珠海中海 · 3.0架空层 开启亲子灵动空间 柘壹设计Z ONE — 完美呈现童心不止童年 — 轻维护、耐久性、人性化 安全、适用、有趣
— 完美呈现童心不止童年 —
柘壹设计Z ONE赋予了更多的空间想象
Crowd analysis
As a bridge between community and home, the elevated layer in Zhuhai Zhonghai Universe is endowed with more possibilities. With the principles of humanized design and consideration for children's spaces, the elevated floor meets the social needs of residents, children, and neighbors. While it is suitable for all ages, we pay more attention to children's growth and mood. They are childlike, exploratory, love to play, hands-on, and read, and have more imagination for colors and shapes.
对 儿童 ,全龄段寓教于乐不惧风雨
对 青年 ,亲子及圈层交流空间的场地,独处港湾
对 老人 ,交流陪伴,健康娱乐空间
1. 架空层是项目的功能补入,不断叩问城市核心与艺术人居的交融方式,体现产品的 价值感 。
2. 设计重在营造未来丰富生活的 场景感 ,加深客户的融入感与认同度。
3. 贴合消费者人文背景,锚定场景的交互与关系的深度,形成项目的独特 记忆点 。
Part 1 ”
·儿童空间 人性化设计要点·
在现代都市中,儿童区成为了一个越来越重要的设计理念,不仅仅是为了让孩子们玩耍,更是为了引导他们的好奇心和探索欲。给予“ 架空层 ”新的定义,在现有的 轻维护、耐久性、人性化的基础之上,我们更加注重安全、适用、有趣,完美呈现童心不止童年。
In modern cities, children's areas have become an increasingly important design concept, not only to allow children to play, but also to guide their curiosity and exploration. Given a new definition of "elevated layer", on the basis of existing light maintenance, durability, and humanization, we pay more attention to safety, applicability, and fun, perfectly presenting a childlike innocence that goes beyond childhood.
Children are the most concerned group in the community, and the growth environment of small households is one of the important factors for parents to evaluate the value of products.
从用户角度切入,在空间植入故事性策划及情景代入,以场景化、主题化、IP化的设计手法,构造 “有温度、有态度”的社群生活,为用户提供贴合需求的最佳体验。
From the user's perspective, narrative planning and scenario integration are implanted in the space, using scenario based, themed, and IP based design techniques to construct a "warm and attitude oriented" community life, providing users with the best experience that meets their needs.
Part 2 ”
Learn new knowledge in joyful play, inspired by the colorful adventure journey of the ocean world, unveil the curtain of the ghost ship and Bermuda Devil's Triangle to create a sea of knowledge, and freely explore the comfortable and relaxed design of a small library.
Part 3 ”
Embracing abundant natural light, imaginative designs provide children with various creative ideas for leisure. Handicrafting, afternoon tea, reading, rest, communication, and more can all be done here, and children and parents can harvest interesting and like-minded friends.