2007年02月25日 22:56:25

翻译的实际是指研习翻译者着手翻译而言,下面这些实例包括各种文词上具有代表性的练习功能,有英译中者,亦有中译英者,但均有中英对照,并加注释,以利读者参考。当然,一个句子可有几种翻译,这里文句仅举一种译文(Version)其他由读者自己去构思,以收练习之效。 1.     For true education goes far beyond facts. It means more than (1) classrooms and lectures and examinations Education also means experience and faith, courage and understanding. Most of all it means the ability to think and act. These are the qualities which translate dead knowledge into living wisdom. They are what make our "guesses"(2) turn out to be right.



  For true education goes far beyond facts. It means more than (1) classrooms and lectures and examinations Education also means experience and faith, courage and understanding. Most of all it means the ability to think and act. These are the qualities which translate dead knowledge into living wisdom. They are what make our "guesses"(2) turn out to be right.

(1)此处的more than是不仅...;不止于...之意。


  The Han dynasty, dating from 202 B. C., next won(1) control of China. Han rulers governed for all but(2) a few of the next 400 years. During the first part of the dynasty,Han warriors battled wandering tribes that lived just beyond China’s northern and western borders. By about 100 B. C.the Hah armies had beaten these tribes and seized their lands. China now equaled the Roman Empire in size and power. Trade flourished between these two great-powers. Rugs from Persia decorated the Han emperor’s palace, and the wives of Roman nobles wore Chinese silk.

(1)next won:此处指接着或相继统冶之意。
(2)all but:除……之外……全有。
  汉朝从纪元的二O二年起,接着统治中国汉朝的统治者除了少数几年外统治其后四百年。当汉初时,汉朝的战士们,与一些迁移不定的部落交战,这些部落居住于中国西北边 界之外。大约纪元前一OO年,汉军击败这些部落,并占领其土地,至此中国在疆域与声威上与罗马帝国相。频繁的贸易畅通于大强国之间,汉宫中铺饰着波斯地毯,罗马贵族的妻室穿着中国丝绸。


  It is a platitude (1) to observe that it is not science itself that is destabilizing (2) and it is not science that is the direct agent for evil. It is, instead, man’s techno-logical application of scientific knowledge that should be the focus of attention. But the layman has the right to ask not only whether technology can be controlled but also whether the underlying science (3) that made the technology possible can be controlled.

(3)the underlying science:基本科学


  Dragon Boat Festival (1) :so called because of the unique race of dragon boats breathtakingly fighting(2) for the coveted (3) prizes offered to the winners on the occasion, it is an unusually attractive and exciting event observed annually in China on the 5th of the fifth lunar month, corresponding to June 15, during which brightly colored dragonbedecked boats race in a classic regatta(4) competing for supremacy. The race is made all the more exciting by the violent beating of Chinese gongs and drums and the wild cheering of the crowd. As numthe date and the month happen to bear the same both her, i.e., 5, it is also called the festival of the "double five" or "double fifth."

(1)Dragon Boat Festival:龙舟节;端午节;重五节
(2)breathtakingly fighting(for):为……奋不顾身
(4)classic regatta:古典赛艇会


2007年02月25日 22:57:03

  The point of invention from the earliest days of fire, iron, and the wheel has always been to give man some additional advantage (1) over the natural environ-ment. For much of his history the advantages obtained were, on the whole (2), occasional, small-scale, and, at least in the early stages, local in effect. Now this is changing. With our extensive knowledge and sophisti-cated (3) instruments we can, in some sort, fix stars (4) of our own in their courses and meddle with (5) the number of the days of our years. We are well on the way, in our timeless effort to bring the natural environ-ment under control, to replace it by artificial environ-ment of our own contriving.

