hwater@sl Lv.2
2004年09月14日 11:56:13

目前,截至2004年4月。世界上能够用到的GIS,水文,生态水文,水力,地下水,地表水,给排水等,软件及模型。以及 区域性水文,生态水文描叙;水文水力模型;洪水风险分析;防护控制法规;实践分析等等 , 在这里都有描叙及相关网络链接。不过是英文,总共有近200个。先发几个看看,<b>如果对大家有帮助的话。请回帖告知,我就慢慢全部发上来。请支持原创。</b><u>129 ArcView, </u>

目前,截至2004年4月。世界上能够用到的GIS,水文,生态水文,水力,地下水,地表水,给排水等,软件及模型。以及 区域性水文,生态水文描叙;水文水力模型;洪水风险分析;防护控制法规;实践分析等等 , 在这里都有描叙及相关网络链接。不过是英文,总共有近200个。


<u>129 ArcView, </u>

GIS tools software Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the ArcView mapping software.
URL http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/arcview/

<u>130 MGE Grid Analyst (MGGA), </u>

GIS tool software Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the Grid Analyst (MGGA) software
URL http://imgs.intergraph.com/

<u>131 Modelling and Decision Support Framework(MDSF), UK</u>

Webpage describing the MDSF is the Modelling and Decision Support
Framework. MDSF is a tool for the development of CFMPs (Catchment
Flood Management Plans).
URL http://www.mdsf.co.uk/

<u>109 MICROFEM,</u>

groundwater model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the MICROFEM model, a groundwater flow model for layered aquifer systems
URL http://www.microfem.com/

<u>137 MapInfo, </u>

GIS tool Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the MapInfo GIS tool, software for mapping and geographic analysis
URL http://www.mapinfo.com

<u>143 Techniques for estamating probability of failure of a dam, UK</u>

Online report describing methods for estimating the probability of dam failure
URL http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/water/rs/pdf/defra_rs_flood-etc-19.pdf

<u>128 ArcGIS</u>

GIS tools software Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the ArcGIS family of GIS software products. ArcGIS consists of ArcView, ArcEditor, ArcInfo, ArcIMS, andArcSDE.
URL http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/

<u>110 TriWaco, </u>

groundwater model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the Triwaco&reg; model, a groundwatermodel with exchange of data with ARCView/Info facilitates and GIS
URL http://www.triwaco.com/

<u>97 ISIS Flow, </u>

hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the ISIS flow model, river andflood plain flow simulations
URL http://www.wallingfordsoftware.com/products/isis/

<u>98 MODFLOW,</u>

hydrologic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the MODFLOW model family,
multifunctional groundwater models
URL http://water.usgs.gov/software/

<u>99 HEC-RAS, </u>

hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the HEC-RAS model, a steady flowmodel for river systems
URL http://www.bossintl.com/html/hec-ras_overview.html

<u>100 LISFLOOD-FP & J-FLOW,</u>

hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the LISFLOOD-FP & J-FLOWmodels, simulating spreading of water in floodplains
URL http://www.ggy.bris.ac.uk/research/hydrology/paul_research.htm

<u>101 Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH) </u>

Webpage describing the Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH), which gives guidance on rainfall and river flood frequency estimation in the UK based on GIS datasets.
URL http://www.nwl.ac.uk/ih/feh/

2004年08月01日 17:31:54
2004年08月01日 17:53:54
2004年08月01日 18:41:54
" 可否按照专业分类?最后能够翻译成中文。 "


