环境专业方向名称清单(英文)1. Adv materials & nanotechnology 2. Advanced Concrete Technology 3. Advanced Materials for Infrastructure 4. Aerosol Science & Technology 5. Agricultural Hydrology 6. Air Pollution
1. Adv materials & nanotechnology
2. Advanced Concrete Technology
3. Advanced Materials for Infrastructure
4. Aerosol Science & Technology
5. Agricultural Hydrology
6. Air Pollution
7. Air Pollution & Air Quality Modeling
8. Air Pollution Control
9. Air Pollution Control/Atmospheric Resources
10. Air Quality
11. Air Quality & Pollution Control
12. Air and Water Pollution
13. Air and Water Quality Engineering
14. Air and water quality
15. Air pollution meteorology
16. Air quality engineering
17. Air, Water, Waste issues
18. Airborne Meteorological Sensing
19. Aircraft Icing
20. Aircraft guidance,control,handling qual.,human pilot modelin
21. Alternate fuels and Vehicles
22. Analysis & Control of Water Quality
23. Applied Climatology & Forecasting
24. Applied mechanics
25. Aquatic Chemistry
26. Aqueous geochemistry and bioremediation
27. Architectural Engineering
28. Architecture and Engineering
29. Arctic
30. Atmospheric Boundary Layer
31. Atmospheric Chemistry
32. Atmospheric Chemistry & Air Pollution Control
33. Atmospheric Chemistry and Environmental Quality
34. Atmospheric chemistry of trace gases
35. BioEngineering
36. Biochemical Cycling
37. Bioengineering
38. Bioenvironmental
39. Bioenvironmental Engineering
40. Biogeochemistry
41. Biological engineering
42. Biological systems engineering
43. Bioprocess Engineering
44. Bioremediation
45. Bioremediation & Environmental Systems
46. Bioremediation of Contaminants
47. Biotechnology & Biochemical Engineering
48. Bridge Design, project management
49. Bridge inspection
50. Building Environment/Building Systems
51. Building Environmental Systems
52. Building Structural Systems
53. Building design
54. Building systems
55. CEE Systems
56. Catalysis and Surface Chemistry
57. Cell and Tissue Engineering
58. Characterization, Fate and Transport of Contaminants
59. Chemical Kinetics
60. Chemical and Biological Processes
61. Chemical/Physical /Microbiological Methods for Remediation
62. Civil Engineering
63. Civil Infrastructure Systems
64. Clean Air
65. Climate System
66. Cloud Physics
67. Coastal Structures and Processes.
68. Coastal Waves and Current Modeling Systems
69. Coastal and ocean engineering
70. Coastal engr. and hydraulic engr./water resources engr.
71. CombustionGenerated Air Pollutants
72. Comp. structural mech. & aeroelasticity of comp. materials
73. Composite Materials
74. Composite Materials and Structures
75. CompositesMechanics
76. Computational Mechanics
77. Computational fluid dynamics and process modeling control
78. Computer Aided Design
79. Computer Aided Engineering
80. Concrete
81. Constructed Wetlands Design
82. Construction
83. Construction & Structural Engineering
84. Construction Eng. and Management
85. Construction Engineering & Management
86. Construction Engineering Integration and Management and Automati
87. Construction Engineering Management
88. Construction Engineering and Management
89. Construction Engineering and Project Management
90. Construction Management
91. Construction Management and Sustainability
92. Construction Project Management
93. Construction engineering
94. Construction in Engineering
95. Construction management and applied information technology
96. Construction materials and byproducts
97. Contaminant Transport and Transformations
98. Contaminant characterization/fate/transport
99. Contaminant transport and fate
100. Convection Initiation
101. Cost engineering
102. Coupled LandAirSea System Numerical Modeling.
103. Crop Water Yield Analysis
104. Design and management of constructed facilities
105. Design of Heavy Timber Structures
106. Design, construction, and asset management
107. Diesel Fuels, Applied Catalysis
108. Disposal of Waste Safely
109. Drainage & Groundwater Remediation
110. Earth Resources Engineering
111. Earth Retaining Structures and Soil Reinforcing
112. Earth and Environmental Engineering
113. Earthquake Analysis
114. Earthquake Engineering
115. Earthquake and Geotechnical Engineering
116. Earthquakeresistant design of structures
117. Eco Sys natural vs anthropogenic
118. Electrochemical science and engineering
119. Engineering Management
120. Engineering Systems
121. Engineering and Project Management
122. Enviornmental Engineering
123. Environment engineering and water resources
124. Environment remediation
125. Environmental
126. Environmental & Hydrotechnical Engineering
127. Environmental & Remediation
128. Environmental & Water Resources
129. Environmental Air Pollution
130. Environmental Assessment
