ descri ption of PROFILEDEMs,
URL http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/products/landformprofil
71 DEM of UK Webpage at Ordnance Survey, the availability/ descri ption of Landform -
URL http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/products/landformpanor
72 DEM of UK Webpage at Environmental Agency, LIDAR DEM construction and availability
URL http://www.environmentagency.
2004年09月07日 05:26:27

46 maps of average runoff/ precipitation/ evaporation/
recharge in Denmark
Document with maps of average (1971-1998) runoff/ precipitation/ evaporation/
recharge in Denmark
LocalFile kbase/46_DK_DMU_meteo&waterbalancemaps.pdf
47 INTWIS spatial watermanagement database, the
Webpage describing the components of the INWIS a spatial watermanagement
database in the Netherlands
URL http://www.intwis.nl/index.htm
48 land use GIS of the Netherlands Webpage at Alterra/Wageningen University.
Availability and descri ption of
the LGN4: an updated land use GIS of the Netherlands (2000)
URL http://cgi.girs.wageningen-ur.nl/cgi/projects/lgn/index_uk.htm
49 Applications of a digital land use database in watermanagement,
the Netherlands
Document with examples of applications of the LGN4 digital land use database
in watermanagement, the Netherlands
LocalFile kbase/49_NL_WUR_LGNapplicationsinwatermanagement.pdf
50 DEM of the Netherlands Webpage at Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat.
descri ption and availability
of a laser altrimetry based DEM of the Nethelands (AHN, Algemeen Hoogtebestand
URL http://www.minvenw.nl/rws/mdi/geoloket/ahn.html
51 DEM of the Netherlands PDF document of website at Ministerie van Verkeer en
Waterstaat. descri ption
and availability of a laser altrimetry based DEM of the Nethelands (AHN,
Algemeen Hoogtebestand Nederland):
LocalFile kbase/51_NL_MinVWS_AHNtop10.pdf
52 geohydrologic and groundwater GIS database for
the Netherlands
Website at the Dutch Geological Survey. Descri ption of REGIS, a geohydrologic
and groundwater GIS database for the Netherlands
URL http://www.nitg.tno.nl/ned/projects/regis/index.shtml
53 geohydrologic and groundwater GIS database for
the Netherlands
Document with a escri ption of REGIS, a geohydrologic and groundwater GIS
database for the Netherlands
LocalFile kbase/53_NL_NITGTNO_REGIS2.pdf
54 comprehensive descri ption of Norwegian hydrogeology
Document with comprehensive descri ption of Norwegian hydrogeology LocalFile
55 flood risk management in Norway Document with functional descri ption of Norwegian
flood risk management LocalFile kbase/55_N_Ingebrigt_floodmanagement.doc
56 water resources management in Norway Document with descri ption of water resources
management in Norway LocalFile kbase/56_N_Ingebrigt_floodrm&wrm.pdf
57 hydrology and hydrogeology of the Netherlands Document with descri ption of
hydrology of the Netherlands LocalFile
kbase/57_NL_vanHelvoortt_hydrologicdescri ption.pdf
58 Flood risk assessment project Website of EU project EUROTAS. This is a project on
river flooding. Aim =
to develop and demonstrate tools and procedures for the assessment and management
of flood risk, including the effects of environmental change
URL http://www.hrwallingford.co.uk/projects/EUROTAS/
2004年09月07日 05:27:00
29 construction of flood risk maps and inundation
Webpage at NVE, describing the construction of flood risk maps and inundation
maps in Norway
URL http://www.nve.no/modules/module_109/publisher_view_product.asp?iE
30 construction of flood risk maps and inundation
Webpage at NVE, describing the construction of flood risk maps and inundation
maps in Norway
LocalFile kbase/30_N_floodinundationsite.pdf
31 flood risk maps and inundation maps Document with example of flood risk maps and
inundation maps for Norway LocalFile kbase/31_N_NVE_floodmap
32 methods and facilities for flood forecasting Webpage of NVE. Flood forecasting by
NVE, methods and facilities for flood
URL http://www.nve.no/modules/module_109/publisher_view_product.asp?b
33 HYDRA II project, construction of hydrologic
database of Norway
Webpage at NVE describing the HYDRA II project, a hydrologic database of
Norway, partially online available
URL http://www.nve.no/modules/module_109/publisher_view_product.asp?b
34 HYDRA II project, construction of hydrologic
database of Norway
Document by NVE describing the HYDRA II project, a hydrologic database
of Norway, partially online available
LocalFile kbase/34_N_NVE_hydrologicdata.pdf
35 hydrology of Norway Webpage at NVE with descri ption of the hydrology of Norway URL
36 descri ption of the hydrology of Norway Document of webpage (at NVE with
descri ption of the hydrology of Norway LocalFile kbase/36_N_NVE_hydrology.pdf
37 insurance regulation of flood damage in Norway Webpage describing the Norwegian
