风和云 | 巴西·Attico住宅
2024年03月13日 09:47:23




    在巴西东北部的圣米格尔杜戈斯托索 (So Miguel do Gostoso) 海岸,以风和云为设计元素,而建造出了Attico住宅。这是Atelier Matteo Arnone的最新的特色项目之一。 In the north-east of Brazil, on the shore of S?o Miguel do Gostoso supported by the softest things: the wind and the clouds, rises Casa Attico, one of the recent and characteristic projects of Atelier Matteo Arnone.

    在巴西东北部的圣米格尔杜戈斯托索 (So Miguel do Gostoso) 海岸,以风和云为设计元素,而建造出了Attico住宅。这是Atelier Matteo Arnone的最新的特色项目之一。
In the north-east of Brazil, on the shore of S?o Miguel do Gostoso supported by the softest things: the wind and the clouds, rises Casa Attico, one of the recent and characteristic projects of Atelier Matteo Arnone.


The influence of the morphology and its position connected to the wind has developed in the creator and client the will to imagine a new response to a completely new architectural solution. Therefore the core of the building rise just enough from the dunes in order to have the view of the sea and becomes a reference point for the landscape.


通过观察房屋的截面和平面图,我们可以理解Matteo Arnone的意愿,即捕捉全年东侧的自然通风,并引导房屋每个空间的通风。
Observing both sections and plans of the house, we understand the willing of Matteo Arnone to capture the natural ventilation that breaths all the year for the east side and drive the ventilation of every space of the house.


On the ground floor the house is shaped as would be a wind machine. From the east side the wind enters to the patios and circulate geometrically according to the wall shapes, breaking the wind strength and ventilating the four symmetric bedrooms.
On the tower level the wind rises in between the two layers of the brickwork that composes the tower walls structure creating a natural ventilation of the fa?ade.


The central kitchen facing four different patios, controls from the centre of the ground floor, the symmetrical spaces creating the heart of the house and its living core. The kitchen is visually connected with the first floor by a circle opening to the living and office space. The more we rise the the more we get this private feeling of being isolated in the middle of the vast nature, till the last floor, a tiny space to admire the Landscape.


