Nice集团巴西总部 MAC 如一片巨大树叶轻盈地飘落于细长的立柱之上,与自然为邻; 漫步其中,金属框架,混凝土楼板,工业风满满; 玻璃幕墙将四季美景引入建筑,自然清新。 Like a huge leaf lightly floating down on top of the slender columns, it is neighboring nature;

Like a huge leaf lightly floating down on top of the slender columns, it is neighboring nature;
Walking through it, metal frame, concrete floor slab, the area is full of industrial style;

This is the new headquarters of Nice Group in Brazil, a smart industrial complex led by innovation and sustainability.

MCA的设计旨在通过与周围环境和社区进行对话来 重新诠释可持续工业建筑的概念 ,结合 被动和主动措施 来减少能源使用, 提升建筑效率和工作生活品质 。
The building complies with LEED Gold certification standards and serves as a benchmark for sustainable building development in Brazil.

The building integrates the functions of office, showroom, factory and staff living support. The main fa?ade has a glass curtain wall and is flooded with natural light. The interior consists of industrial production areas, two floors of offices, public areas, training spaces, a showroom and a garden atrium. Through the large floor-to-ceiling glass facing the atrium, visitors can witness the orderly production process, like an open factory display.

设计打 造一个 大型的森林花园 ,与附近Escorpi?o infesta??o公园相连接。建筑北部呈 “U”形环抱花园 , 室内外有机渗透 , 模糊了建筑和景观的边界感 。大片绿植和灌木,将 自然和四季变换引入室内 。宜人的景观环境,也 消减了玻璃幕墙可能造成的光污染 。使用者欣赏风景的同时亦为“景中人”。

穿过环绕花园的 空中走廊 ,通向 建筑的延伸 ,该部分是员工生活配套区域。 包括 健身房 、 多功能活动空间和一个户外厨房 ,用于制作巴西传统的Churrasco 烤肉。
A skywalk around the gardens leads to an extension of the building that houses the staff amenity area. This includes a gymnasium, multi-purpose event space and an outdoor kitchen for preparing traditional Brazilian Churrasco barbecue.

悬挑的屋顶灵感来源于 热带植物的树叶 ,其形态不仅具有 高度可识别性 ,也是重要的 被动式环境控制装置 。
在一年中最炎热的月份,悬挑的屋顶可 保护外立面免受太阳直射 , 减少将近47%的辐射 , 避免墙面过热 的风险。同时使内部空间都能获得 散射自然光 。
Inspired by the foliage of tropical plants, the overhanging roof's form is not only highly recognizable but also an important passive environmental control device.
During the hottest months of the year, the overhanging roof protects the facade from direct sunlight, reducing radiation by almost 47% and avoiding the risk of overheating the walls. It also allows diffused natural light to reach all interior spaces.

作为建筑的第五立面,屋顶将 自然光引入室内和中庭空间 ,不仅提高了 视觉舒适度 ,还 激活了内外的视觉联系 。
As an outdoor climate moderator, the roof regulates the indoor-outdoor microclimate by creating transitional gray space for optimal human thermal comfort.

该工业综合体除了作为Nice集团巴西新总部外,还内设一个 国际研发中心 。这座 20000 平方米 的建筑是在 工业4.0 原则 引导下设计的 智能工厂代表 , 是可持续工业建筑的范本 。

It is more and more important to be able to give life to architecture that is genuinely in dialogue with the context, with nature. That relationship was considered fundamental in past centuries, but we have gradually come to neglect it. I believe Nice can stand as a virtuous example in that sense: an architecture which, thanks to being in close harmony with the natural elements of its surrounding territory, minimises the impact on the environment.
—— Mario Cucinella

Nice集团巴西新总部的建设,遵循在 所有活动 (包括建筑管理、人员流动和产品开发)中 提高能源效率和环保意识 的具体指导方针,符合集团在全球范围内实行的能源政策。
事实上,从 2021 年对公司碳足迹的研究开始,Nice就制定了 明确的可持续发展计划 。到 2025 年减少50%碳排放量 ,到 2030 年实现零碳排放 的目标。计划清晰的勾勒出了 减排轨迹 ,与将 全球变暖控制在2°C 以下 的国际目标同步。
The construction of the Nice Brazil headquarters follows specific guidelines for energy efficiency and environmental awareness in all its activities, including building management, personnel mobility and product development, in line with the Group's energy policy, which is applied globally.
设计始终围绕 当地的气候环境 ,是一个真正的 综合性生物气候建筑 。利用有利的 气候条件 ,最大限度地 与所处环境互动 , 结合主动和被动节能措施 ,应用 可再生能源 ,使建筑在一年中的某些时段, 无需依靠城市电网 , 也可独立运行 , 实现节能减排 。
得益于 建筑物热质量 、 自然通风 和 各种被动系统 的结合,实现了 高标准的舒适度 ,使得 生产区无需主动供暖或制冷 。同时, 屋顶和可开启式立面 ,既避免了阳光直射,又满足了 室内照明和自然通风需求 ,整座建筑一年中约有 三分之二 的时间都能享受 自然通风 。

在建筑与周围环境互动的同时, 景观设计通过对 热带巴西塞拉多生物群落 (Bioma Cerrado),从 草原 到 热带稀树草原和森林地貌 的趣味诠释, 完善了建筑与当地植物的关系 。
景观设计不仅为整个区域的 生物多样性增添了价值 ,还以 生态池塘和洼地景观 的打造,减少了雨水径流,将其引入 地下水箱 进行 收集、储存、净化和再利用 。
While the building interacts with its surroundings, the landscape design refines the relationship between the building and the local flora through an interesting interpretation of the tropical Brazilian Bioma Cerrado, ranging from grasslands to savannah and forest landscapes.