<本贴已被 作者 于 2004年08月01日 18时54分04秒 编辑过>
2004年08月16日 11:22:54
兄弟,请传个 98 MODFLOW, 急需!谢了
2004年08月18日 14:42:54
2004年09月07日 05:19:29
159 Hydrologic an hydraulic models in Germany Powerpoint presentation of the models
used in Germany LocalFile kbase/158_G_Models
160 Data resources in Germany Powerpoint presentation of the data resources in
Germany LocalFile kbase/159_G_dataresources
161 Flood risk policy in Germany Powerpoint presentation of flood risk policy in
Germany LocalFile kbase/160_G_Floodriskpolicy
162 FEFLOW, hydrodynamic model Webpage describing the FEFLOW model. This is a 1D/2D
model for flow
and transport in fractures, channels or tubes
URL http://www.scisoftware.com/products/feflow_details/feflow_details.htm
163 Online radar data for the Netherlands Descri ption of best practice (projct) on
how to develop real-time radar data
system for operational water management
URL http://www.hydrologic.nl/projecten/RTneerslag.htm
164 Preventive work against floods in Sweden Descri ption of flood prevention in
Sweden. LocalFile kbase/S_Barbro_SRS
165 Annual precipitation for Sweden Picture with annual precipitation in Sweden
LocalFile kbase/S_Presipitation
166 CV of Antoon Kuypers This is the Knowledge Card (CV) of Antoon Kuypers LocalFile
167 Abstract of project 1B:riscmaps of waterboard
Policymaking on flood risk standardisation of a regional water system in a
changing environment
LocalFile kbase/NL_policyonfloodrisk
168 Project descri ption of FLOWS work package 1B:I
Document describing the FLOWS project 1B i: Modelling of the ground
water system of new (sub) urban developments
LocalFile kbase/NL_BestPractise1Bi
169 Project descri ption of FLOWS work package 1B:ii
Document describing the FLOWS project 1B ii: Low spatial Elevation (1) LocalFile
170 Project descri ption of FLOWS work package 1B:iii
Document describing the FLOWS project 1B iii: Low spatial Elevation (2) LocalFile
171 Project descri ption of FLOWS work package 1B:iv
Document describing the FLOWS project 1B iv: Flood risk characterisation -
Economic damage functions
LocalFile kbase/NL_BestPractise1Biv
172 Project descri ption of FLOWS work package 1B:v
Document describing the FLOWS project 1B v: City of Karlstad LocalFile
2004年09月07日 05:21:03
144 HYDRA project in Norway Webpage describing the HYDRA project in Norway, which
aims at developing
knowledge, information and methodology to support state and municipal
authorities, insurance companies and other organisations in decision making
with respect to flooding
URL http://www.vyh.fi/eng/research/euproj/rescdam/seminar/saelthun.pdf
145 Floodings and consequences in the Netherlands Document describing flooding in the
Netherlands and the consequences LocalFile kbase/144_NL_overviewfloodsandconsequences
146 Risk of flooding and insurance in the Netherlands Online report describing recent
floodings in the Netherlands and a descri ption
of the insurance policy
URL http://www.hkv.nl/nederlands/onderzoek/download/HKVPublicatiereeks/
147 flooding insurance policy in the Netherlands Document describing the insurance
policy of floodings in the Netherlands LocalFile kbase/146_NL_insurancepolicy
148 Flood risk management in the Netherlands Webpage describing flood risk management
in the Netherlands: the new
approach "resilience and living with floods"
URL http://www.jrbm.net/pages/archives/JRBMn1/Rinus.PDF
149 Flood risk policy in the Netherlands Online Report about floodrisk policy in the
Netherlands: Water Policy for the
21st Century (WB21), Desired Ground and Surface Water Regime (GGOR) ,
Watertest, National Administrative Agreement on Water
URL http://www.waterinbeeld.nl/wib2003e/
150 Climate scenarios for impact studies in the Netherlands
Webpage describing climate scenarios for precipitation, evaporation, sea level
rise for 2050 and 2100 in the Netherlands
URL http://www.knmi.nl/onderzk/klimscen/Scenarios2001_Web.htm
151 Water, climate and Risk management in the Netherlands
Online Report of Water, Climate and Risk Management – how the Dutch are
dealing with climate
URL http://www.wac.ihe.nl/dialogue/National/Netherlands/documents/Summ
152 Flood risk policy in the Netherlands: regional flood
norms based on landuse
Document describing The National Administrative Agreement on Water
(NBW): waterboards need to test their watersystems to standards based on
LocalFile kbase/151_NL_Floodriskregionalnorms
153 Flood risk maps in the Netherlands Document giving a short overview of flood risk
maps in the Netherlands LocalFile kbase/152_NL_Waterriskmaps
154 Average annual precipitation of the Netherlands A map with average annual
precipitation of the Netherlands LocalFile kbase/153_NL_precip
155 Project descri ption of FLOWS work package
1B:Vii (Germany)
Document describing the FLOWS project 1B Vii: Flood Risk Mapping and
Contamination risk assessment of water and soil
LocalFile kbase/154_G_Kupferle_WP1Bvii
156 Project descri ption of FLOWS work package 1B:Vi
Document describing the FLOWS project 1B Vi: Rainfall-Runoff-Model of a
catchment area with distinct urban characteristics
LocalFile kbase/155_G_Kupferle_WP1Bvi
157 Project overview of FLOWS work package 1B: I
Document describing the FLOWS project 1B i: Meerstad Groundwater model LocalFile
158 Hydrological and geological descri ption of Germany
Powerpoint presentation with a short overview of the hydrology and geology
in Germany
LocalFile kbase/157_G_Hydrologicaldescri ption
2004年09月07日 05:21:39
128 ArcGIS, GIS tools software Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the ArcGIS
family of GIS software
products. ArcGIS consists of ArcView, ArcEditor, ArcInfo, ArcIMS, and
URL http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/
129 ArcView, GIS tools software Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the ArcView
mapping software. URL http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/arcview/
130 MGE Grid Analyst (MGGA), GIS tool software Webpage with descri ption/ availability
of the Grid Analyst (MGGA) software URL http://imgs.intergraph.com/
131 Modelling and Decision Support Framework
Webpage describing the MDSF is the Modelling and Decision Support
Framework. MDSF is a tool for the development of CFMPs (Catchment
Flood Management Plans).
URL http://www.mdsf.co.uk/

