【 摘要】:从住宅小区中水的水源,水质,水量以及采用的处理工艺等方面着手,综合分析小区中水回用系统建设的各种影响因素并对住宅小区中水回用系统建设提出了一些指导意见。 【 Abstract】:In this article the writer (综合的) analyzed the (影响因素) factors and feasibility of the construction of recycling greywater system from the source 、quality 、quantity of raw water and the treatment methods of reclaimde water in the residential area ,from which came to some conclusion that can be put to use as certain (指导性的) advices for the construction of recycling greywater system in residential housing.
【 Abstract】:In this article the writer (综合的) analyzed the (影响因素) factors and feasibility of the construction of recycling greywater system from the source 、quality 、quantity of raw water and the treatment methods of reclaimde water in the residential area ,from which came to some conclusion that can be put to use as certain (指导性的) advices for the construction of recycling greywater system in residential housing.