2020年11月16日 15:58:36

Gensler 搜建筑 收录于话题 ▲   更多精彩 , 点击上面“搜建筑” 关注即可 位于河内新商业中心的Viettel总部是Gensler在越南设计并完成的第一个总部办公大楼。作为越南最大的电信公司的枢纽,这座独特的建筑从统一的城市景观中脱颖而出。 优化的椭圆几何体通过八个楼层相互连通的空间将员工联系在一起,形成了一个高能量的协作工作环境。这包括一个800座位的礼堂,它在建筑内部提供了一个功能性的活动空间。

Gensler 搜建筑



Located in Hanoi’s new commercial centre, Viettel’s one-of-a-kind HQ is Gensler’s first headquarters office building designed and completed in Vietnam. As the hub of Vietnam’s largest tele-communication company, this unique structure stands out from a uniform cityscape. The optimized oval geometry fosters a high- energy collaborative working environment through connecting employees via interconnected floor spaces across all eight levels. This includes a 800-seat auditorium which serves to provide a functional event space in the premises itself.



Keeping local cultural and tradition requirements in mind, the Gensler team delivered efficient design of the building massing and orientation on a fast track project programme. With employee work environment and sustainability as core design drivers, the building is designed from the inside-out. Floor plates customized to an ideal depth with its series of skylights brings natural light to all working areas and reduces the need for artificial lighting.



The facility also utilizes natural barriers to combat Hanoi’s tropical climate and fosters an ecological habitat within the city. Despite an abundance of natural light, horizontal louvers installed screen the interior from solar glare and effectively reduce solar heat gain, resulting in a smaller heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) load. The aesthetically pleasing landscape design incorporated with native plants forms the iconic green roof which also similarly reduces heat gain throughout the day. Users can also enjoy the break-out space at the landscaped terraced roof gardens on either sides of the sloping roof. Other green features include a rainwater harvesting system.


Gensler’s design for Viettel’s new campus in Hanoi redefines how an office building performs. Viettel’s strong roots in the tele-communication market will continue to prevail as they champion innovation and embrace change with a building that will last for generations to come.



面积:23710 m2