(1)additional advantage:附带的便利
(2)on the whole:大概;大体上
(4)fix stars:指引方向的星星;fix stars Of our own in their courses谓自己能够掌握方向。
(5)meddle with:与……有关系;参与……,按此句上下文为应利用(有限之岁月努力)。


  The educated man sees beyond cause to its effect. He has learned to anticipate. If a roof is defective, he anticipates the likelihood (1) that it will leak. If a child is poorly fed, the educated man anticipates the proba-bility of malnutrition and debility. (2)If a person is under unremitting stress (3), the educated man anticipates the possibility of physical or mental breakdown or both. As a society (4), however, we are uneducated in the sense that we anticipate poorly or not at all. We are surrounded (5) by major causes t(6) but tend to detach ourselves from (7) their major effects (8).

(1)the likelihood((hat it will leak)一词按上下文指漏雨一类的事。
(3)unremitting stress:不停地紧张烦忙
(4)as a society:社会之一份子
(5)be surrounded by:周边发生……
(6)major causes:重大事故
(7)to detach.…from…:不去理睬;不管
(8)maJor effects:严重后果



  The place of our retreat (1) was a little neighbor-hood consisting of farmers, who tilled their own grounds, and were equal strangers to opulence (2) and poverty, As they had almost all the conveniences (3) of life within themselves, they seldom visited towns or cities in search of superfluity. Remote from (4) the polite, they still retained the primeval simplicity of manners; and frugal by habit, they scarcely knew that temperance was a virtue.

(4)remote from:不太讲求……


  Many observers have commented (1) on what seems to be the fact that fear plays a much smaller part than we should think it must in the life of an animal which lives dangerously. Terror he can know, and perhaps he knows it frequently. But it seems to last only a little longer than the immediate danger(2)it helps him to avoid, instead of lingering (3), as in the human being it does, until it becomes a burden and a threat. The frightened bird resumes (4) his song as soon as danger has passed and so does the frightened rabbit his games. It is almost as if they knew that "cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once (5).

(2)immediate danger:当时的危险。


2007年02月25日 22:57:44

  Any young writer who may imagine that the power of clear and concise literary expression comes by nature (1), cannot do better than study in Goldsmith’s writings the continual and minute alterations which the author considered necessary even after the first edition-sometimes when the second and third editions had been published. Many of these, especially in the poetical works, were merely improvements in sound (2), as suggested by a singularly sensitive ear. But the majority of (3) the omissions and corrections were prompted by a careful taste (4), which abhorred everything redundant or slovenly cs). The English people are very fond of good English; and thus it is that couplets from "The Traveller (6)" and "The Deserted Village" (7) have come into the common stock of our language, and that sometimes not so much on account of the ideas they convey as through their singular precision of epithet and musical sound.

(1)by nature:靠天份;天生的。
(2)in sound:指声韵而言。
(3)the majority Of:许多。
(5)redundant or slovenly:冗长散漫的(文笔)
(6)The Traveller([旅者]):为英国诗人高兹史密斯(Oliver Goldsmith,1930-74)于一七六四年所写的一篇长诗。他曾又于一七七O年写下另一篇长诗The Deserted Village([荒村]),这是他最具气魄的两首长诗,此二诗描写英格兰与苏格兰在他那个时代,社会与经济的不景 气,但是,他以轻松的态度写作,语意柔和而愉快,以致词藻盖住了他的思想。高兹密斯总是忍受较大的痛苦辛劳地工作,将其作品一改再改,务期达到文字最精确的表达为止,故被誉为英国文学中最伟大人物之一。其伟大剧作自投怀抱)有[好好先生] (The Good—natured Man,1768);『(She Stoops to Conquer,1773)等作品。
(7)The Deserted Village:『荒村』诗篇名。

