项目位于阆中市河溪镇,是星盟赛城的游客中心和形象入口。阆中作为历史文化名城,山围四面、水绕三方。星盟赛城项目规划为大型体育文旅项目,游客中心作为大量人群到达和离开的中转站,要求具备强烈的标志性和引导性。 The project is located in Hexi Town, Langzhong City, serving as the visitor center and the scenic entrance for the Starsallianz Sports Town. Langzhong is a historic and culturally renowned city surrounded by mountains and water, which makes the natural environment here unparalleled. The sports town plan is a large-scale sports and cultural tourism project. The visitor center will serve as a transit hub for a large number of visitors arriving and departing, and needs to be strongly iconic and guiding.
The project is located in Hexi Town, Langzhong City, serving as the visitor center and the scenic entrance for the Starsallianz Sports Town. Langzhong is a historic and culturally renowned city surrounded by mountains and water, which makes the natural environment here unparalleled. The sports town plan is a large-scale sports and cultural tourism project. The visitor center will serve as a transit hub for a large number of visitors arriving and departing, and needs to be strongly iconic and guiding.
▼项目与不远处的嘉陵江,Project and the Jialing River nearby
Absorption, Integration and contrast of Natural Landscape
The site is located between the Jialing River and majestic mountains. So, the architectural posture in the landscape became our focus. The visitor center adopts a star-shaped form with four corners. connecting the inside and outside to define the "gateway" space. The corners also serve as frames to capture the continuous mountain and water to the visitors. The two lateral corners function as ticketing, exhibition and relaxation respectively.
As visitors pass through the outer high and inner low corridor space, akin to traversing a gorge with their view flying to a lake. The wings extend towards the sky, forming a subtle dialogue with the undulating skyline of the surrounding mountains. Thus, nature and artificial elements merge into a modern yet organic image.
▼场地的GIS分析图,GIS analysis of the site
▼建筑与周边环境的关系,Relationship between the building and the surroundings
▼建筑与内部的景观湖,The building and the lake inside
▼走出建筑的各条通路,Paths from the building
▼建筑周边的山与水,The landscape around the building
Embracing Site Variability
The visitor center extracts the concept of "movement" to form a dynamic form with diverse transformations in appearance. This multi-directional richness aligns with the open characteristics of the surrounding site,which allows people to feel the intervention of a new building from different angles and distances, and makes them to be naturally guided, and gathered into the huge gray space at the entrance, implying the intention of signage and guidance.
▼体育主题的物化,The materialization of sports themes
Considering Langzhong's frequent rainy weather, as a response to the local climatic conditions, the entrance corridor of the visitor center also serves as a place for visitors to gather and linger. It serves as a gateway, as well as a semi-outdoor buffer space connecting the wings. The indoor space under wings is completely enclosed by transparent curved floor glass, incorporating natural landscape view around and collectively shaping a "plug-in" space that blends technology and natural beauty with the golden wings.
▼与周边绿树的融合及反差,Integration and contrast with trees nearby
▼作为景框的入口,Entrance as the scenic frame
▼动感的侧面形态,Dynamic lateral posture
▼动感的侧面形态,Dynamic lateral posture
▼掩映在夜色中,Set off in the night view
Integrated Approach to Structure and Materials
Based on the integrated concept of form and structure, we employ a steel structure-the large-span spatial form constitutes the supporting structure to sculpt the sense of lightness. Meanwhile, to reply to the clean and powerful form, and the themes of sports and esports, we primarily use modern lightweight materials such as strip aluminum panels, metal composite tiles, and glass curtain walls instead of common rural materials, creating a contrast with the natural landscape to achieve a light integration into the surrounding.
▼3D打印结构模型,3D printing structure model
▼富有变奏感的通廊空间,Corridor space with a rich sense of variation
▼金属质感的通廊,The metallic corridor
▼大厅内部的斜切屋顶,The sloping roof inside the hall
▼室内的空间变化,Spatial changes indoor
▼镀锌钢板的转折面,Twisty surface of galvanized steel plate
▼镀锌钢板接地细节,Grounding details of galvanized steel plate
▼屋面金属瓦,Metal tiles on the roof
▼屋面金属瓦局部细节,Details of Metal tiles on the roof
▼施工中结构与饰面的关系,Relationship between the structure and facing
▼施工中的钢结构骨架,Steel structure under construction
Entrance spaces are extensions of streets, offering more than mere doorways; they possess substantial public character. The Langzhong sports town visitor center is our exploration and response to the possibilities of designing entrance spaces within a natural mountain and water landscape.
▼飞檐构造图,Detail of the overhanging eaves
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