在泰国,我追溯了一种古老的夯土建筑技术,认为当地的建筑业或许可以学到一些有价值的东西。虽然这项技术早在几千年前就已发明,但由于人工夯土需要耗费大量人力和时间,因此一直被忽视。我与当地的承包商和建筑商一起重新学习了这一古老的建筑技术,让他们通过反复试验掌握专业知识。 ? Jessica Tang 为了找到适合湿度高、季风季节恶劣的热带气候的材料成分,最终混合物中添加了 10%的混凝土,以稳定压缩土的成分。从该国不同地区收集的泥土标本为建筑广阔的立面创造了不同的色调。由于夯土在泰国并不是经过认证的承重材料,因此结构元素采用了钢筋混凝土柱和梁。夯土外墙从外部将柱子包裹起来,从内部可以看到柱子,而内部则保留了粗糙的天然饰面。

无锡锡宝行 非常建筑 商业与文化建筑 锡宝行是一家4S店,坐落在一个单一的体量中。这个设计方案通过在其核心设置一个内庭院来致敬江南的建筑遗产,类似于该地区的本土住宅。这个庭院被通往屋顶的楼梯环绕,让客户在探索里面展示的汽车的同时欣赏它的景观。建筑外立面和内庭院立面使用代表传统材料意向的白色陶砖。白色也是宝马品牌的企业标志色。 Commercial and Cultural Architecture. The BMW Center is a 4S dealership housed in a singular volume. This design proposal pays homage to the architectural heritage of Jiangnan by having an inner courtyard at its core, similar to those found in the vernacular houses in the region. Encircled by a staircase leading to the rooftop, this courtyard allows clients to admire its landscape while exploring the cars displayed inside. The facades of the building, both external and internal, boast white terracotta bricks, an interpretation of traditional materials, while white is the trademark color of the BMW dealership as well.

背景--在印度加尔各答,"现代女子中学 "现有的篮球场被改造成了一所6层高的男女合校国际学校。该建筑位于一个嘈杂拥挤的交通十字路口,建筑体量以南北向长立面和东西向短立面的矩形体块开始。选择南北向纵向布局,东西向作为短正面,目的是最大限度地利用南向教室全年的自然采光,并将休闲草坪和加尔各答更广阔的城市景观尽收眼底。 Context - In Kolkata, India, the existing basketball courts of 'Modern High School for Girls' have been transformed into a 6-storey co-ed international school. Situated at a noisy and congested traffic intersection, the building's massing begins as a rectangular block with long elevations north/south and short elevations east/west. The choice of a north-south longitudinal orientation with east-west as the short frontage aims to maximize natural daylight in south-facing classrooms year-round and provides an elevated panoramic view of a recreational lawn and the broader cityscape of Kolkata.

这座建筑占地 13500 平方米,由一个六层水平街区和一个 13 层塔楼组成,位于 Avinguda Meridiana 和 Carrer Sancho de ávila 的交汇处。 The 13,500 m2 building, comprising a six-story horizontal block and a 13-story tower situated on the corner of Avinguda Meridiana and Carrer Sancho de ávila, stands out for its desire to break away from the hermetic nature of other contemporary buildings and relate directly to the consolidated fabric of the district.