专栏寄语 : 水是与人类活动关系最为密切的环境要素,水环境前沿科学研究也始终处于高度活跃的状态。科学研究没有终点,而发表、出版是研究社区、学术生态不可或缺的重要一环。作为专业水行业期刊,我们始终致力于期刊特色发展,希望为塑造生机勃勃的学术生态环境做出应有的贡献。《中国给水排水》杂志与中信环境联合推出
图 1 过氧化钙促进剩余污泥厌氧消化水解增溶及产酸
图 2 CaO 2 在剩余污泥常温厌氧发酵中的作用及微生物生态学机理
1.Yongmei Li*, Jie Wang, Ai Zhang, Lin Wang. 2015. Enhancing the quantity and quality of short-chain fatty acids production from waste activated sludge using CaO 2 as an additive. Water Research, 83: 84-93.
2.Jie Wang, Yongmei LI*. 2016. Synergistic pretreatment of waste activated sludge using CaO 2 in combination with microwave irradiation to enhance methane production during anaerobic digestion. Applied Energy, 183: 1123-1132.
3.Qian Ping, Xiao Lu, Ming Zheng, Yongmei Li*. 2018. Effect of CaO 2 addition on anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge at different temperatures and the promotion of valuable carbon source production under ambient condition. Bioresource Technology, 265: 247-256.
4.Qian Ping, Ming Zheng, Xiaohu Dai, Yongmei Li*. 2020. Metagenomic characterization of the enhanced performance of anaerobic fermentation of waste activated sludge with CaO 2 addition at ambient temperature: Fatty acid biosynthesis metabolic pathway and CAZymes. Water Research, 170: 115309.
研究表明,采用 CaO 2 可有效去除污泥在厌氧消化过程中难以降解的有机污染物。初始剩余污泥共检测到 29种难降解有机污染物,10个样品中有机污染物的总检出频次为131次。经过CaO 2 预处理后,厌氧消化 5d时污泥上清液中的有机污染物的检出频率明显降低:只检测出19种有机污染物,10个样品中有机物的检出总次数为37,表明大部分的有机污染物由于CaO 2 的作用而降解。此外, CaO 2 作为污泥预处理手段能有效去除污泥中的内分泌干扰物(雌酮、雌二醇、乙炔雌二醇、雌三醇、双酚 A、壬基酚),且pH值适用范围广(2~12)。污泥中内分泌干扰物的降解效率会随着过氧化钙投加量的升高而增大,过氧化钙氧化后产生的内分泌干扰物的氧化产物比原目标物的致雌激素效应减弱,同时还能提高污泥的溶解性。活性氧自由基是导致污泥基质中目标内分泌干扰物降解的主要因素,剩余活性污泥中的金属离子会对内分泌干扰物的降解产生重要影响。
图 3 过氧化钙去除剩余活性污泥中的内分泌干扰物
1. Ai Zhang, Jie Wang, Yongmei Li * . 2015. Performance of calcium peroxide for removal of endocrine-disrupting compounds in waste activated sludge and promotion of sludge solubilization. Water Research, 71: 125-139.
图 4 UV/CaO 2 预处理技术去除污泥中微量有机污染物
1. Ming Zheng, Kevin D.Daniels, Minkyu Park, Alec Brockway Nienhauser, Erica C.Clevenger, Yongmei Li * , Shane A.Snyder *. 2019. Attenuation of pharmaceutically active compounds in aqueous solution by UV/CaO 2 process: Influencing factors, degradation mechanism and pathways. Water Research, 164: 114922.
2. Ming Zheng, Yongmei Li * , Qian Ping, Lin Wang. 2019. MP-UV/CaO 2 as a pretreatment method for the removal of carbamazepine and primidone in waste activated sludge and improving the solubilization of sludge. Water Research, 151: 158-169.
3. Ming Zheng, Qian Ping, Lin Wang, Xiaohu Dai, Yongmei Li * , Shane A. Snyder. 2021. Pretreatment using UV combined with CaO 2 for the anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge: Mechanistic modeling for attenuation of trace organic contaminants. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 402: 123484.
CaO 2 所产生的碱性氧化环境,有利于促进污泥增溶减量、厌氧消化产酸、并去除难降解有机污染物,从而推进污泥减量化、无害化、资源化处理处置。经 CaO 2 预处理并厌氧发酵后可获得高质量污泥发酵液(高含量 VFA低含量难降解有机物),可用于污水厂除磷脱氮的优质外加碳源。 相较于单独 CaO 2 处理, CaO 2 与微波或紫外联用能显著提高污泥预处理效果、减少 CaO 2 投加量,鉴于 CaO 2 的稳定性和易储存性,其在污水深度处理和污泥处理中有较大的推广应用价值。
内容提供:同济大学环境科学与工程学院李咏梅教授团队 平倩 博士。
策划编辑:衣春敏 刘俊
制作:文 凯