  一个青年作家如果认为文学表达上那种清晰简明之笔力是算大份的话,他不如去研究一下高兹米斯作品里那经过屡次细微的修改过的文句,而这些修改过的地方又是高兹米斯甚至在第一版之后就认为是必要的——有时第二版与第三版之后都会修改过。许多修改过的地方,特别是诗歌作品里的,仅仅某些声韵耳朵听起来不顺就需加以修改。也有许多地方 是因他有一种仔细品尝的癖性,而这种癖性是不容任何散漫的辞句,故而立即加以删改。英国人喜爱美好英文章句,以是高兹米斯的长诗[旅者]与[荒村]里的对句韵律诗句常被引用而为英文常用语,并且所引用者有的并不是因为其所表达的观念好,而仅是因为词藻精湛与声韵铿然。


  A tradesman (1) behind his counter must have no flesh and blood about him, no passions, no resentment; he never be angry--no, not so much as seem to be so (2) if a customer troubles him five hunred pounds’ worth of goods, and scarce bids (3) money for anything; nay, though they really come to his shop with no intent to buy, as many do, only to see what is to be sold, and though he knows they cannot be better pleased than they are at some other shop where they intend to buy, ’tis all one; the tradesman must take it (4), he must place it to the accout of his calling(5) that ’tis his business to be ill used and resent nothing; and so must answer as obligingly to those who give him an hour or two’s trouble and buy nothing as he does to those who, in half the time, lay out ten or twenty pounds. The case is plain; and if some do give him trouble, and do not buy, others make amends, and do buy ; and as for the trouble, ’tis the business of the shop.

(l)tradesman: 此处按上下文意应译为小店员。
(2)"not so much as seem to be so" 一语意即想大发脾气而似乎又不能那样做之意。
(4)take it:认命;忍受

  一个坐柜台的小店员该是理智的,不激动,不生气;他绝对不可以忿怒——不可以忿怒,即使想生气也不可以如是做。如果有一位顾客对一件价值五千英镑的货物,以出价来烦扰他的话,他亦不可以生气;绝对不可以生气的,像许多人那样,他们进店来不是想来买东西的,只是来看看有什么东西在卖,也明知道这种人不容易讨好,就正如那些到店里是 真要买东西的主顾一样不容易讨好,顾客就都是那个样子;小店员必须忍受,并把这类的事情看着是职业份内的事,那就是说其本份就是应该受气而不生气;对那些麻烦他一两个小时而不买东西的人,就像对那些到店里来,花了刚才那种人一半的时间,却出手就是一二十英镑的顾客一样的要高高兴兴的回答他们的问题。其情形是很显然的;如果有人到店里来麻烦了他,但并不买东西,别的顾客却是真的来买东西给了他补偿;至于说麻烦嘛,开店本来就是一件麻烦的事嘛。

2007年02月25日 22:58:13

  One of the deepest (1) of minor pleasures is the common one of collecting. I say deep because it is rooted in the soil of the primitive. It is akin to (2) the pleasure we take in being snug and warm when outside the elements (3) are raging. It must respond to the caveman within (4). The philatelist will tell you that stamps are educational, that they are valuable, that they are beautiful. All that is quite true, but only part of the truth. Such reason can hardly account for the fact that collecting can be and often is a passion, saturated with the irrational. My notion is that collec-ting is a symbolic gesture (5). The collection is a hedge, a comfort, a shelter into which the sorely beset mind can withdraw. It is orderly, it grows toward completion, it is something, as we say, that can’t be taken away from us. The miser is merely a collector gone mad; but all collectors are a little mad in that they draw from (6) an assemblage(7) of inanimate objects (8) a pleasure that is profoundly emotional and tied to the core of their being (9).

