2022年11月18日 09:46:54

Isala Meppel是一家超越了所有关于医院外观和感觉的陈旧观念的医院。与设计日常的无菌医院相反,Vakwerk Architecten采取了一种更全面的方法,并把创造一个能积极促进病人健康的环境作为他们的使命。其结果是一个优雅而友好的建筑,它更像一个保健中心,而不是医院,大量使用日光和面向其自然环境。精心挑选的质地和材料创造了一个温暖的氛围,使参观者有宾至如归的感觉。

Isala Meppel是一家超越了所有关于医院外观和感觉的陈旧观念的医院。与设计日常的无菌医院相反,Vakwerk Architecten采取了一种更全面的方法,并把创造一个能积极促进病人健康的环境作为他们的使命。其结果是一个优雅而友好的建筑,它更像一个保健中心,而不是医院,大量使用日光和面向其自然环境。精心挑选的质地和材料创造了一个温暖的氛围,使参观者有宾至如归的感觉。

Isala Meppel is a hospital that transcends all stereotypes of what a hospital should look and feel like. Contrary to designing the everyday sterile hospital, Vakwerk Architecten took a more holistic approach and made it their mission to create an environment that would actively contribute to the well-being of its patients. The result is an elegant and friendly building that resembles a healthcare center more so than a hospital, with abundant use of daylight and orientation on its natural surroundings. Carefully selected textures and materials create a warm atmosphere and make visitors feel at home.


The hospital is situated at the eastern border of Meppel, a small city in the northeast of the Netherlands, where it meets Reestdal, a rural valley characterized by its meadows, fields, heaths, forests, estates, and monumental farms. The design brief consisted of a complete hospital of 23.500m2 with an integrated rehabilitation center of 5.000m2, which were to be integrated into the surrounding landscape.


Our design goal was to create a building that feels friendly despite the extensive program that the hospital comprises. To create a pleasant workplace for employees and improve patients’ recovery rate and experience: a healing environment that stimulates vitality, health, and movement. Several working groups and conferences with healthcare professionals helped to optimize workflows and have resulted in a highly efficient building in which most functions are located on the ground floor.


Thanks to the predominantly horizontal orientation, the use of natural colors, and materials, and the implementation of a green roof landscape, the hospital is perfectly embedded in its natural surroundings. Folded aluminum plates on the fa?ade reflect the sunlight differently over time, changing the building’s appearance throughout the day and with the seasons. Canopies accentuate the buildings' horizontality and help prevent overheating.

Vakwerk Architecten与Komovo的战略设计师密切合作,确保将自然环境无缝延伸到室内。空间特征体现在几个室内细节中,如当地树木的黄铜叶子被整合到地板上,就像被风吹来的一样;在入口处通过互动墙面投影跟随游客移动的动物;以及装饰墙壁、门窗和窗帘的各种植物和动物的印刷品。

Vakwerk Architecten worked closely together with the strategic designers at Komovo to ensure a seamless extension of the natural context into the interior. The spatial identity is captured in several interior details, such as brass leaves of local trees integrated into the floor, as if they were blown in by the wind; animals that follow the movement of visitors at the entrance through an interactive wall projection; and various prints of plants and animals that adorn walls, doors, windows, and curtains.

这家医院不仅在组织和建筑表达上有创新之处:Isala Diaconessenhuis也是荷兰第一家全电动医院。太阳能电池板覆盖了两个较高体量的屋顶,并且该建筑还配备了一个蓄热系统。此外,该建筑对其环境给予了最大的尊重:地形主要种植了当地的植被;鹳鸟的巢穴被保留下来并增加了新的巢穴,绿色屋顶允许足够的生物多样性。这导致了一个健康的建筑,无论是对其用户还是对环境,现在和将来都是如此。

Not only in its organization and architectural expression is the hospital innovative in its sector: the Isala Diaconessenhuis is also the first all-electric hospital in the Netherlands. Solar panels cover the roofs of the two higher volumes, and the building is equipped with a thermal storage system. Moreover, the building treats its environment with the utmost respect: the terrain is primarily planted with local vegetation; storks’ nests have been preserved and new ones added, and the green roof allows for sufficient biodiversity. This has resulted in a healthy building, both for its users and the environment, now as well as in the future.


建筑师:Vakwerk Architecten


面积:23500 m2



