2022年08月01日 10:46:24

?孙海霆(下文除特别标注外均为孙海霆拍摄) 项目原为北京密云山村中一个废弃多年的小学,是在高墙包围中规则排列的四排砖木平房,业主租下物业后希望改造为高端民宿。 改造前项目场地 ?徐小萌 改造后 由于租约 和规范限制,项目不能对原有结构进行任 何增减或变更。 为了加强与当地村民的联系,施工人员也 以当地村民为主。



改造前项目场地 ?徐小萌


由于租约 和规范限制,项目不能对原有结构进行任 何增减或变更。 为了加强与当地村民的联系,施工人员也 以当地村民为主。 受疫情、交通和季节影响,项目须尽可能使用本地建材,施工时间也只有三个多月,因此必须采用低技、快捷的 轻介入策略,重塑场地体验。



原有老建筑及其红色的瓦屋面,在麻绳的间隙中随着客人距离和视角的变换若隐若现,呈现出不同的可辨识度。 麻绳本身在建筑室内外又产生了极为丰富的光影效果。

场地临近密云水库,但水面很难在场地中被感知到。 我们用悬浮在浅水池上的栈桥形成公共流线,再现水岸聚落的气息,同时化解原有规律房屋的“兵营”感或“仓库”感。 栈桥本身上下起伏,与浅水池形成了丰富多变的高差。 民宿开始试运营后,我们意外地了解到,栈桥多样的高差使得从儿童到成人都喜欢寻找适合自己的戏水座位。








? 米棉庄园


In contrast to the extremely urbanized downtown, the mountain area surrounding the city center of Beijing is still kept rural and natural. The site was a primary school abandoned for years in a mountain village in Beijing, consisting of four rows of brick and timber frame houses arranged in a repeated way and surrounded by high perimeter walls. As a rent property, the client wanted to renovate it into a high-end boutique hotel. Due to the lease terms and local regulations, any addition, subtraction or major change to the original structures was not allowed. 

Unlike most projects in Beijing, this project hired local villagers (many of them were not professional workers) for construction in order to strengthen the connection with the village. Affected by the COVID-19 control policies, traffic restrictions and seasons, the building materials had to be sourced from locations as close as possible, while the actual construction time was only three months. Therefore, we had to find a low-tech and light intervention strategy to reform the site experience.


As an extremely common material since prehistoric times, hemp rope has been rarely used in architecture on a large scale. In this project, we used 60,000 meters of hemp rope to change the facades while barely touching the existing houses. Through the mesh of ropes, the original orange-colored tiles and walls are revealed in a changing degree as viewers change their standing points. More importantly, the ropes generate very rich and dramatic light effect inside and outside the houses, in both intended and unintended ways.

The site is situated close to Miyun Reservoir, but it is not easy to be aware of the water on the site. We recreated the atmosphere of a waterfront settlement with a system of public paths elevated from the reflection pool, undulating up and down in gentle slopes. After the hotel started operation, we unexpectedly found that the various heights of the paths encouraged many ways of playing with water for both adults and children.

The only area next to road was transformed into the major entrance. Thus, the first house from the south is used as public space and service space, including the reception desk, restaurant, kitchen, staff housing, etc. The other three houses are guest rooms, including six double rooms and five suites. Every room has a courtyard with complete privacy. Glass vitrines equipped with bath tubs or serving as tea rooms protrude from guestrooms to enable guests to “dive” into the courtyards and experience them in an immersive way.

The original straw roof sheathing was moldy and replaced by wood board. Other than this and some changes of partition and fenestration, the original houses were almost kept intact. Due to the extensive use of natural materials such as timber and hemp rope, and short-distance suppliers, the carbon footprint of the entire renovation project is estimated to be close to zero.

Renovation is an extremely common situation in today's commercial activities. Changes of tenants often result in significant amount of construction waste. At the end of the lease period, this project will come to a much more environmentally friendly ending: all the steel will be recycled, and the hemp rope will be buried on site and return to dirt. After helping this project to complete its ephemeral life, all the natural materials we used will also return to their life cycles in natural world.

? 米棉庄园

平面图 ?十域建筑

项目 位置: 中国,北京,密云

项目类别: 民宿,餐饮,改造,建筑,室内,景观 

场地面积: 3650㎡

建筑面积: 630㎡

设计时间: 2021年9月-2021年10月

施工时间: 2021年10月-11月,2022年3月-5月

设计主创: 徐小萌 

设计团队: 徐小萌,Hannah Wang,刘志鹏,周铭迪 

结构咨询: 和作结构建筑研究所 

施工: 当地村民 

摄影: 孙海霆


