陈睿cr Lv.2
2022年01月06日 17:15:30

这是位于上海浦东新区永建路最南端、金桥社区卫生服务中心门边的一块小空地和一个旧的垃圾处理站,金桥镇政府计划将其进行改造成一个可以供周边居民休闲散步的小公园,同时也把旧的垃圾处理站升级更新。小公园长度约58米,宽度近15米,大致为狭窄的长方形。垃圾处理站用地为不规则的异形,有个院子供车辆进出运转。由于建筑面积不能增加,垃圾处理房只能在原建筑基础上重建。  This is a small vacant lot and an old waste disposal station located at the southern end of Yongjian Road in Pudong New District of Shanghai, near the door of Jinqiao Community Health Service Center. The Jinqiao town government plans to turn it into a small park for residents to walk in. At the same time, the old waste disposal station will be upgraded. The small park is about 58 meters long and nearly 15 meters wide, roughly like a narrow rectangle. The site of the waste disposal station is irregular, with a yard for vehicles to move in and out. As the covered area cannot be increased, the waste treatment room can only be rebuilt on the basis of the original building.  


 This is a small vacant lot and an old waste disposal station located at the southern end of Yongjian Road in Pudong New District of Shanghai, near the door of Jinqiao Community Health Service Center. The Jinqiao town government plans to turn it into a small park for residents to walk in. At the same time, the old waste disposal station will be upgraded. The small park is about 58 meters long and nearly 15 meters wide, roughly like a narrow rectangle. The site of the waste disposal station is irregular, with a yard for vehicles to move in and out. As the covered area cannot be increased, the waste treatment room can only be rebuilt on the basis of the original building.  



Since the reform and opening up, Jinqiao Town, Pudong New District, has quickly entered the tide of Shanghai's modern urban construction. In the process of earthbreaking construction, the local traditional architectural landscape context has almost disappeared. Even online, it is difficult to find photos of the past architectural landscape. Therefore, we can only reluctantly infer and believe that Jinqiao town originally had the traditional jiangnan architectural landscape culture inherited from Shanghai and even the Yangtze River Delta. Taking this as the intention, we will re-continue the traditional environment and context of Jinqiao Town in Pudong with modern techniques.What’s more, we integrate the interest of traditional Jiangnan gardens with modern international styles so as to provide a pocket park with small but rich cultural connotations for the public. At the same time, we will also provide an advanced garbage compression station with fully closed treatment for this street.  

▽鸟瞰 bird's-eye view 

一,“公园林”  “Park with gardens”


There are many famous traditional gardens in Shanghai, such as Yuyuan Garden, Autumn Xiapu Garden and Zuibaichi Garden. It is also the first city in China to have a modern "park". So in the design of this small Park, we tried to find a combination between the modern concept of "Park" and the traditional concept of "garden" and we called the combination  “Park with gardens” in order to reflect the important characteristics of Shanghai as an important modern international city and the important town of Traditional Chinese Jiangnan culture. Give the public a space with a modern park feeling and a traditional Jiangnan garden feeling…… “The beauty is between likeness and dislikeness.”Qi Baishi says.

二,“忆江南”  “Memorize Jiangnan”


The starting point of the design of this project is not to use conventional archaize, but to create a "new Jiangnan" temperament with contemporary techniques.We used the bare concrete to build view walls that separate the space for people to walk, which is the basic function. And a steel structure pavilion for people to rest is the theme structure. We have kept a few of the original balsam fir trees, combined with stylised pine trees, cherry trees, red maples and various shrubs and plants to create a modern and stylish garden and relaxation space. We also hope to evoke some memories of the past environment of Jinqiao. The moonhole walls at the entrance and in the middle of the small park are decorated with two groups of words in calligraphy by Su Shi, the famous literary scholar and calligrapher of the Song dynasty, namely 'Memorize Jiangnan' and ' Moonlit Night', which are also a reminder of the overall design idea.

三,“花月夜”  “Moonlit Night”


Half of the small park is the activity space with hard covering, which contains pavilions, benches and other facilities.  The other half is a small garden where you can enjoy all kinds of flowers and trees. The whole moving line is in "8" shape, smooth and interesting. Even, the high-rise area and green belt on the other side of the river echo the scene. In order to use the river view and the urban high-rise area across the road as distant borrowings, in the overall layout, the structures, coverings and strip shrubs are angled 21 degrees to the most attractive direction, instead of being perpendicular to each other, so as to draw more attention to the distant borrowings.  The flowers and plants in the daytime, the city, the river breeze and moonlight at night build up  a good places for the surrounding residents to have a rest and have a meal.  Pitifully, the planting and maintenance of the plants are not satisfactory.

▽河对岸望向小公园The side of the river looking towards the small park


How wonderful Jiangnan is! Can't help but memorize Jiangnan!

▽马路尽头的端景The end view at the end of the road

▽小公园的入口 The entrance of the small park

▽河边落日 The sunset along the river bank

▽小公园一半是硬质活动场地Half of the small park is a hard playground

▽小公园的一侧围墙A side fence of a small park

▽凉亭是小公园的主要建筑物The pavilions are the main buildings in the small park.

▽虚虚实实的空间层次The fictional or real spatial level

▽小公园一半是植物为主的花园Half of the gardens in the small park are plant-based gardens

▽植物为主的花园The garden is mainly made of plants.

▽层层景墙间设置休闲坐凳Relaxing benches between layers of scenic walls

▽环绕花园的步道Walkway around the garden

▽与垃圾处理站之间的隔墙Partition wall with waste disposal station

▽阳光与月影Sunlight and Moonshadow

▽与垃圾处理站之间的隔墙Partition wall with waste disposal station

▽下午的阳光Sunlight in the afternoon

▽青松明月Green Pines and Moon

▽花园的花草Flowers and plants in the garden


Walkway around the garden,Pitifully, the planting and maintenance of the plants are not satisfactory.

▽庭院深深 The peaceful countryard

▽方中寓圆的月洞门A round moon gate in a square

▽庭院深深The peaceful countryard

▽方中寓圆的月洞门A round moon gate in a square

▽远近对应的月洞门窗Moonhole gates and windows from near and far

▽月洞门窗Moonhole gates and windows

▽马路尽头的端景The end view at the end of the road

▽月洞门窗的远近呼应Moonhole windows and gates echoing near and far

▽与道路之间的围墙The walls between the park and the road


▽凉亭内部 The interior of the pavilion

▽凉亭内部望花园门 The watching flower garden of the interior of the pavilion

▽去花园的月洞门 The moonhole gate to the garden

▽隔墙与坐凳 Partition wall and bench

▽月洞门细部 The detail of the Moonhole gate

▽进入垃圾处理站的道路 The road to waste disposal stations

▽垃圾处理站的院子 The yard of the waste disposal station

▽垃圾处理站 Waste disposal stations

▽樱花时节 Sakura Blossom Time

▽樱花与月洞 Sakura and moonhole

▽月洞细部 The detail of moonhole gate

▽月洞借景,江南今夕The Moonhole gate with a view of present and future Jiangnan

▽花园的花草Flowers and plants in the garden

▽细部 Details

▽混凝土景墙细部The detail of concrete landscape wall

▽钢制漏窗细部The detail of the steel leaky window

▽多种材质的地面铺装Multi-material floor coverings

▽混凝土景墙细部 The detail of concrete landscape wall

▽凉亭细部 The detail of pavilion

▽茶余饭后落日黄昏Sunset after dinner  


▽总平面图General layout

▽动线图Route Map


▽墙施工立面图Wall elevation

▽凉亭施工立面图 Pavilions elevation


