2023年03月31日 14:58:48

受冰河时代末期米苏拉灾难性洪水形成的帕卢斯地区起伏景观形式的启发,这座拥有 4,000 个座位的多用途爱达荷中央信用合作社 (ICCU) 竞技场被设计为通往大学的戏剧性门户爱达荷校园。它是大学篮球项目的举办地,也是各种活动的聚集地,包括体育赛事、音乐会、集会和校园项目。 Inspired by the undulating landscape forms of the Palouse region, formed by the cataclysmic Missoula floods at the end of the Ice Age, the 4,000-seat multi-use Idaho Central Credit Union (ICCU) Arena was designed as a dramatic gateway to the University of Idaho campus. It serves as the home for the University’s basketball program and a gathering place for a variety of activities including athletic events, concerts, convocations, and campus programs.

受冰河时代末期米苏拉灾难性洪水形成的帕卢斯地区起伏景观形式的启发,这座拥有 4,000 个座位的多用途爱达荷中央信用合作社 (ICCU) 竞技场被设计为通往大学的戏剧性门户爱达荷校园。它是大学篮球项目的举办地,也是各种活动的聚集地,包括体育赛事、音乐会、集会和校园项目。

Inspired by the undulating landscape forms of the Palouse region, formed by the cataclysmic Missoula floods at the end of the Ice Age, the 4,000-seat multi-use Idaho Central Credit Union (ICCU) Arena was designed as a dramatic gateway to the University of Idaho campus. It serves as the home for the University’s basketball program and a gathering place for a variety of activities including athletic events, concerts, convocations, and campus programs.


The new facility provides an intimate spectator experience, showcasing the region’s unique characteristics and deep connections to sustainable natural resources. The mass timber design and abundant use of natural light represent a significant break from the traditional steel and concrete sports arena typology. The arena was envisioned to promote innovation in sustainable wood design, through collaboration with regional foresters and wood product industry partners.

该项目的形式和物质表达创造了一种植根于爱达荷州历史并展望未来的地方感。它是一个旨在庆祝运动成就的地方,并通过展示在胶合层压大跨度桁架中创新使用当地采伐的木材,以学习实验室的形式为大学林业和工程系的学生提供教育催化剂,以及销钉层压木材 (DLT) 结构元件。

The project's formal and material expression creates a sense of place rooted in Idaho’s history that looks toward the future. It is a place meant to celebrate athletic achievement and serves as an educational catalyst in the form of a learning laboratory for students in the University’s forestry and engineering departments by showcasing the innovative use of locally harvested timber in glue-laminated long-span trusses, and dowel-laminated-timber (DLT) structural elements.


Extending back from the levitated west-facing entry porch, the roof splits apart to create overlapping contoured forms above the north concourse, invoking the sinuous rolling hill contours of the Palouse. To the east, the roof gently wraps down around the practice court and connects with the ground plane. The exterior side walls were designed to be embraced by the expressive glue-laminated structure.


The undulating texture of the charcoal-stained cedar walls draws inspiration from early homestead structures in the region and stands in juxtaposition to smooth fabricated beams. The open fissures between the roof planes are infilled with translucent glazing to provide diffused natural light throughout the performance court and a fully glazed wood curtainwall provides views in and out of the arena where the action is always on display. The exposed and undulating Douglas fir roof structure creates a warm and embracing experience for players and patrons alike.


To realize the poetic beauty of the wood structure it was imperative to integrate the mechanical and electrical systems into the structure itself. The primary structure utilized a splayed portal truss and a repetitive king post truss system. The portal truss and king post trusses were designed with double glue-laminated top cords creating an interstitial space between the structure that was used as a “utility highway” to conceal mechanical and electrical components. On the west side of the arena, utilities were concealed behind soffits integrated into the athletic offices, locker room, and alumni center which provides an upper-level special event room overlooking the main court. Looking to the west patrons can also experience the Vandal terrace under cover of the robust cantilevered roof with views out to the rolling hills of the Palouse where the experience of place and community comes full circle.

建筑师:Opsis Architecture

2023年03月31日 15:52:37

受冰河时代末期米苏拉灾难性洪水形成的帕卢斯地区起伏景观形式的启发,这座拥有 4,000 个座位的多用途爱达荷中央信用合作社 (ICCU) 竞技场被设计为通往大学的戏剧性门户爱达荷校园。它是大学篮球项目的举办地,也是各种活动的聚集地,包括体育赛事、音乐会、集会和校园项目。

2023年04月02日 08:32:25