132 Abstract of national approach of flood risk in UK Document describing briefly the
national approaches to flood risks in UK LocalFile
133 Short Hydrological descri ption of the UK Document with short hydrological
descri ption of the UK LocalFile kbase/133_UK_Huban_ShortHydrologicaldescri ption
134 Flow Routing model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the Flow Routing
model for modelling
channel flow
URL http://www.wallingfordsoftware.com/products/floodworks/algorithms.a
135 Floodworks, flood forecasting software UK Webpage with descri ption/ availability
of the Floodworks model, used for
real-time flood forecasting & warning.
URL http://www.wallingfordsoftware.com/products/floodworks/
136 InfoWorks RS, hydrodynamic model, UK Webpage with descri ption/ availability of
the InfoWorks RS model, an integrated
software solution for simulating flows in rivers, in channels and on
URL http://www.wallingfordsoftware.com/products/infoworks_rs/
137 MapInfo, GIS tool Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the MapInfo GIS tool,
software for
mapping and geographic analysis
URL http://www.mapinfo.com
138 Spatial datasets of the UK Online ordering of precipitation data, drainage data,
lamdcover data, soil data
and flooddata (for Scotland only)
URL http://www.nerc-wallingford.ac.uk/ih/www/products/iproducts.html
139 Storm Tide Forecasting Service, UK Webpage of the Storm Tide Forecasting Service
(STFS), playing an important
role in flood prevention around the coasts of England, Wales and Scotland.
URL http://www.met-office.gov.uk/publicsector/emarc/stfs.html
140 Tidal datasets of the UK Online availabilith of tidal and sea level data for UK
coasts URL http://www.pol.ac.uk/ntslf/
142 BOSS DAMBRK, hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the
BOSS DAMBRK&#8482; hydrodynamic
flood routing software.
URL http://www.bossintl.com/html/dambrk_overview.html
143 Techniques for estamating probability of failure of
a dam, UK
Online report describing methods for estimating the probability of dam failure
URL http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/water/rs/pdf/defra_rs_flood-etc-
2004年09月07日 05:22:15
110 TriWaco, groundwater model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the
Triwaco&reg; model, a groundwater
model with exchange of data with ARCView/Info facilitates and GIS
URL http://www.triwaco.com/
111 SWAP, groundwater model for unsaturated flow Webpage with descri ption/
availability of the SWAP model, a simulation
model for the soil-water-atmosphere-plant system.
URL http://www.alterra.nl/

