2022年09月08日 11:41:15

工业区变身绿色校园 罗马第三大学新总部 MCA建筑事务所 罗马第三大学新总部, 城市和校园生活相互交织,拥抱融合   。   底层广场和空中花园平台   分层级对外开放   ,既   实现了 学校与社会的交流互动 ,   又保障了教学活动的秩序



罗马第三大学新总部, 城市和校园生活相互交织,拥抱融合     底层广场和空中花园平台   分层级对外开放   ,既   实现了 学校与社会的交流互动   又保障了教学活动的秩序  
设计遵循 植物世界的“有机分散”原则 ,充分实践教育建筑的 灵活性和空间流动性 重新定义未来校园模式
荣获 2022法国DNA Paris Design Awards 教育&体育建筑类别设计大奖  

The new headquarters of Rome Tre  University , city and campus life are intertwined and embrace integration. The ground floor square and the sky garden platform are open to the public at different levels, which not only realizes the exchange and interaction between the school and the society, but also ensures the order of teaching activities.

The design follows the "organic dispersion" principle of the plant world, fully implements the flexibility and spatial fluidity of educational buildings, and redefines the future campus model.

Won the 2022 French DNA Paris Design Awards Design Award in the Education & Sports Architecture category.



奥斯蒂恩塞(Ostiense)是罗马南部的一个分区,主干道奥斯蒂亚大街连接罗马和奥斯蒂亚。在十九世纪末、二十世纪初,这里是一个工业区。如今最重要的工业遗迹是Gazometro di Roma (煤气鼓)的金属结构,它曾是欧洲最大的煤气鼓,也是该地区的标志性建筑。

Ostiense is a district in the south of Rome, with the main road Via Ostia connecting Rome and Ostia. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, it was an industrial area. The most important industrial monument today is the metal structure of the Gazometro di Roma (Gas Drum), which was once the largest gas drum in Europe and an icon of the region.


The urban renewal measures of Ostiensee have been gradually implemented since 2003. The University of Rome III was established here in 1992 and continues to this day, so her renovation and new construction is also the most important part of the regional urban renewal plan.




项目希望为该地区提供 高标准校园建筑 的同时,也能构建一个 适宜公众休闲、交流的场所 。开放的广场庭院,草坪景观和诸多树木环绕,利用 公共建筑对城市发展的引擎 作用,增强社会凝聚力,使工业区转变为一个 具有活力的目的地

Old industrial area usually give the impression of serious pollution, overgrown grass, abandoned steel structures, factories...

The project hopes to provide a high-standard campus building for the area, while also building a place suitable for public leisure and communication. Open plaza courtyards, surrounded by lawn landscapes and numerous trees, harness the power of public buildings to drive urban development, enhance social cohesion, and transform the industrial area into a vibrant destination.


开放性 :模糊学校与城市的边界,校园景观与城市街区互相渗透,形成平等对话。

灵活性 :运用植物“有机分散”的智慧,优化校园结构,空间的灵活划分,使各部分相互独立又互相联系。

混合性 :办公、教学和公共展示等多种功能混合,提升建筑的利用率,激发活力。

可持续性   :根据被动设计和环境可持续性的原则,改善公共空间质量,提升该地区的生活品质。

Openness, flexibility, hybridity, sustainability are the key words in the design concept of the project.

Openness: Blur the boundary between the school and the city, the campus landscape and the city block penetrate each other, forming an equal dialogue.

Flexibility: Using the wisdom of "organic dispersion" of plants, the campus structure is optimized, and the space is divided flexibly so that each part is independent and interconnected.

Hybridity: Mixing of various functions such as office, teaching and public display, improve the utilization rate of the building and stimulate vitality.

Sustainability: Based on the principles of passive design and environmental sustainability, improve the quality of public spaces and enhance the quality of life in the area.



建筑采取 与城市共生的开放性策略 实现大学与所在地区的空间融合 。公共广场不仅是校园内的一部分,同时也为街区进行部分遮蔽。广场发挥聚合作用,吸引人群,营造出一个生机勃勃的步行区域,与周边地区进行连接,提升城市品质。

底层广场与奥斯蒂亚大街相连, 面向城市开放 植被涌入内部空间 模糊了内外部界限 。广场上种植了明亮的植被,一些过道和台阶为老师、学生和参观者创造了许多非正式的集会或工作空间。在与自然的亲密接触中既提供了人与人之间互动交流的场所。

The building adopts an open strategy of symbiosis with the city, and realizes the spatial integration of the university and the area. The public plaza is not only a part of the campus, but also partially shades the neighborhood. The plaza acts as an aggregator, attracting crowds, creating a vibrant pedestrian area, connecting with the surrounding area and enhancing the quality of the city.

