History of Water Supply Man’s search for pure water began in prehistoric times. Much of his earliest activity is subject to speculation. Some individuals might have led water where they wanted it through trenches dug in the earth, a hollow log was perhaps used as the first water pipe. Thousands of years must have passed before our more recent ancestors learned to build cities and enjoy the convenience of water pipes to the home and drains for water-carried wastes. Our earliest archeolo
规范、图集经常在变,作为设计人员,应当采用正确的规范、图集,以使我们的设计更加具有说服力!希望大家可以把最新的规范列出来(仅限建筑给排水常用规范),供大家参考与交流,欢迎跟帖指出错误。01、《给水排水制图标准》GB/T 50106-200102、《建筑给水排水设计规范》GB 50015-2003 http://co.163.com/forum/content/599_238263_1.htm 03、《室外给水设计规范》GB50013-2006 送审稿 http://co.163.com/forum/content/599_316261_1.htm04、《室外排水设计规范》GB50014-2006 送审稿 http://co.163.com/forum/content/599_231591_1.htm05、《建筑中水设计规范》GB 50336-200206、《住宅设计规范》GB 50096-1999(2003年版) 07、《民用建筑设计通则》GB 503