芥末虾 Lv.2
2022年05月11日 21:30:16

建筑由法国巴黎建筑事务所Triptyque Architecture设计,旨在于城市、自然和健康之间创造新的契约。 Designed by french-Brazilian Triptyque Architecture, with architectural design and art direction of the spaces signed by Philippe Starck, Villa M aims to create a new pact between cities, nature, and health.

建筑由法国巴黎建筑事务所Triptyque Architecture设计,旨在于城市、自然和健康之间创造新的契约。

Designed by french-Brazilian Triptyque Architecture, with architectural design and art direction of the spaces signed by Philippe Starck, Villa M aims to create a new pact between cities, nature, and health.

Villa M是一场关于自然主义的宣言。项目位于巴黎Montparnasse区的Boulevard Pasteur大道上,是一座多功能的综合体建筑。项目由Groupe Pasteur Mutualité的Thierry Lorente和Amanda Lehmann构想,是一座混合用途建筑,包括巴黎协会酒店,联合办公和生机勃勃的医疗保健中心。

A naturalistic manifest: this is the definition of Villa M, a mixed-use complex located in Boulevard Pasteur, in the Parisian borough of Montparnasse. The program, imagined by Thierry Lorente and Amanda Lehmann of Groupe Pasteur Mutualité, is a mixed use building including a Hotel by Paris Society, a coworking, and a dynamic healthcare-focused center.

该事务所的建筑以其住宅闻名,其几何形状由金属结构梁形成,旨在容纳各种药用植物,果树和中型至大型多年生树种。Villa M希望通过建筑设计将自然带回城市,其主要目标是利用自然与城市的融合为市民提供新的城市生活体验。

Its architecture stands out with its living building, whose geometry is formed by metallic structure beams, conceived to house medicinal herbal plants, fruit trees, and medium to large sized perennial species. Villa M’s design is intended for the architecture to bring nature back to the city, with the main goal to provide citizens with a new urbane experience with the advent of a “nature-city”.


The building’s 8,000 m2 occupation program also bring an innovative proposal: being a dedicated space for those who chose to help save lives – but open to everyone. The mixed-use complex holds a hotel, restaurant, bar, conference area, a check-up area, a co-working space, and a showroom for start-ups in the world of health to promote mixing, exchanges, and mutual aid between the different specialties and the different generations of health professionals.

好的生活,好的饮食Good Living, Good Eating


A unique and timeless place for families and young people to lunch, dine, meet, and mingle around a generous and accessible menu. Upon entering, the visitor is plunged into a place of life, energy, and benevolence: an Agora made of wood and concrete, vegetation, a friendly welcome, an open kitchen, all surrounded by a luxuriant terrace with trees. The décor evokes the playful and erudite spirit of the French Riviera, where one forgets time, and where we feel good. The vast and luminous restaurant is highlighted by wood, leather, shelves of books, knick-knacks, mismatched furniture that seems to have a history, large armchairs, wide benches covered with cushions, and ludic surprises. A plural and joyful universe, and a signature of the Paris Society places.

屋顶The RoofTop


On the top floor, the RoofTop, with its incredible view of the Eiffel Tower, the D?me des Invalides, and the roofs of Paris, remains an unparalleled experience. A suspended oasis is composed of fruit trees and plants, with large wooden armchairs, Canadian gardeners, wicker lamps, and garlands guinguettes installed. One comes there to have a drink during the day and late into the night. Paris is a feast.

以健康为导向的建筑A Health oriented building

疫情至今,人们对健康的危机感加剧了,新冠加速了已有的医疗保健挑战,地理和城市化问题也开始成为健康问题。另一方面,医疗保健已经超越了医院的范围,蔓延到整个城市,并在公民和卫生专业人员之间建立了更开放的关系。Villa M在新冠肆虐之前就已设计完成,其开创性的设计启发了城市开放性医疗保健建筑的命题。

The health crisis has intensified, and accelerated healthcare challenges already known and geographic and urbanistic issues have started to figure as health issues as well. On the other hand, healthcare has exceeded the hospital walls, spreading around the city and creating a more open relationship between citizens and health professionals. Designed before the Covid-19 pandemic, Villa M’s groundbreaking program catalyzes the idea of opening healthcare to the city, and the city to healthcare.

2022年05月12日 06:38:17

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