△ ? 项目立面 设计单位 CMC architects 项目地点 捷克 建成时间 2019 年 建筑面积 9749 平方米 摄影 BoysPlayNice
△ ? 项目立面
设计单位 CMC architects
项目地点 捷克
建成时间 2019 年
建筑面积 9749 平方米
摄影 BoysPlayNice
On the Eastern edge of the Czech Republic, near the Slovak and Polish borders, the village of ?eladná is surround ed by the beautiful landscape of the Beskydy Mountains. ?eladná has grown in recent years with a number of significant buildings, including hotels and resort type spas. The latest addition in the area is the Tee House apartment project located in a golf and equestrian complex . The aim of the investor was to supplement the offer of services of this area with accommodation facilities and wellness.
△ ? 项目鸟瞰
设计团队受 贝斯基德 山景观 的启发 ,以及原 综 合 体 中 明确正交划分 的建筑形态影响,将项目设计成 L 形,与场地原有建筑位置大致相同,尊重场地原有结构和肌理,地理形态也提升了项目的居住视野。
The authors of the architectural solutio
were inspired by the Beskydy landscape and also by the clear orthogonal division of the purpose-built buildings of the original equestrian complex. The new buildings are configured in an 'L' shape, and are in the approximate position of the former purely utilitarian buildings previously occupying the site. The new ?eladná buildings respect the original structure and orthogonal division of this place, and urban configuration is also used to enhance the views from the individual residences.
标准层的房间有 宽敞的凉廊, 这是项目立面独特的建筑元素,下层建筑的退让进一步突出了该特点,强调了建筑体量。建筑顶层被设计成具有显著特征的“折叠屋顶”,以强烈的视觉效果回应周边山脉景观。
The rooms on the typical floors include generously arranged loggias, which are a distinctive architectural element on the facades of the buildings. This is further emphasized by the setback of the basement floor, which makes the main volume of the building stand out. The upper 'loft' part of the buildings are designed as a recess, with a significantly overhanging transversely 'folded roof'. The visually strong architectural element in the roof shape is design to reflect the relief of the surrounding mountainous landscape.
项目纯粹的几何 形体 成为了 贝斯基德 山景观 引人注目 的 部分 。立面上,设计尽可能少使用丰富的材料和色彩,
The volumetric design of the buildings is emphasized by the effort to use as few materials and colours as possible on the facade of the buildings. The intended concept of the wooden 'cut-outs and surfaces, contrasting the base of the dark fa?ade, is achieved through the materials palette - Siberian larch, dark grey ALUCOBOND, dark grey plaster and exposed concrete. The pure geometry of the buildings thus becomes a striking part of the surrounding Beskydy landscape.
△ ?建筑室内
设计图纸 ▽
△ ?
总平面图 ? CMC architects
△ ? 剖面图 ?CMC architects