The ground floor plaza is connected to Ostia Avenue and opens to the city, where vegetation floods into the interior space, blurring the boundaries between inside and outside. Fresh vegetation has been planted in the square, and some aisles and steps create many informal gathering or working spaces for teachers, students and visitors. In the intimate contact with nature, it provides a place for interaction and communication between people.

位于三层的 半开放空中花园 ,将面向城市开放的 公共区域 和归属于大学的 私密区域隔离开 。多样化植被、景观小品、美观耐用的木地板铺装,轻松营造出视野绝佳、绿意盎然的空中花园平台。既为教学区起到 减低交通噪音 的作用,更扮演着 绿色连接通道 的角色,连接三座椭圆形的全玻璃幕墙建筑。尽管底层广场与空中花园 相互独立 分层级地对城市开放 。但广场上的 中庭为二者建立了 视觉的联系 提供了交流的可能性


The semi-open sky garden on the third floor separates the public area open to the city from the private area belonging to the university. Diversified vegetation, landscape, beautiful and durable wooden floor pavement can easily create a sky garden platform with excellent views and greenery. It not only plays the role of reducing traffic noise for the teaching area, but also the role of a green connecting channel, connecting three oval all-glass curtain wall buildings. Although the ground floor plaza and sky garden are independent of each other, they are open to the city in layers. But the atrium on the square establishes a visual connection for the two and provides the possibility of communication.

Instead of rushing past, people will meet in vivid places, unique spaces bathed in soft light and with surprising and ever-changing landscapes.



三座新建筑通过 底层广场 空中花园 的水平连接, 空间内部 的竖向连接实现 机互连,既相互联系又各自独立


The three new buildings are organically interconnected through the horizontal connection of the ground floor square and sky garden, and the vertical connection inside the space, which is both interconnected and independent.

The first and second floors of the building are mainly used as reception areas and public spaces. Not only can it effectively divert the crowd, but it can also be used as a place for contact and communication to hold a variety of cultural activities and exhibitions.

建筑三层以上的 空间私密性较高 ,承载大学的几个重要功能: DAMS机构 办公空间和教学空间 。布局概念将 办公室和会议室安排在外围 ,保证白天和晚上房间的 自然通风 。全玻璃幕墙的设置可以实现 高水平的自然日光 ,从而 减少白天使用人造光 的机率。建筑内部的主要空间都可以俯瞰三层平台的空中花园, 可缓解视觉疲劳 具有极佳的视野

The space above the third floor of the building is highly private and carries several important functions of the university: DAMS, offices and teaching space. The layout concept arranges offices and meeting rooms on the periphery, guaranteeing natural ventilation of the rooms during the day and night. The all-glass fa?ade allows for high levels of natural daylight, reducing the chance of artificial light being used during the day. The main space inside the building can overlook the sky garden on the three-story platform, which can relieve visual fatigue and have an excellent view.



该项目以 被动设计 环境可持续性 为建筑方案基础,最大程度地 减少能耗并优化室内外舒适度 通过研究 当地气候和太阳高 度,将建筑物的形状设计为 椭圆形 东西两面逐渐变细 ,有助于 减少阳光照射 从而防止夏季过热和眩光

在建筑的不同高度设置 花园露台系统 形成垂直花园 ,在 增强立面可识别性 的同时,有助于利用 生物气候特性 提高室内舒适度

The project is based entirely on the principles of passive design and environmental sustainability to minimise energy consumption and optimise comfort both inside and outside the building. By studying the local climate and sun height, the shape of the building was designed as an oval with a taper on the east and west sides to help reduce sunlight exposure and thus prevent overheating and glare in summer.

A system of garden terraces at different heights of the building, forming vertical gardens, enhances the recognizability of the fa?ade while helping to take advantage of bioclimatic properties and improve interior comfort.










位置 意大利,罗马

时间 2021年


团队 :Mario Cucinella, Fabrizio Bonatti, Giulio Desiderio, Alessandro Miele, Michele Roveri, Daniele Morelli, Paolo Greco, Luca Vernocchi, Lucrezia Redace, Antonio Nardozzi, Ksenya Shkroban, Teresa Zanaria, Gabriele Chiaretti, Antonino Cucinella, Julissa Gutarra, Alberto Bruno,Serena Carrisi, Emanuele Dionigi, Giuvanni Sanna, Pietro Marziali, Giuseppe Perrone  ,  Yuri Costantini (模型)

视觉效果 :Engram Studio; Paris Render, Alessia Monacelli, Sebastian Beldean

摄影 :Moreno Maggi

建筑景观 :LAND

结构工程 :Milan Ingegneria

建筑服务工程 :Manens-Tifs

安全协调 :Giuseppe Omodeo

艺术指导 :MCA, Paolo Greco


