阿姆斯特丹繁华的Zuidas是一个以雄伟的办公楼为主的商业区,紧挨着火车站,史基浦机场(Schiphol)和阿姆斯特丹市中心。 该项目是这里的第一座人性化,绿色和充满活力的大楼。这座建筑共有11层,包括47套公寓,面积从88平米到196平米不等。南侧是一系列堆叠的绿色露台和阳台,逐渐向外扇形延伸成一个宽阔的基地。 Zuidas is a popular location close to the train station, Schiphol and the city centre of Amsterdam. It’s a business area dominated by imposing office buildings. The George is the first human, green and exuberant gesture here. The festive building has 11 floors and 47 flats, varying in size from 88 to 196 square metres. The south side is a series of stacked green terraces and balconies, which gradually fan out into a wide base.

Zuidas is a popular location close to the train station, Schiphol and the city centre of Amsterdam. It’s a business area dominated by imposing office buildings. The George is the first human, green and exuberant gesture here. The festive building has 11 floors and 47 flats, varying in size from 88 to 196 square metres. The south side is a series of stacked green terraces and balconies, which gradually fan out into a wide base.

This base curls up on the sides of the building like a dress billowing in the summer wind. Because the flats shift in relation to one other, each floor plan has a different shape and quality. The actual facade is transparent and consists of triple-glazed fronts, which can completely unfold. The north side is characterised by a trisected facade with a free relief of glazed brickwork. Two concrete entrances lead to a green hall full of trees, a curled staircase leading upward and an 80-square-metre communal terrace on the second floor, where residents can meet among the greenery.

The striking bowl-shaped roof collects rainwater in water storage and is filled with PVC panels. While the rainwater drains the vegetation, the solar power supplies the central parts of the building with electricity. The George is committed to a healthy and social living environment in a metropolitan area.



建筑师:Dok Architecten