来自专筑编辑邱媚的报道。Nova Scotia位于新斯科舍省的哈利法克市北部的一个折中社区,是Susan Fitzgerald事务所和她的建筑合伙人Brainard Fitzgerald合作自建的一个私人综合用途项目。邻近市火葬场、伊斯兰清真教发展中心、一个复印店、一个合法的大麻种植项目、一个分类回收站、一个烘焙咖啡厅、一个汽车代理点、一个汽车维修站、公寓大楼区和一排建于九十年代的稀疏的排屋。在25×100的小区内,本项目为丰富社区的特色做出了卓越贡献;转换可用地,快速成长和轻工业都预示了一个不确定的将来。本项目通过提倡保持和丰富社区的多样性的各种途径,增加了小区的密集性,社区性和宜居性。
来自专筑编辑邱媚的报道。Nova Scotia位于新斯科舍省的哈利法克市北部的一个折中社区,是Susan Fitzgerald事务所和她的建筑合伙人Brainard Fitzgerald合作自建的一个私人综合用途项目。邻近市火葬场、伊斯兰清真教发展中心、一个复印店、一个合法的大麻种植项目、一个分类回收站、一个烘焙咖啡厅、一个汽车代理点、一个汽车维修站、公寓大楼区和一排建于九十年代的稀疏的排屋。在25×100的小区内,本项目为丰富社区的特色做出了卓越贡献;转换可用地,快速成长和轻工业都预示了一个不确定的将来。本项目通过提倡保持和丰富社区的多样性的各种途径,增加了小区的密集性,社区性和宜居性。 From the architect. Located within an eclectic community in the north end of Halifax, Nova Scotia is a self-commissioned mixed use project by Susan Fitzgerald Architecture and her builder partner Brainard Fitzgerald. Neighbors include: the city crematorium, the Centre for Islamic Development Mosque, a print shop, a legal marijuana grow operation, a recycling depot, a coffee roaster and cafe, a car dealership, an automobile repair shop, condominiums and the sparse remnants of row-housing from the early 1900s. Within the 25’ x 100’ lot, this project contributes to the rich character of this community where the converging conditions of affordable land, rapid growth and light industry suggest an uncertain future. Advocating ways to maintain and enrich the diversity in the neighborhood, this project increases density, community and livability.
Ground Floor Plan/底层平面图
本项目包含三个在楼梯口处各自独立开门的单元,其功能包括:一所建筑和承包公司的带有设备储藏间的办公空间,一个有一条狗和两只猫的四口之家的住所和一个两层的可供出租的商住两用公寓室。规划和空间转换的灵活性让商业和民用空间既可以长租也可以按照经济模式改造,甚至可以随着孩子长大和老人退休进行家庭空间的改建。景观模式贯穿了项目的始终,能让人在喧嚣的城市中偷闲,也能提供花草和蔬菜的种植地。 Consisting of three separate units, each with entrances at grade, the program for the project includes: an office space for an architecture and contractor firm with equipment storage; a dwelling for a family of four with a dog and two cats; and a two-storey live/work rental studio apartment. Programmatic and spatial flexibility enables the commercial and residential spaces to contract or expand into one another based upon the viability of the business, and ever changing family circumstances as children mature and grandparents age. Landscaped spaces are integrated throughout the whole project to offer respite within the city and support the cultivation of vegetables and flowers.