2020年11月05日 13:46:22

MVRDV为法国内衣品牌etam设计了位于巴黎黄金地段的旗舰店。 根据荷兰建筑工作室的主要可持续发展战略之一,该项目涉及对一幢19世纪的豪斯曼建筑进行改造,展示了适应性再利用的潜力,以减少新建筑对碳排放的影响。 设计采用了 "简约 "的方法,通过拆除隔断和插入玻璃表面,旨在营造一种揭示而亲密的氛围,就像销售的内衣一样。 in one of paris‘ prime shopping locations, MVRDV has designed the flagship store for french lingerie brand, etam. following one of the dutch architecture studio’s key sustainability strategies, the project involved the renovation of a 19th-century haussmann building, showing the potential of adaptive reuse in reducing the embodied carbon impact of new construction. the design adopts a ‘stripped down’ approach by removing partitions and inserting glass surfaces, which aim to establish a revealing yet intimate atmosphere just like the lingerie on sale. 



设计采用了 "简约 "的方法,通过拆除隔断和插入玻璃表面,旨在营造一种揭示而亲密的氛围,就像销售的内衣一样。

in one of paris‘ prime shopping locations, MVRDV has designed the flagship store for french lingerie brand, etam. following one of the dutch architecture studio’s key sustainability strategies, the project involved the renovation of a 19th-century haussmann building, showing the potential of adaptive reuse in reducing the embodied carbon impact of new construction. the design adopts a ‘stripped down’ approach by removing partitions and inserting glass surfaces, which aim to establish a revealing yet intimate atmosphere just like the lingerie on sale. 



occupying a corner site directly across from the galeries lafayette department store, MVRDV‘s design makes use of the building’s prominent location and wedge-shaped floor plan. the exterior has been stripped back as much as possible – highlighting the building’s clean classical appearance, allowing plenty of light to enter the store from both sides, and creating large windows for display.


inside, the ‘stripped down’ design approach is continued. by removing a part of the entresol floor above and most of the interior walls, the original stone structure is elegantly revealed. at the first floor level, a glass floor has been built, allowing light to filter through and providing customers with a captivating shopping experience. this floor is treated with a special film that makes it transparent when viewed at an angle but clouded when viewed from directly above or below, providing privacy and preventing vertigo for those standing on the glass floor. 

地下室由一个宏伟的中央楼梯进入,这些楼梯以及地下一层和地面层后面的地板,末端都铺设了浅色的木头,其灵感来自19世纪巴黎广泛使用的 "paveen bois debout "鹅卵石街道。"这种地板创造的图案也被发展成应用于玻璃地板的防滑图案,将两种地板类型统一为一个整体。

the basement is accessed by a grand central staircase. these stairs, as well as the flooring of the basement level and the back of the ground level, are finished with a light-colored wood laid on its end, inspired by the ‘paveen bois debout’ cobbled streets that were widely used in paris in the 19th century. the pattern created by this flooring was also developed into the non-slip pattern applied to the glass floor, unifying the two flooring types into a single whole.

MVRDV的创始合伙人winy maas表示:"'揭开美'几乎是一个通用的、永恒的价值,可以从内衣世界中学到一些东西。


”unravelling beauty’ is almost a generic and eternal value that can be learned somehow from the world of lingerie. the revealing – but directional – glassification of the store allows for a delicate balance between transparency and privacy, for intimacy and distance, unravelling the beauty of haussmann and etam’s products, users, and visitors’,  says MVRDV founding partner winy maas. ‘in the stores we design, we often like to try new, unexpected materials and love to play with different types of glass. the etam flagship store is the first time we have brought these approaches to a building where so much of the existing structure must be maintained.’

etam集团首席执行官laurent milchior表示:"我们选择与MVRDV和建筑师winy maas合作,是因为他们的创造力和独特的概念,既不寻常又创新,同时尊重塑造城市的建筑遗产。

WINY MAAS能够围绕着一个核心理念重新评估空间:揭示豪斯曼的壮观体量和形状,以实现下一代商店的现代愿景。结果是壮观的:透明的游戏,美丽的原材料和技术的混合--正如这个玻璃地板所展示的,世界上独一无二的!"。

‘we chose to work with MVRDV and architect winy maas for their creative force and their exceptional concepts that are both unusual and innovative – while respecting the architectural heritage of buildings that shape cities’,  says laurent milchior, CEO of etam group. ‘winy maas was able to reassess the space around a central idea: revealing the spectacular volumes and shapes inherited from haussmann in order to deliver a contemporary vision of a next-generation store. the result is spectacular: a play of transparency, a mix of beautiful raw materials and technical feats – as demonstrated by this glass floor, unique in the world!’


设计团队从艺术家Gordon Matta-Clark的作品中获得灵感,与石材专家合作,将这段墙体改造成重达5吨的可旋转 "门洞",保留了商店平面的开放性,但又可将这段历史悠久的墙体旋转回原位。

as well as providing a more sustainable intervention, the renovation of the existing haussmann building ensures the preservation and continuity of culture and heritage. during the demolition of the building’s interiors, a section of an original wall was uncovered. although there was no question that this historical element deserved preservation, it also presented a significant obstacle within MVRDV’s open floorplan concept. taking inspiration from the work of artist gordon matta-clark, the design team worked with stone experts to transform the wall section into a five-tonne pivoting ‘doorway’, preserving the openness of the store’s floorplan, but always with the option for the historical wall to be simply rotated back into place.



the peninsular urban setting of the store has already been taken advantage of for an event during paris fashion week, in which the store became a stage set and the surrounding sidewalk a runway for the fashion show. for such events, the haussmannian fac?ade provides a classical backdrop but it also offers a contemporary feeling with its sober and almost invisible additions.









