中国传统酿酒文化主题民宿 | 金延安北山酒肆
2024年05月22日 14:33:17

作为对之前基本竣工的建筑进行重新改造的项目,甲方希望通过新的设计能够令建筑及其使用能够更加体现出中国传统酿酒文化的主题。在中国,数百年来以来都是采用传统酿造工艺,使用谷物的种子来进行酿酒。在经过对这样的酿造工艺进行研究后,我们尝试营造一系列与此相关的建筑空间及场景,让人们有机会感受到在中国传统酿造过程所提供出的感官体验。 For this renovation project, the client wanted the new design to focus on the topic of traditional Chinese liquor. In China, alcohol is made from cereal seeds, following a traditional liquor-making process that has been used over centuries. After a careful study of this process, we created a specific architectural scenography that gives people a singular sensory experience of the making of traditional Chinese liquor. 

For this renovation project, the client wanted the new design to focus on the topic of traditional Chinese liquor. In China, alcohol is made from cereal seeds, following a traditional liquor-making process that has been used over centuries. After a careful study of this process, we created a specific architectural scenography that gives people a singular sensory experience of the making of traditional Chinese liquor. 

△项目概览overall view of the project
△酿酒工艺插图Liquor production illustration
△乌镇传统酿酒作坊Ancient liquor distillery in Wuzhen. 

While re-organizing the function of the building and the refurbishment of interior and exterior spaces, we created a system that naturally links the different spaces through an artistic itinerary and guides the guests through the discovery of the different stages of liquor- making. 

When entering the entranc e lobby, visitor stands on a transparent carpet made of glass. Underneath lies a series of jars that are half buried, giving the illusion of ancient jars. This setting reminds of the courtyards of traditional distilleries, in which jars were placed on the floor, very close to each other, entirely covering the surface of the floor and forming a sort of carpet.


Seeds are the main raw material used to make Chinese liquor. At the entrance lobby, various seeds are placed in Plexiglas tubes to create a vibrant screen with a huge pattern. In the rooms, seeds were directly integrated within the paint of the walls, resulting into a very specific texture. More generally, warm tones and shades of brown and ochre remind of the topic of the seeds.

△在入口大堂,多种不同颜色的谷物种子被置入通高的有机玻璃管之中,形成具有自然图案组合的屏风At the entrance lobby, various seeds are placed in Plexiglas tubes to create a vibrant screen with a huge pattern. 

Alcohol is traditionally placed in ceramic jars for fermentation. They are usually made of very dark ceramic with shades of purple or dark red. When entering the entrance lobby, visitor stands on a transparent carpet made of glass. Underneath lies a series of jars that are half buried, giving the illusion of ancient jars. This setting reminds of the courtyards of traditional distilleries, in which jars were placed on the floor, very close to each other, entirely covering the surface of the floor and forming a sort of carpet. This carpet extends to the outdoor space and becomes a water fountain. The sequences of circulation become obvious. Calm and elegant atmospheres, use of black marble for the front desk and use of black wood for the furniture of the common spaces, reminding of black ceramic jars.

△并置酒缸玻璃迎宾地面,延续到室外空间,并在尽端转变为同样是由酒缸叠放而成的喷泉,让视觉及体验的连续更为明确The “jar glass carpet” extends to the outdoor space and becomes a water fountain. The sequences of circulation become obvious. 

"Jiu Qu", a brick shaped solid composite of yeast and mold, is used for saccharification and fermentation.We used these vegetal bricks to create the counter of the bar, which gives an olfactive experience to the user. The countertop is made of custom terrazzo fabricated on site with pieces of green glass from local bottles of liquor.

△平静优雅的气氛,色彩和材料与传统酿酒空间氛围的联想Calm and elegant atmospheres, colors and materials, remind of the atmospheres of traditional distilleries. 
△景观家具来源自传统酒缸的原形Landscape furniture reminds of traditional fermentation jars. 
△吧台台面采用混入当地绿色玻璃酒瓶碎片的水磨石现场制作而成The countertop is made of custom terrazzo fabricated on site with pieces of green glass from local bottles of liquor.
△平静优雅的气氛,色彩和材料与传统酿酒空间氛围的联想Calm and elegant atmospheres, colors and materials, remind of the atmospheres of traditional distilleries. 

Pieces of furniture, lamps, as well as the plaited fabrics used for wall and ceiling covering, remind of the traditional tools that are used for the making of alcohol: wicker baskets and sieves, etc.

△温暖的、棕色的及赭石的色调搭配也希望人们可以联想到谷物种子的主题warm tones and shades of brown and ochre remind of the topic of the seeds. 
△在客房中,种子颗粒被直接混合在墙壁的涂料中,以形成特殊的肌理In the rooms, seeds were directly integrated within the paint of the walls, resulting into a very specific texture. 

Outdoor spaces are part of this sensorial itinerary, creating a continuity between interior and exterior. The installation located in the main courtyard reminds the transformation of liquid, from steam to condensation in drops of alcohol.

△位于主要内部庭院中的空间装置,以视觉表达的方式呈现了在酿酒过程中酒精蒸汽到液体凝结的转变The installation located in the main courtyard reminds the transformation of liquid, from steam to condensation in drops of alcohol. 


建筑设计:Zhijian Workshop

设计主要合伙人:陈梦津Aurelien Chen,王可尧

项目及设计总监:陈梦津Aurelien Chen





建筑摄影:Aurelien Chen陈梦津李鑫


建筑面积:2139 m2



