论文简介: 本文介绍了一种基于神经网络的热舒适控制器研究,建立了热舒适区域模型,最后对一VAV系统进行了模拟。Abstract—This paper describes the design of a thermal comfort controller for indoor thermal environment regulation. In this controller, Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) is adopted as the
Abstract—This paper describes the design of a thermal comfort controller for indoor thermal environment regulation. In this controller, Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) is adopted as the
control objective and six variables are taken into consideration. Meanwhile, a kind of direct neural network (NN) control is designed, and a thermal space model for Variable-Air-Volume (VAV) application is developed. Based on the computer simulation, it is seen that this thermal comfort controller can maintain the indoor comfort level within the desired range
under both heating / cooling modes. Furthermore, by combining the energy saving strategy with the VAV application, it also shows the potential for energy saving in future.

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