这是一个乡村回迁安置房工程,涉及当地6个村,近400户农村家庭的拆迁与安置。 This project serves as a community for relocated suburban residents, which includes 400 households from six nearby villages. ▽ 鸟瞰:聚落的黏连状态 ▽ 鸟瞰:整体聚落
This project serves as a community for relocated suburban residents, which includes 400 households from six nearby villages.
▽ 鸟瞰:聚落的黏连状态
▽ 鸟瞰:整体聚落
▽ 鸟瞰:临水区域
▽ 水边:隔岸观村
Phase 1 of the project was completed in 2021, as villagers moved in and a variety of small businesses started to bloom, the sense of community has formed spontaneously.
▽ 民居:村民入住后的街区氛围
▽ 民居:居民形成的归属感
▽ 鸟瞰:已有烟火气的聚落
▽ 民居:建筑形成远近层次
【Live Under the Roof: Then and Now】
The layout of most local villages is spread out and spotty, which lacks coherence and interaction between neighborhoods.
While we intend to keep the necessary separation to respect residents’ privacy, we also try to emulate modes of social life via placemaking, to revive the ever-dwindling sense of community in the modern era.
▽ 民居:院落及人行区域
▽ 大屋:屋顶的连接
▽ 水边:广场与广场舞时间
▽ 民居:宅间小径
▽ 民居:槽口檐廊
Our mission to emulate such social interaction stems from the study of a historic type of architecture – “Northern Hunan Big House”, which promotes such lifestyle.
▽ 大屋原型调研:岳阳张谷英村鸟瞰
【To Emulate an Old Lifestyle】
As a community for large families, a clear organizational logic is created by using a hierarchy of axes and courtyards. The roofs are always interconnected to provide protection and shade.
▽ 大屋拆解过程
通过 “轴线——图底——分户——去礼制——归类”的分层解读,我们从“大屋”中拆解出6种建筑单体基本类型,再通过变形、筛选、组合,将其拼合成不同规模的大屋聚落,每一组大屋外围包裹机动车道,内部形成宅间人行小径。
We tried to decompose such organization with a linear process: understanding the axes - studying the figure-ground - separating the households - un-ritualizing, and finally, sorting. As a result, six basic components are identified to form a variety of combinations that enable motorized traffic at the perimeter while keeping the courtyards at their cores.
▽ 类型演化
▽ 建筑类型一
▽ 建筑类型二
【The Inter-connected】
As the houses are separated to respect residents’ privacy needs, the inter-connectivity of roofs serves as an important factor in our design philosophy, as it defines the locals’ unique lifestyle over the course of the history.
▽ 大屋面概念手稿
▽ 湘北大屋爆炸图
▽ 民居:典型立面
▽ 鸟瞰-大屋屋顶
▽ 鸟瞰:大屋屋顶俯视
▽ 鸟瞰:大屋平面
▽ 大屋:随地形起伏的院落
▽ 大屋:屋檐下的宅间对话
▽ 大屋:下分上合的大屋组团
▽ 鸟瞰-屋顶局部
▽ 大屋:由屋顶连接围合成的开放式院落
We use steel and wood to recreate and emphasize such structures, in the hope of encouraging interactions between neighbors.
▽ 水边:屋顶连接产生的檐下空间
▽ 大屋:檐下空间形成标志性场所
▽ 水边:临水大屋
▽ 水边:临水界面
▽ 鸟瞰:大屋屋顶
【Epilogue:The best of both worlds】
▽ 鸟瞰-生活区夜景
▽ 民居:聚落夜景
▽ 民居:聚落已形成生活氛围
During the photo shoot we met an elderly having a great time hanging out with his neighbors. He told us that he really enjoyed living in a house that’s separated from others.
We are pleased to find the project as a successful manifestation of our philosophy -- a closely-knit community that promotes social connectivity and respects personal space at the same time.
▽ 鸟瞰:聚落整体平面
▽ 总平面图