英语论文一篇 求翻译!!!
Comparison of startup and anaerobic wastewater treatment in UASB, hybrid and baffled reactorAbstractAn experimental study was carried out to compare the performance of selected anaerobic high rate reactors operated simultaneously at 37 °C. The three reactors,namely up¯ow anaerobic sludge bed reactor (UASB), hybrid of UASB reactor and anaerobic ®lter (anaerobic hybrid reactor ± AHR) and anaerobic baf¯edreactor (ABR), were inoculated with the anaerobic
INVESTIGATION OF SUBMERGED INLETS TO DEEP RECTANGULAR SLUICESN. P. Rozanov, N. Ya. Konakhovich,and L. N. Orlova UDC 532.522.001.5The form of the inlet to deep sluices should be selected to meet the following conditions: 1) cavitation does not occur; 2) on changing to a pressure flow from a free flow or vice versa unfavorable transitional regimes do not arise in the sluice, and the pressure remains stable; 3) the dimensions of the inlet bellmouth be as small and its outli
小生应届毕业生一枚,目前在一空调设备公司实习。毕业设计抽签抽到了采暖外网设计(相对属于简单的课题),老师需要我们从网上自己搜一些外网相关的英语班论文或者资料 (pdf) 。小生在网上找了很多但是都没有找到pdf格式的,找到的word文本转成pdf格式以后打印出来的视觉效果(以下简称效果)和word打印的效果是一样的,,老师说不行 必须是原格式为pdf的打印出来的那种效果..在word、pdf等格式的贴吧里寻求解决方法多日未果,于是来论坛求助哪位前辈有外网相关的英语论文或者资料(pdf),,希望前辈们给予帮助。 注:老师说对于我们的毕业论文没有什么要求,内容相关、格式对就可以了。他(们)只抓毕业设计,毕业设计要求一丝不苟,论文让我们自己去网上找 不要求非得我们自己写。再者考虑我们的英语水平,让我们自己想办法翻译(其实老师也提到了自己可以通过有道等词典翻译)。希望各位前辈不要喷小生:$