(1)the deepest:此处译根深蒂固不如译渊源久还或(历史)最终久较妥。
(2)akin to:类似……;同于……
(5)symbolic gesture:此处非象征手势之意,应从象征意义来讲,因手势之表达亦为一种意义之表达。
(6)draw from……(a pleasure) :从……获得乐趣
(8)inanimate objects:无生命的东西
(9)the core or their being:存在的中心;生命的根源
  搜集东西是最普遍最悠久的小趣味。我说悠久是因为其渊源可溯自远古原始人类。其趣味同于暴风雨时室外风雨交加而室内舒适温暖那种情形。这种情形也同于山顶洞人躲在洞 穴里的趣味。集邮家告诉你邮票是有教育意义的,有价值的,美丽的。所说的这些都很对,但仅说明了一部份事实。这样的理由尚不能说明搜集东西经常是一种沉醉在无理性中的热情这一事实。我的看法是这样的,搜集东西有象征的意义。搜集东西像是一道篱笆,一个舒适的地方(一种慰藉),一个避风港,躲在里边那痛苦受创的心灵就可以逃避现实,那地方井然有序臻于完美的境界,可以说,那是对我们很重要而别人却无法夺走的东西。小气鬼就是发狂的收集家;但是所有的收集家多少都有一点狂热,这种狂热就是从无生命物的搜集而得到乐趣,而这种乐趣是富有深厚的感情而与他整个的生命紧紧相关联着。


  All philosophers imagine that causation (1) is one of the fundamental axioms (2) of science, yet, oddly enough, in advanced sciences such as gravitational astronomy, the word "cause" never occurs.

  Dr. James Ward, in his Naturalism (3) and Agnosti-cism (4), makes this a ground of complaint against physics: the business of those who wish to ascertain the ultimate truth about the world, he apparently thinks, should be the discovery of causes, yet physics never even seeks them. To me it seems that philosophy ought not to assume such legislative functions(5), and that the reason why physics has ceased to look for causes is that, in fact, there are no such things. The law of causality (6), I believe, like much that passes muster (7) among philosophers, is a relic of a bygone age, surviving (8), like the monarchy, only because it is erroneously supposed to do no harm.

(5)legislative functions:此处合法的功能指合法的责任而言。
(6)the law Of causality:即causation(因果律)。
(7)passes muster:通过资格考试;检验合格。



  You have not experienced the full charm (1) of the man unless you have actually seen him, bent troubled with rheumatism, crawling out from between his coarse cotton sheets like a ruin (2). Only in the warmest months of the year do his bones thaw out sufficiently to enable him to stand erect. In the summer afternoons he walks the park, his little head glowing like a minor sun, his jaw set in a violent expression of health (3).

(3)in a violent expression of health:表现很有精神的样子。


2007年02月25日 22:58:51

  You have heard people dismiss the claims of a liberal education (1) with the statement that it is more ornamental (2) than useful. Poor things, when they have delivered themselves of this verdict they think they have settled the question. How are such people to suspect that knowledge has values which transcend both use and ornamentation? One prizes it (3), not for what he can do with it, but for what it does to him; not for the tools it lays in his hand, but for the changes it brings about in his own capacities and ideals and standards.

  All this is not to say that we should pursue learning for the sake of its introspective rewards (4). The day will probably never come again when the western mind (5) will regard philosophical contemplation as the highest good. But unless learning has spiritually enriched the individual, has freed him from prejudices and awakened a profound intellectual passion, it is not education at all. We lose the spirit of true education the instant we begin to think of it as a tool for "getting ahead (6),"and not as a value in itself. To do that is to place the economic (7) before the aesthetic, the things of the flesh before those of the spirit.

(1)liberal education:通材教育。
(3)prizes it:prize此处译珍视为宜;指知识而言。
(4)introspective rewards:内省效用。
(5)western mind:指西方精神而言。
(6)"getting ahead"讽刺有人以教育为谋求高职之工具,故此处译为[进身]颇为得宜。
(7)the economic(the+Adj.=Noun)此处译为实用,盖与后一词the aethetic (美学)有反称对比之效用。


  整个这点并不是说我们应该为知识的内省效用而追求知识。西方精神以哲学的沉思为至善的这么一天大概永远不会再来。但是,除了知识能在灵性方面充实个人,消除偏见,以及唤醒对高深知识的热情,那就不能算有教育。当我们开始认为软育是一种[进身]的工具,而忽略其本身的某种价值时,我们便丧失了真正的教育精神。那样的想法便是置实用 于美学之上,取血肉而舍灵性了。


  Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering(1) in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces (2) of scientists in laboratories and testing fields, in the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discoveries, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old black board there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.