131. Environmental Biotechnology and Site Remediation
132. Environmental Chemistry
133. Environmental Chemistry and Biology; Environmental Fluid Mechani
134. Environmental Design
135. Environmental Eng.
136. Environmental Engineering
137. Environmental Engineering & Water Resources
138. Environmental Engineering and Science
139. Environmental EngineeringSustainability, Air and Water Quality
140. Environmental Engineering/Environmental Systems
141. Environmental Fluid Dynamics
142. Environmental Fluid Mechanics & Hydrology
143. Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology
144. Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Water Resources
145. Environmental Health
146. Environmental Impact, Evaluation
147. Environmental Infrastructure Program
148. Environmental Law & Policy
149. Environmental Management
150. Environmental Microbiology
151. Environmental Modeling and Process Engineering
152. Environmental Modeling and Risk Assessment
153. Environmental Nanotechnology
154. Environmental Risk Assessment
155. Environmental Science
156. Environmental Systems
157. Environmental Treatment
158. Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
159. Environmental and ecological engineering
160. Environmental and waste management
161. Environmental biotechnology
162. Environmental chemistry and microbiology, others...
163. Environmental chemistry;contaminant fate and transport
164. Environmental engr./environmental quality management
165. Environmental hydrology
166. Environmental information technology
167. Environmental remediation in groundwater
168. Environmental research and training
169. Environmental restoration
170. Envrionmental engineering and water resources
171. Evapotranspiration
172. Expansive Soils
173. Fatique and Fracture
174. Finite Element Analysis
175. Fluid dynamic exp. of turbulent and vortical flows
176. Fluidstructure interaction
177. Food and Bioprocess Engineering
178. Forest Engineering; Mapping Sciences
179. Fracture Mechanics
180. Frozen Soil Hydrology
181. Fuel Cell Design
182. Fuels
183. Fundamental of Combustion
184. GIS Systems in urban management
185. Gasparticle partitioning, particularly in nicotine
186. General Civil
187. GeoEngineering
188. Geoenvironmental
189. Geospatial Information Systems
190. Geotechnical
191. GeoEngineering
192. Geoenvironmental Engineering
193. Geoenvironmental Engr. Site Remediation & Landfill Design
194. Geoenvironmental Technologies, Hydrology and Natural Systems Cha
195. Geoenvironmental issues
196. Geofoam Applic for Civil Eng
197. Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
198. Geographic Information Systems for Hydrology
199. Geological Engineering
200. Geomechanics
201. Geomorphology, Hydrology and Ecology
202. Geosensing
203. Geospatial information science and technology
204. Geosystems
205. Geosystems/Water Resources
206. Geotech & Geo Env. Engineering
207. Geotechical Engineering
208. Geotechincal engineering
209. Geotechnical
210. Geotechnical & Geoenvrionmental Engineering
211. Geotechnical & Lifeline Engineering
212. Geotechnical Analysis
213. Geotechnical Applications
214. Geotechnical Centrifuge Modeling
215. Geotechnical Design
216. Geotechnical Engineering
217. Geotechnical Engineering, Geotech. Earthquake Engr.
218. Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
219. Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Systems
220. Geotechnical and Pavement Engineering
221. Geotechnical engineering and geoenvironmental engineering
222. Geotechnical research
223. Geotechnical/Geosynthetics/Geoenvironmental
224. Geotechnics and Environmental Geotechnics
225. Geotechniques
226. Geotechnology
227. Global Climate Change
228. Global, Regional and Local Climate
229. Ground Water Protection & Remediation
230. Ground and Surface Water Modeling
231. Groundwater remediation
232. Hazardous Substances Research
233. Hazardous Waste
234. Hazardous Waste Engineering Biotechnology
235. Hazardous Waste Mgmt.
236. Hazardous Waste Systems
237. Hazardous Waste Treatment
238. Hazardous and radioactive waste treatment
239. Hazardous materials management
240. High Speed Impact Data Analysis
241. High performance construction materials
242. High speed flow simulations and experiments
243. Highway Infrastructure Program
244. Human Geography Technology, Society, & Environ. Change
245. Hydraulic Design
246. Hydraulic/Coastal Engineering & Water Resources
247. Hydraulic/Water Resources Engineering
248. Hydraulics
249. Hydraulics and Hydrology
250. Hydraulics and Wind Engineering
251. Hydrodynamic Modeling
252. Hydrologic & Science Engineering
253. Hydrologic Modeling/Remote Sensing
254. Hydrology
255. Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
256. Hydrosystems Engineering
257. Hyrdoclimatology
258. I
259. Illimination
260. Indoor Air Quality
261. Industrial Biotechnology
262. Industrial Waste Treatment
263. Information Technology
264. Information technology in civil engineering
265. Infrastructural Materials & Systems
266. Infrastructure
267. Infrastructure Management & Planning
268. Infrastructure Materials and Pavements
269. Infrastructure engineering
270. Infrastructure engineering and design
271. Infrastructure materials
272. Infrastructure research
273. Inorganic/Organometallic
274. Instrumentation, sensor, and control technology for biologic
275. Intelligent Transportation Systems
276. Intelligent transportation engineering
277. Isotope & RareEarth Element Geochemistry
278. Land Resources
279. LandAtmosphere Interaction
280. Landfill design
281. Laser Spectroscopy
282. Life cycle cost
283. M.E. Biomaterials engineering
284. M.E. Geotechnics
285. M.E. Mining engineering
286. Machine Systems Engineering
287. Marine Engineering
288. Marine Materials, Biofouling, and Corrosion.
289. Marine and Coastal Biogeochemistry.
290. Marine and composite materials
291. Marine environmental modeling
292. Marine geomechanics research
293. Master Builder
294. Material and Structural Engineering
295. Material performance properties and construction optimization
296. Materials Engineering
297. Materials Science and Engineering
298. Materials, Mechanics & Computing
299. Mathematical Modeling of Envl Processes
300. Mechanics of Materials and Structures
301. Mechanics of Smart Materials
302. Medical Imaging
303. Metallurgical Engineering
304. Mine Safety, Mine Design, Surface Mining Systems
305. Mining Engineering
306. Modeling of Mechanical Behavior of Materials
307. Molecular Separation & membrane applications
308. Multidisciplinary design of adv. vehicles
309. Naval Architecture and Marine Vehicles.
310. Neural Engineering
311. Noise Pollution Sources and Control
312. Nondestructive Testing
313. Nonpoint water pollution
314. Numerical Resevoir simulation
315. Observation and modeling of estuaries and coasts
316. Ocean Engineering
317. Ocean Mapping
318. Ocean mapping development
319. Oil Spill Response
320. Open Ocean Aquaculture
321. Parallel Computing
322. Particle technology and fluidization and crystallization
323. Pavement & Materials Evaluation & ITS
324. Pavement Materials
325. Pavement Modeling and Design
326. Pavement materials/Superpave
327. Pavements
328. Petroleum Migration and Accumulation
329. Photodegradation
330. Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
331. Photosonlysis of Toxic Organics
332. Planetary environments
333. Pollution Control
334. Polymer science and engineering
335. Polymers and Materials
336. Polymers, Macromolecules and Materials
337. Prestressed Concrete
338. Prestressed concrete/GIS
339. Process engineering
340. Radiation and Remote Sensing
341. Railway Engineering
342. Rational Pavement Design
343. Regional and Large Scale Analysis and Modeling
344. Remediation engineering
345. Remote Sensing & Geographical Info Systems
346. Repair and Retrofiting of Structures
347. Reservoir Engineering
348. Resource and environmental engineering
349. Rheology, polymer/lows
350. Risk and Reliability
351. Risk and reliability engineering
352. Risk assessment and waste management
353. Rock Mechanics, Tunneling, Acoustic Emissions, Underground M
354. Sanitary Engineering
355. Satellite Remote Sensing of Land Surface and Ocean Processes
356. See graduate research areas
357. Semiconductor Manufacturing
358. Sensors and procedures for monitoring of construction quality
359. Separations
360. Ship design
361. Site remediation
362. Soil Dynamics
363. Soil Structure Interaction
364. Soil and Rock Mechanics
365. Soil and rock analysis
366. Soil and water engineering
367. Soil mechanics
368. Soilstructure interaction and mechanisticempirical pavement de
369. Soils
370. Soils/Structures Interaction, Finite Element Methods
371. Solid & Hazardous Waste
372. Solid Waste
373. Solid Waste Management
374. Solid/Hazardous Waste Control
375. Sonar Signal Processing/Data Visualization
376. Sound propagation, sonar, and noise control, underwater communic
377. Space instrumentation
378. Space weather
379. Storm Water Pollution
380. Stratospheric Aerosols and Ozone
381. Structrural Engineering
382. Structural
383. Structural & Geotechnical Engineering
384. Structural Analysis and Design Methodologies
385. Structural Design
386. Structural Dynamics
387. Structural Dynamics; Seismic Issues
388. Structural Engineering
389. Structural Engineering & Mechanics
390. Structural Engineering and Construction Materials