112 Aquarius, hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the
Aquarius model, a hydrological
modelling tool for watersystem analysis (groundwater, surfacewater, urban
and rural).
URL http://www.hydrologic.nl/Aquarius/
113 MIKE family, groundwater and hydrodynamic
Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the MIKE model family. URL
114 FRISIM, hydrodynamic model Document describing the Forecast River SIMulator.
Model used for watermanagement
and forecast
LocalFile no source available. Check Mr. Calla.
115 TUFLOW, hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the TUFLOW
model, for complex
flood inundation and breach analysis.
URL http://www.wbmpl.com.au/02_services/03_water_enviro/floodplain.htm
116 Fluent Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the FLUENT model family,
URL http://www.fluent.com/software/fluent/index.htm
117 StarCD Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the STAR-CD solver, providing a
rich source of models for turbulence, combustion, radiation and multiphase
URL http://www.cd-adapco.com/
118 Ansys, hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the ANSYS
model, for fluid dynamics
URL http://www.ansys.com/ansys/index.htm
119 SMS, hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the SMS
software for hydrodynamic
URL http://chl.wes.army.mil/software/sms/
120 Flood trend analysis of Sweden Webpage describing flood trend analysis inf
Sweden. It includes an overview
of notable flood events in Sweden during the period 1860-2000.
URL http://www.smhi.se/sgn0106/if/hydrologi/projects/proj_c1.htm
121 Geological maps and databases of Sweden Online order/ availability of databases
and maps about the geology of Sweden
URL http://www.sgu.se/kartpubl/index_e.htm
122 ArcInfo, GIS software Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the ArcInfo
family GIS tools URL http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/arcinfo/
123 Inundation maps of UK Document describing the inundation maps construction in the
UK LocalFile kbase/123_UK_Ramsbottom_Descri ptioninundationmapsin
124 Report with flood risk maps of England and Wales Online report with inundation
maps of England and Wales URL http://www.nwl.ac.uk/ih/www/products/mbook130.html
125 UK Catchment Flood Management Plans (CFMP) Online guidelines of the national
Catchment Flood Management Plans in UK URL http://www.english-
126 Flood issues in UK Document with a short overview of important flood issues in
the UK LocalFile kbase/126_UK_Ramsbottom_Specificfloodissues
127 Abstract of Catchment Flood Management Plans
(CFMP) in UK
Webpage describing shortly the Catchment Flood Management Plans in UK URL
2004年09月07日 05:23:02
95 PPG25: development and flood risk (new guidance
note) in UK
Webpage at the Office of the deputy prime minister (UK). Descri ption of
PPG25: development and flood risk (new guidance note)
URL http://www.odpm.gov.uk/stellent/groups/odpm_control/documents/cont
96 Floodrisk assessment in UK Document describing some recent issues in flood risk
management developments
LocalFile kbase/96_UK_Huband_floodriskassessment
97 ISIS Flow, hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the ISIS
flow model, river and
flood plain flow simulations
URL http://www.wallingfordsoftware.com/products/isis/
98 MODFLOW, hydrologic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the MODFLOW
model family,
multifunctional groundwater models
URL http://water.usgs.gov/software/
99 HEC-RAS, hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the HEC-RAS
model, a steady flow
model for river systems
URL http://www.bossintl.com/html/hec-ras_overview.html
100 LISFLOOD-FP & J-FLOW, hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability
models, simulating spreading of water in floodplains
URL http://www.ggy.bris.ac.uk/research/hydrology/paul_research.htm
101 Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH) Webpage describing the Flood Estimation Handbook
(FEH), which gives
guidance on rainfall and river flood frequency estimation in the UK based on
GIS datasets.
URL http://www.nwl.ac.uk/ih/feh/
102 ISIS Routing, hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the
ISIS Routing model, a run-off
URL http://www.wallingfordsoftware.com/products/isis/
103 HBV-model, hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability HBV model,
rainfall run-off URL http://www.smhi.se/en/index.htm
104 SOBEK, hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the SOBEK
model. SOBEK is an
instrument for flood forecasting, navigation, optimising drainage systems,
controlling irrigation systems, reservoir operation, sewer overflow design,
ground water level control, rive
URL http://www.sobek.nl/
105 SimGro, family of hydrologic and hydrodynamic
Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the Simgro model. SimGro is a
model for integrated ground, soil and surface water with integrated GIS applications
URL http://www.alterra.nl/
106 DUFLOW, hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the Duflow
model. Duflow is a
flexible 1-dimensional model for watermovement and waterquality.
URL http://www.mx-groep.nl/producten/Duflow/Duflow-web/
107 Delft3Dflow, hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the
Delft3DFlow model. This module
of Delft3D is a multi-dimensional (2D or 3D) hydrodynamic (and transport)
simulation program which calculates non-steady flow and transport
phenomena resulting from tidal and met
URL http://www.wldelft.nl/soft/d3d/mods/flow/index.html
108 HydroWorks, hydrodynamic model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the
HydroWorks model. A storm
water calculation program.
URL http://msnbc-cnet.com.com/3000-2064-10227878.html
109 MICROFEM, groundwater model Webpage with descri ption/ availability of the
MICROFEM model, a groundwater
flow model for layered aquifer systems
URL http://www.microfem.com/