(2)task rorces:有团队精神之工作队伍。


2007年02月25日 22:59:15

  Literally every step we take in life is determined by a series of interlocking concepts and conceptual schemes. Every goal we formulate for our actions, every decision we make, be it trivial or momentous (1), involves assumptions (2) about the universe and about human beings. To my mind, any attempt to draw a sharp line (3) between common-sense ideas and scientific concepts is not only impossible but unwise. Belief in the whole apparatus (4)of a three-dimensional (5) world and in the existence of other people is a policy (6) essential for an individual’s survival; for a physicist or chemist in bis laboratory, a new working hypothesis is a policy guiding his conduct as an experimenter. Where is one to draw the line? The common-sense ideas of our ancestors before the dawn of modern science were the foundation of all their value judgments. If scientific concepts are now part of our common-sense assumptions, and who can doubt they are, then to this degree, at least, the consequences of the actions of previoas scientists now affect our value judgments. This much connection between science and human conduct seems to me quite certain.

(1)trivial or momentous=large Or small(或大或小)。
(3)to draw asharp line:严格划分或划一个明显的界限
(4)the whole apparatus:指整个地球之结构而言。
(6) policy:此处意指principle(原则)



  In every nation, there is a vast class of people who are cowardly, and more or less stupid. And with these people, just as certainly the fee (1) is first and the work second, as with brave people the work is first and the fee (2)second. And this is no small distinction. It is the whole (3) distinction. It is the whole distinction in a man. Observe then, all wise work (4) is mainly threefold in character. It is honest, useful and cheerful. I hardly know anything more strange than that you recognize honesty in play, and you do not in work. In your lightest games you have always some one to see what you call "fair play (5)". In boxing you must hit fair; in racing, start fair. Your watchword (6) is fair play; your hatred, foul play (7). Did it ever strike (8) you that you wanted axother watchword also, fair work., and another hatred also, foul work?

(1)the fee:此处指待遇或薪资而言,并非费用之意。
(2)the fee second=the fee is second的省略形式。
(3)is the whole distinction(绝对的差别)中whole一字意指complete,故译为[绝对』以加强语意。
(4)wise work:不可译为[聪明的工作],应译为[有意义的工作』。
(5)fair play:公平竞争。
(7)foul play:违规。

2007年02月25日 22:59:32

  These young people have two orientations, well in hand (1), to themselves and to the larger ranges of experience. It is toward those middle relationships that they are indifferent--current opinion (2) and social usage (3) and the imperatives of traditional religion and morality. Their parents wring their hands (4) over them; their professors find them lukewarm or cool; we older friends are often exasperated. These impati-ences are provoked by the fact that they wish to live correctly by their lights (5) and not by ours. In proportion as we are free we must accord them that.

(1)well in hand:很有把握。
(2)current opinion:流行的观念。
(3)social usage:社会的习俗。
(4)wring their hands over:对……束手无策。



  Writers and people who teach writing often call it a craft. A craft is an art or occupation that requires special skill. A person who wishes to learn a craft, whether it is pottery making, carpentry, weaving, or silversmithing, must have instruction (1). He must have direction (2) and practice. Before a potter gives his apprentice a ball of clay to turn on the potter’s wheel or before a carpenter puts a saw into the hand of his apprentice, he tells him to watch the master’s skilled hands handle the clay, handle the saw and the board. So the apprentice tries to do exactly what the craftsman did. He tries to do it with the same smooth-ness (3) and precision of his master (4). At first he is awkward, but as he becomes more familiar with the material used, with the tools, and with the problems that his craft has been created to solve, he gradually improves.




