本帖最后由 chla_com_cn 于 2013-4-9 13:26 编辑 中国风景园林网讯 事实证明,不需要很高超的技艺和克服地球引力的手法,只需要一点耐心和叠石的灵感。Michael Grab艺术设计师2008年开始着手设计了很多岩石平衡的艺术作品,用这些自然景观的岩石设计了很多雕塑,作为水景边的装饰艺术品。 叠石是国内外园林中常见的艺术手法,Grab遍访印度、哥斯达黎加、美国等地的叠石作品,记录了不同环境下的岩石造景风格:多彩的花岗岩和砂岩;渥太华独特的石灰岩;印度圆形岩石;以及意大利似泡沫状的石艺。意大利的岩石更坚硬,且较难平衡,但却又橙色的石材,衬托蓝色的天空是非常美的表现。
"The most fundamental element of balancing in a physical sense is finding some kind of 'tripod' for the rock to stand on. Every rock is covered in a variety of tiny to large indentations that can act as a tripod for the rock to stand upright, or in most orientations you can think of with other rocks. By paying close attention to the feeling of the rocks, you will start to feel even the smallest clicks as the notches of the rocks in contact are moving over one another."
The next step, he says, is to "find a zero point, or silence within myself." Grab speaks about rock balancing with a calm fervor that verges on holistic mysticism. He finds a reflection of the world in the balanced rocks, which are "precariously sturdy, mysterious, and fragile."