论文简介: 在城市社会中,同质性与异质性是一对连体的双生子,是相互对立而又彼此支持的两个方面。就城市共同居住生活的层面来看,这二者的互动作用亦从未曾消失过,尤其是在社会流动不断加速与加剧的当代城市。协调处理共同居住生活的同质性与异质性(即混合性)对于维护社会稳定、倡导公正与民主具有十分深远的意义。Abstract: Homogeneity and heterogeneity are twinborn in city society. They oppose and bolster each other. Furthermore, reciprocity between them is never absent in communal dwelling condition, especially in cities nowadays, in which social mobility has become faster and greater. Coordination in dealing these two has profound meaning in
Abstract: Homogeneity and heterogeneity are twinborn in city society. They oppose and bolster each other. Furthermore, reciprocity between them is never absent in communal dwelling condition, especially in cities nowadays, in which social mobility has become faster and greater. Coordination in dealing these two has profound meaning in

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