  Speaking for myself, however, it may not be well known that in trying to create as high a degree of self-sufficiency as possible, our people are rigoro-usly following a program of self-denial(1)and austerity (2). We deny ours fancy foods (3), alcoholic beverages, tobacco and lavish entertainments (4), night clubs and so on because we cannot afford them. Our people are putting the interests of their country before their personal pleasures, and I consider that to be praiseworthy conduct.

(3)fancy foods:山珍海味。
(4)lavish entertainments:奢侈浪费的娱乐。


2007年02月25日 22:59:45

  I sing the praise of the Unknown Teacher. Great Generals win campaigns, but it is tha Unknown Soldier who wins the war. Famous educators plan new systems of pedagogy (1), but it is the Unknown Teacher who delivers and guides the young (2). He lives in obscurity (3) and contends with hardship. For him no trumpets blare, no chariots wait, no golden decorations are decreed (4). He knows the watch along the borders of darkness, and makes the attack on the trenches of ignorance and folly. Patient in his duty, he strives to conquer the evil powers which are the enemies of youth. He awakens sleeping spirits (5). He quickens the indolent, encourages the eager, and steadies the unstable. He communicates his own joy of learning, and shares with boys and girls the best treasures of the mind (6). He lights many candles, which, in later years, will shine back and cheer him. This is his reward. No one is more worthy to be enrolled in the democratic Aristocracy (7), "King (8) of himself and servant of mankind."
---Henry Van Dyke, "To the Unknown-Teacher"

(2)the young:指下一代而言,即 forth-coming gener-
(3)in obscurity:默默无闻之意。
(4) decreed:颁赠。
(5)sleeping spirits:沉睡的楕神;萎糜不振的精神。
(6)the mind:指思想方面而言。



  Back of social changes lie many forces (1).Climate, natural resources, agriculture and manufact-ures all serve to set in operation influences that tend to change a people’s life. It is the part of good administration to adjust these forces in such fashion that changes are balanced and national experience is not left at the mercy of varying conditions. But the economic life of a perple (2) is so complicated that complete adjustment is beyond (3) human power. Poverty in itself is seldom the cause of revolution. It is the sense of inequality in the distribution of wealth that breeds discontent. When wealth increases and at the same time tends to become monopolized in some class or group, this discontent is always keen. And, above all, when the rich are indifferent to the inequalities which economic change increases, and when the burdens of the economic change increases, and when the burdens of the economic life are not lifted from those least able to bear them, the conse-iousness of inequality grows into enmity (4).

(1)"Back of social changes 1ie many forces."即"Many
forces 1ie back Of social changes."
(2)a people:指全体国民而言。

2007年02月25日 23:00:02

  Breathes (1) there the man with soul (2) so dead who never to himself hath said,
     "This is my own, my native land!"
Whose heart hath ne’er within him burned As home his
footsteps he hath turned
     From wandering on a foreign strand?
If such there breathe, go, mark him well!
For him no minstrel raptures swell;
High though his titles, proud his name,
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim,--
Despite those titles, power, and pelf(3).
The wretch, concentered all in self (4),
Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
And, doubly dying (5), shall go down
To the vile dust from whence he sprung,
Unwept, unhonored, and unsung.
        --- Sir Walter Scott (6) "Love of Country"

(2)with soul.…:接下文指没有生气没有精神。
(4)concentered all ln self:自私自利。
(5)doubly dying:满身罪恶。 •
(6)Sir Walter scott:瓦托•史柯特(1771—1832)英国诗人小说家,其作品充满了浪漫气氛:骑士、战斗、悲戚、热情,以及那种幻想过去的魔力。后来批评家给他的评价甚高。诗歌著有『最后诗人之歌』 (The Lay of the Last Minstrel,1805);『苏格兰边地之歌』(The Minstrelsy of Scottish Border,1802—3) ;『玛米安』 (Marmion,1808) ;『湖上夫人』(The Lady of the Lake,1810) 。小说著作甚多,主要的有:『卫弗莱』 ( Waverley,1814);『好教养的怪人』 (Guy Munnering,1815);『考古家』(The Antiquary,1816) : 『古人』(Old Mortality,1817) , 『洛布•洛伊』 (Rob.Roy,1818) ;『撤克逊组后英雄传』 (Ivanhoe,1820);『十字军英雄记』 (Talisman,1825);『惊婚记』(Quentin Durward,1823)等。




  We see with our eyes, and taste with our mouths. We hear with our ears, and smell with our noses. We feel with our hands, and walk with our feet. We cannot see our thoughts, or hear, or taste, or feel, or smell them. Yet what mighty power(1)they(2)have!

