提到意大利的瓦莱达奥斯塔大区,人们立刻会想到切尔维尼亚、库马耶尔、皮拉…这些地方的滑雪场举世闻名,是众多滑雪、登山、滑冰爱好者的天堂。瓦莱达奥斯塔大区境内全部是山脉,遍布惊人的自然景观,同样也有具有丰富的传统文化宝藏。 Speaking of Valle d’Aosta in Italy, people immediately think of Cervinia, Courmayeur, Pyla...the ski resorts in these places are world-famous, and the paradise for many skiing, mountaineering and skating lovers. The Valle d’Aosta region is full of mountains, amazing natural landscapes, and also rich in traditional cultural treasures.
New Campus of
Valle d'Aosta University
Sust ainability is the focus of the construction of the new campus. Active energy-saving and passive measures are taken to improve energy efficiency. The integration of energy-saving technologies has successfully met various challenges and reduced energy consumption by at least 38% compared with similar buildings.
Fro m a social perspective, the open new campus not only has the usual campus functions, but also fulfills its social responsibilities. Realize the integration of the university and the environment, establish a harmonious and interactive relationship between the campus and the city, optimize the urban structure, and inject new vitality into the historical center. It has played an important role in the sustainable development of Aosta society and the city.
◆ 新校区的设计 从植物界汲取智慧 , 学习植物有机体独立但又相互关联的组织经验 。新校园在加强文化氛围,扩大绿化面积,将其整合成贯穿全城的 绿色综合系统 的同时,也强调自主体系,使得每栋建筑物均具有 功能自主权 。
Smart Campus
The new campus of the University of Valle d’Aosta is located in the center of the region’s capital, Aosta, where is he former military barrack . It is bordered by Monte Pasubio in the north, Monte Solarolo in the east, the Republic Square in the south, and Monte Vodice in the west. The project creates an open urban campus through a new planning . Preserve and renovate old buildings of important historical significance, and design representative new buildings.
同时,设计从植物界的 有机关系中汲取智慧 ,校园建筑在保持相对独立的基础上又互相关联,与环境和城市融为一体。校园规划在 尊重原来平面布局 的基础上,彻底改变了整体分布,进行 有机的规划 。设计 鼓励 双向交流及互动 ,大量的公共空间以灵活有效的方式 面向 城市开放 ,在便于学院的教学活动的同时 满足城市公共功能需求 ,带来 社会附加值 。
At the same time, the design draws wisdom from the organic relationship of the plant world, and the buildings are connected to each other while remaining relatively independent, integrating with the environment and the city. On the basis of respecting the original layout, the campus planning completely changed the overall distribution and carried out organic planning. The design encourages communication and interaction. A large number of public spaces are opened to the city in a flexible and effective manner, which facilitates the teaching activities of the college while meeting the needs of urban public functions and bringing social added value.
具体而言, 通过对校园活动的私密性进行分级, 分层级地对城市开放 。 将校园广场向城市打开,作为社会活动与学校活动的 缓冲空间 , 消解了内与外的边界性 ,使得校园与城市进行互动。其他的公共设施比如,运动场馆,会议中心等公共建筑和空间,可用于城市开放性的社会活动。 既能提高学校教育设施的利用率,回馈社会,提升城市活力,又能助力建设高品质的综合城市生活 。
Specifically, by grading the privacy of campus activities, the city is opened hierarchically. The square is opened to the city as a buffer space for social and school activities, dispelling the boundary between inside and outside, allowing the campus to interact with the city. Other public facilities such as sports venues, conference centers and other public buildings and spaces can be used for urban open social activities. It can not only increase the utilization rate of school educational facilities, give back to the society, and enhance the vitality of the city, but also help build a high-quality comprehensive urban life.
新校区采用 前瞻性的智能系统 , 以满足校园日后的 扩展需求 。令学生事务及校园设施管理更便捷,令校园生活更以人为本。

Sustainable campus
瓦莱达奥斯塔大学新校区的规划从 可持续角度出发 ,也是一种对 环境和社会效应的回应 。 开放校园的理念 将学校作为城市生活的 核心结构 ,赋予其更多的社会职能,共享资源,形成学校与城市环境间的紧密关系。 通过建立改善能源效率、保护资源、提高环境质量的教育社区,实现教育、环境和城市的可持续发展 。

Fully study of the local typical climatic conditions, including determining the potential and key points of the relevant area, such as the sun's path, changes in shadows, and changes in prevailing winds, so as to avoid new buildings from overly affecting the sunlight conditions of other surrounding buildings. Based on these conditions, a volume that not only meets climate and environmental requirements but also has an aesthetic appearance is designed. Use glass outer panels and opaque panels to form the facade structure to provide natural lighting and active shading. It not only ensures a comfortable indoor environment, but also gives the building exterior recognizable characteristics.
Special attention is paid to optimizing energy efficiency, and the best solutions are proposed. Renewable energy including groundwater heat pumps, condensing boilers, photovoltaic power generation, and solar thermal power generation are used for mixed use under a variety of technologies. While ensuring low energy consumption in buildings, it increases the revenue/cost ratio and ensures the best performance of the architecture to get the extremely high environmental quality standards. Compared with traditional natural gas heating systems, renewable energy drive systems are used to reduce emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.


项目信息 | Credits
位置 : 意大利,奥斯塔
类型 : 委托设计
时间 : 2011年 – 正在建设中
项目方 : NUV – Nuova Università Valle Valdostana
建筑设计及项目管理 : MC A 建筑事务所和 Pession Studio Associato
MC A 团队 :MC A Mario Cucinella, Giulio Desiderio, Michele Olivieri, Julissa Gutarra, Nada Balestri, David Hirsh, Rigoberto Arambula, Fabrizio Bonatti, Luca Stramigioli, Davide Stolfi; Giulia Pentella, Alberto Bruno; Yuri Costantini;
结构工程 :Sintecna
建筑服务工程 :Golder Associates – Metec & Saggese – Energy Services
声学工程 :Onleco
消防设计 :GAE Engineering
视觉效果 :Engram Studio
艺术指导 :MC A, Giulio Desiderio, Davide Stolfi