391. Structural Engineering and Geomechanics
392. Structural Engineering and Mechanics
393. Structural Engineering and Solid Mechanics
394. Structural Engineering, Explosition Resistant Design, NonDestru
395. Structural Engineering, Mechanics & Materials
396. Structural EngineeringBridges & Reinforced Concrete
397. Structural Engineering/Design
398. Structural Engineering/Engineering Materials
399. Structural Materials
400. Structural Mechanics
401. Structural and Geotechnical
402. Structural design using advanced civil eng. materials
403. Structural engineering and structural mechanics
404. Structural engr. & structural mechanics, earthquake engr.
405. Structural/Earthquake Engineering
406. Structures
407. Structures Engineering
408. Structures and Applied Mechanics
409. Structures and Materials
410. Structures and Materials; Transportation Systems
411. Structures and Structural Mechanics
412. Structures, Mechanics, and Materials
413. Subsurface Hydrology
414. SunEarth connection
415. Surface Hydrology
416. Surface and Subsurface Hydrology
417. Surveying
418. Sustainable Technology (Environmentally Benign Processing)
419. System safety, reliability, and design
420. Systems
421. Systems Analysis & Economics for Public Decision Making
422. Systems Engineering & Engineering Management
423. Tectonics and Geodynamics
424. Testing structures and structure rehabilitation
425. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
426. Traffic Engineering
427. Transport & Interfacial Phenomena
428. Transportation
429. Transportation & ITS
430. Transportation Analysis and Planning
431. Transportation Design
432. Transportation Engineering
433. Transportation Engineering and Planning
434. Transportation Engineering/Highway Design
435. Transportation Engineering/Planning
436. Transportation Planning and Operations
437. Transportation Systems
438. Transportation Systems Engineering
439. Transportation Systems and Analysis
440. Transportation and Construction Engineering
441. Transportation and infrastructure planning/management
442. Transportation and large scale systems
443. Transportation engr., computeraided engr.
444. Transportation management, safety, roadway lighting, and access
445. Transportation materials and pavement
446. Transportation planning, facilities, and design
447. Transportation research
448. Transportation safety
449. Transportation systems and materials
450. Transportation, Reinforced Concrete, Paving Materials, Intellige
451. Transportation/Construction Engineering
452. Treatment Plan Design
453. Tropical and Marine Meteorology
454. Turbulent Diffusion
455. Underwater Acoustics
456. Underwater Acoustics: Geoacoustics/Geotechnics/marine mammal
457. Underwater Robotics and Ocean Engineering Systems.
458. Underwater vehicle design, analysis, and control
459. Unit Processes for Water and Waste Treatment
460. Urban Water Infrastructure
461. Urban infrastructure
462. Waste Management
463. Waste Treatment
464. Wastewater Treatment
465. Water & Wastewater Chemistry & Engineering
466. Water / Hydraulic Resources
467. Water Distribution Systems
468. Water Quality
469. Water Quality Management
470. Water Quality Modeling
471. Water Quality: Biological Processes; Aquatic Chemistry
472. Water Resource Engineering
473. Water Resources & Environmental Engineering
474. Water Resources (emphasis on Water Quality)
475. Water Resources Engineering
476. Water Resources Engineering & WSSS
477. Water Resources Engineering and Management
478. Water Resources Management/Policy
479. Water Resources Modeling and Simulation
480. Water Resources Planning and Design
481. Water Resources Planning and Management
482. Water Resources and Environmental Systems
483. Water Resources and Hydrology
484. Water Resources and Pollution
485. Water Resources and the Hydrologic Cycle
486. Water Resources/ Environmental Engineering
487. Water Treatment
488. Water Treatment and DNAPL Removal
489. Water Treatment and Remediation
490. Water and Air Quality Management
491. Water and Air Quality Monitoring
492. Water and Coastal Resources
493. Water and Wastewater
494. Water and Wastewater Treatment
495. Water and waste water treatment
496. Water qualilty engineering
497. Water quality, water chemistry
498. Water resources
499. Water resources and environmental engineering
500. Water resources systems
501. Water treatment and transport systems
502. Water, Air Pollution
503. Water, Air, and Waste Treatment
504. Water/Wastewater Process Engineering
505. Watershed and Ecological Restoration
506. Wave dynamics and coastal engineering
507. Wave mechanics and fluid dynamics
508. Wetlands & Systems Ecology and Ecological Engr
509. Wetlands Ecology