(1)mighty power:指强大无比的力量而言。



  [Moscow, Fed. 2 (AP) ] The Kremlin may be preparing the Soviet Communist Party for a formal split with (1)Red China. It may come at (2) the party congress next month.

  Soviet Communist sources said a long letter from the Kremlin detailing charges against "Peking" has been circulated to (3) party groups during the past two weeks.

  Party presidium members, including First Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, have spoken at meeting where the letter was read, the sources said.

  The purpose of the letter, the sources said, is to prepare the party membership for a formal declaration that a reconciliation (4) with "Peking" is impossible. It may come at the party congress opening March 29 in Moscow, the informants added.

(1)split with:分裂
(2)come at:发生于……
(3)(be)circulated to:分送;分发给
(4)reconciliation with:与……和解



2007年02月25日 23:00:17

  Even if I in fact were with nothing. I should within myself feel as it there were (1) nothing I do not possess. I there fore (2) must not let myself follow narrow-minded practices of a niggard. Instead, I must with a pair of generous hands hew a broad avenue for the salvation of people and the world.

(1)注意此句式是"as it there were…",而非"as it were…",其中there一字不可忽略。
(2)"I there fore must.…"中的 there fore如改写为therefore,句子则变为"I,therefore,must…"或" Therefore,I must.…"的结构。



  The duties of all public officers (1)are, or at least admit of being made, so plain and simple that men of intelligence may readily qualify themselves for their performance, and I cannot but believe that more is lost by the long continuance of men in office (2) that is generally to be gained by their experience. I submit, therefore, to your consideration whether the efficiency of the Government (3) would not be promoted and official industry and integrity (4) better secured by a generai extension of the law which limits appoi-ntments (5) to four years.

(1)the duties of……public officers:公职人员(公务员)的职务。
(2)in office:此处指担任公职而言。
(3)the efficiency of the Government:行政效率。
(4)official industry and integrity:公务员的勤勉与廉洁。



  A storm brought a rain precipitation(1)of 130 centimeters to Taipei area this Sunday morning. It plagued the lowest portion flooded even to the worst that Taipei Water Works cut short (2) of water supply.

  Many doubt water cleanliness in Taipei area. Of course, water pollution (3) is often an inevitable problem in metropolitan areas, but in the matter of its severity there are rew with more trouble than that of Taipei. Though watersource protection against pollution is the responsibility of the government auth-orities (4), yet citizens have to support and help the former and must not drop rubbish and waste into the river or on the bank.

(2)cut short of:中断。
(3)water pollution:水染污。
(4)the government authorities:政府当局。




  We of this age have discovered a shorter and more prudent method to become scholars and wits (1) without the fatigue of reading books or of thinking. The most accomplished way of using books at present is two-fold: either, first, to serve them as some men do lords (2), learn their titles exactly and then boast of their acquaintance (3). Or, secondly, which is indeed the choicer(4), the profounder, and politer method, to get a thorough insight into the index, by which the whole book is governed and turned, like fishes by the tail. For, to enter the palace of learning by the great gate requires an expense or time and forms; therefore men of great haste and little ceremony are content to get in by the back door (5). For the arts are all in a flying march and therefore are more easily subdued by attacking them in the rear.

(4)the choicer:此较可选的一种,意谓较上乘。
(5)to get in by the back door:走后门,抄小径之意。

2007年03月03日 10:55:47