Pool of Natural Perils. This is an national
insurance regulation for disastrous floods in Norway
URL http://www.naturskade.no/
38 insurance regulation for flood damage in Norway Document of the website of the
Norwegian Pool of Natural Perils. This is an
national insurance regulation for disastrous floods in Norway
LocalFile kbase/38_N_Norsknaturskadepool.pdf
39 the national action plan against floods in Norway Webpage with link to document
containing the summary of the NOU 1996:16
report. This report describes the national action plan against floods, Norway
URL http://www.odin.dep.no/odin/engelsk/index-b-n-a.html
40 the national action plan against floods in Norway Document containing the summary
of the NOU 1996:16 report. This report
describes the national action plan against floods, Norway
LocalFile kbase/40_N_ODIN_summaryreportNOU199616.pdf
41 Flood forecasting in Denmark, methods and facilities
Webpage describing Danish flood forecasting by DHI, methods and facilities URL
42 Flood forecasting in Denmark, methods and facilities
Document describing Danish flood forecasting by DHI, methods and facilities LocalFile
43 floodmapping in Denmark, methods and facilities Webpage about floodmapping DHI,
methods and facilities URL
44 floodmapping in Denmark, methods and facilities Document, describing floodmapping
at DHI, methods and facilities LocalFile kbase/44_DK_DHI_floodmapping.pdf
45 maps of average runoff/ precipitation/ evaporation/
recharge in Denmark
Webpage with maps of average (1971-1998) runoff/ precipitation/ evaporation/
recharge in Denmark
URL http://www.dmu.dk/1_viden/2_Publikationer/3_fagrapporter/abstrakter/
Wp1A “Mapp
2004年09月07日 05:27:19
1 CV of Arnold Lobbrecht This is the CV of Arnold Lobbrecht (in PDF) format LocalFile
2 CV Slavco Velickov This is the CV of Slavco Velickov (PDF) URL
13 hydrological modeling software Webpage at DHI, availability of hydrological
modeling software DHI
Water & Environment
URL http://www.dhi.dk/Consulting/RiversLakes/FloodManagement/
14 flood damage calculation in Denmark Webpage at DHI, flood damage calculation in
Denmark by DHI Water &
URL http://www.dhi.dk/Consulting/RiversLakes/FloodManagement/Dama
15 flood damage calculation in Denmark Document describing flood damage calculation
in Denmark by DHI Water
& Environment
LocalFile kbase/15_DK_DHI_damageassessment.pdf
16 descri ption and availability of DEM of denmark Webpage at KMS, descri ption and
availability of DEM of denmark URL http://www.kms.dk/research/geodesy/index_en.html?
17 descri ption and availability of DEM of denmark Document of webpage at KMS,
descri ption and availability of DEM of
denmark produced by KMS
LocalFile kbase/17_DK_KMS_DEM.pdf
18 descri ption and availability of TOP10 of denmark
Webpage at KMS, descri ption and availability of TOP10 of denmark,
available at KMS
URL http://www.kms.dk/geodata/topografiske/index_en.html
19 descri ption and availability of TOP10 of denmark
Document with descri ption and availability of TOP10 of denmark, available
at KMS
LocalFile kbase/19_DK_KMS_top10.pdf
20 HYDBAS Document by GLB with descri ption of HYDBAS. HYDBAS is a Windows-
based info/ forecast system for data collection, monitoring and surveillance
of regulated river systems with hydropower production in Norway
LocalFile kbase/20_N_GLB_HYDBAS.pdf
21 Runoff forecasting for hydropower purposes in
general in Norway
Webpage describing the 1995-flood in southeastern Norway- it’s forecasting
and it’s abatement
URL http://home.online.no/~danlund/flood95.htm
22 Hydrologic descri ption of the Glommen and
Laagen river catchment.
Document with hydrologic descri ption of the Glommen and Laagen river
catchment, a large catchment in south Norway
LocalFile kbase/22_N_Lundquist_norwegianhydrology.pdf
23 Flood management and hydropower in Norway Document describing flood regulation by
hydropower works in Norway LocalFile
24 National groundwater model Denmark Document describing the construction of
national groundwater model, a
project carried out by GEUS
LocalFile kbase/24_DK_GEUS_nationalgroundwatemodel.pdf
25 National groundwater model of Denmark Document describing the construction of
national groundwater model, a
project carried out by GEUS
URL http://vandmodel.dk/national_water_model.html
26 Flood risk and flood mapping in UK Weblink to powerpoint presentation of floodrisk
mapping in UK, by Atkins.
URL http://www.bcs.org.uk/siggroup/fortran/2003/porting/frzmp.html
27 groundwater resources in Norway Webpage at NGU with introductory information of
groundwater resources
in Norway
URL http://www.ngu.no/index.asp?strURL=modules%2Fmodule%5F109
28 groundwater database of Norway Document with short descri ption of the groundwater
database for Norway
under construction
LocalFile kbase/28_N_groundwaterdatabase.pdf
2004年09月07日 05:28:45

