mylbnet Lv.2
2006年10月11日 12:37:18

  “注水猪肉”曾经引起老百姓的公愤。下面的核实材料,您将看到李百战教授触目惊心的“灌水”业绩。除掉杜撰的“英国自然科学基金”和难觅踪迹的“国际高水平论文”,仅剩下一张水泡发臭的“肉皮儿”了。  海归之初,李百战教授在各种场合自吹自擂及在重庆大学官方个人网页(中宣传有80余篇论文公开发表,其中大部分以英文发表在国际刊物或在美、英、日、法及香港的国际会议论文集。让我们看看李百战教授在其鼎盛的留学期间(1993~2002)发表的论文情况,您不妨通过各种引擎核实一下。李百战教授的国外论文以“Li, B”、“Li,Baizhan”名字发表,可结合他在Reading大学、Loughborough大学的流学背景、及1993年9月~2002年3月的流英时间段来判断筛选。


  海归之初,李百战教授在各种场合自吹自擂及在重庆大学官方个人网页(中宣传有80余篇论文公开发表,其中大部分以英文发表在国际刊物或在美、英、日、法及香港的国际会议论文集。让我们看看李百战教授在其鼎盛的留学期间(1993~2002)发表的论文情况,您不妨通过各种引擎核实一下。李百战教授的国外论文以“Li, B”、“Li,Baizhan”名字发表,可结合他在Reading大学、Loughborough大学的流学背景、及1993年9月~2002年3月的流英时间段来判断筛选。



1、Li B., Croome, D.J., Yao, R., (1996) Analytical Hierarchy Process Model for Assessing Priority Indoor Environmental Factors Influencing Occupants in Offices. The 7th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, 21-26, Nagoya, Japan. (注:国际会议论文)
2、Austin, S., Baldwin, A., Li, B. & Waskett, P. (1998) A Software Tool to Aid Effective Planning and Control of Building Services Design. CIBSE National Conference, October, Bournemouth, UK, pp 218-227. (注:英国内会议论文)
3、Austin, S., Baldwin, A., Li, B. & Waskett, P. (1998) An Innovative Approach to Design Planning. Second European Conference on Product and Process Modelling in the Building Industry. October, BRE, Watford, UK, pp 47-54. (注:国际会议论文)
4、Austin, S., Baldwin, A., Li, B. & Waskett, P. (1999) Analytical Design Planning Technique: A Model of the Detailed Building Design Process. Design Studies, Vol. 20, Issue 3, April, pp 279 - 296. (注:EI期刊论文)
5、Austin, S., Baldwin, A., Li, B. & Waskett, P. (1999) Analytical Design Planning Technique for Programming the Building Design Process. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Structures and Building, Vol. 134, Issue 2, May, pp 111-118. (注:国际会议论文)
6、Austin, S., Baldwin, A., Li, B. & Waskett, P. (2000) Analytical Design Planning Technique (ADePT): A Dependency Structure Matrix Tool to Schedule the Building Design Process. Construction Management and Economics, vol 18, pp 173-182. (注:EI期刊论文)
7、Austin, S.A., Baldwin, A.N., Li, B., Waskett, P.R. (2000) Application of the Analytical Design Planning Technique to Construction Project Management, Project Management Journal, Vol. 31, No. 2, June, pp 48-59. (注:英国期刊论文)
8、Austin, S.A., Baldwin, A.N., Li, B., Waskett, P.R. (2000) Integrating Design in the Project Process, Proceedings of the ICE: Civil Engineering, Vol. 138, No. 4, November, pp 177-182. (注:国际会议论文)
9、Derek Clements-Croome and Li Baizhan,PRODUCTIVITY AND INDOOR ENVIRONMENT,Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2000, Vol 1 629-634(注:国际会议论文)


1、Clements-Croome, D.J., Li B., 1995, Impact of Indoor Environment on Productivity, Workplace Comfort Forum, Royal Institute of British Architects, London. (注:非出版资料)
2、Li Baizhan, (1996a) Assessing the Influence of Indoor Environment on Health, Well-Being & Productivity, Questionnaire for Environment Survey of Offices, The University of Reading, UK (注:非出版资料)
3、Li Baizhan, (1996b) Assessment of the Influence of Indoor Environment on Job Stress and Productivity of Occupants in Offices. The University of Reading, UK. (注:非出版资料)
4、Baizhan Li, 1996 "Priority Factors Influencing Sick Building Syndrome in Offices", Technical Reports, Reading University, UK, p1-p25 (注:非出版资料)
5、Li B., (1998) PhD Thesis Assessing the Influence of the Indoor Environment on Productivity in Offices. University of Reading (注:博士论文)
6、Austin, S., Baldwin, A., Li, B. & Waskett, P. (1998) Development of the ADePT Methodology: An Interim Report on the Link IDAC 100 Project. Loughborough University, UK, ISBN 1-897911-06-8. (注:内部研究报告)


2006年10月11日 13:42:17
2010年09月25日 18:19:45

