传统计算机辅助工业设计工具(CAID)不能完全满足造型设计的要求,一方面是因为受制于桌面系统所提供的二维人机交互方式,另外一个原因是因为这类工具通常基于对造型几何参数的直接操控,不够直观。结合当前软、硬件发展水平,立足于改造传统计算机辅助工业设计工具使其符合设计师的工作特征和习惯,本文创造性地提出基于虚拟环境(VR)的意图驱动产品造型设计系统概念。产品开发前期,设计师面对的往往是未完全定义好的问题,造型设计过程因而有别于常规设计,有其自身的特点。根据产品造型设计与自然界进化的相似性,本文采用口语记录分析法对产品造型设计过程进行定性研究,揭示了产品造型设计中设计问题定义和解决方案的进化过程及两者之间的交互作用特性。以此为理论基础,借助交互进化计算技术构建了交互进化造型设计系统的总体框架,并给出了基于交互进化策略的曲线造型设计工具IESCM作为实例。深入研究计算机辅助交互进化造型设计过程中的设计意图引导机制,在此基础上创造性地提出在交互进化设计中引入自适应机制来捕捉并跟踪设计意图、实现意图驱动设计的思想。据此构建了基于自适应交互进化的意图驱动产品造型设计系统框架,并给出了基于自适应交互进化策略的意图驱动曲线造型设计工具AIESCM。运用不同的步长参数调节法,试验了非相关多参数变异AIESCM- nσ、统一步长的非相关变异AIESCM-σ、1/5成功法则AIESCM-1/5以及1 /λ成功法则AIESCM- 1/λ四种不同的自适应机制,以寻求针对交互进化设计的最佳解决途径。AIESCM与IESCM的对比试验表明,本文提出的概念具有较强的可行性和应用潜力。提出通过VR-CAID系统集成,利用传统CAID系统所提供的强大建模工具实现虚拟环境中的产品造型设计。分别从横向集成和纵向集成两个角度出发,研究VR-CAID系统集成的不同方式。并分别以CUBE和3DS MAX作为VR、CAID平台的实例,对CUBE-3DS MAX的系统集成技术进行了研究。基于面片数据传输和VRML文件共享两种方式,实现了两个系统的集成。此外还对VR-CAID集成平台上意图驱动产品造型设计的实现进行了研究,构建了基于CUBE-3DS MAX平台的意图驱动曲线造型设计环境作为实例。基于CUBE-3DS MAX意图驱动曲线造型设计平台,进行车身特征曲线和船体概念设计的应用研究。应用试验表明,VR-CAID直接在线集成为造型设计工作构建了一个实时的增强可视化环境,基于自适应交互进化计算的造型工具则可以跟踪、捕捉设计师的意图,加速设计进程,对传统计算机辅助造型设计工具的改造为设计师提供了一个可以更好发挥创造力的工作环境和手段。
Traditional Computer-aided Industrial Design(CAID) tools can not completely meet the needs of product styling, partially because of the unintuitive manipulation of control parameters, the other drawback is related to the two-dimensional unnatural human-machine interface supported by desktop system. Taken into account the conditions of computer hardware and software, this paper offered an innovative proposal of virtual environment-based intend-driven product form design system, in order to improve the performance of traditional CAID tools according to designers’psychology characteristic and convention.At the early stage of product development, designers usually have to confront ill-defined problems. Thus form design process is different from routine design, has its specificity. Based on the comparability between product form design and natural evolution, a qualitative analysis of product form design process was developed using protocol analysis, to study the evolving process of problem requirements and solutions, and the interaction between them. Taken this as theoretic foundation, the framework of interactive evolutionary form design system was constructed based on interactive evolutionary computation technology. It instanced in an interactive evolution strategies-based curve modifier (IESCM).Also using protocol analysis, this paper studied how the interactive evolutionary form design process was guided by designers’intent. In order to turn such intent-oriented design process into intent-driven process, adaptive mechanisms of evolutionary computation was used to dynamically capture the design intent during a man-machine interactive modeling process, help designers to find appreciated solution in giant possibilities more quickly. Grounded on this concept, an intent-driven product form design system was built, which was based on adaptive interactive evolutionary computation. And an adaptive interactive evolution strategies-based curve modifier (AIESCM) was given as an instance. In order to find suitable mutation mechanism for interactive evolutionary design, different self-adaptation mechanisms, such as uncorrelated mutation with oneσ, uncorrelated mutation with nσ, 1/5 success rule and 1 /λsuccess rule were respectively applied in AIESCM and were compared. The experiments, which were carried out on comparing AIESCM and IESCM, showed the feasibility and potential of the proposed concept.This paper proposed a concept of immersive modeling based on system integration of virtual reality (VR) and CAID. After studying horizontal coupling and vertical coupling modes of VR-CAID, different integrating methods were researched. Selecting CUBE and 3DS MAX as instances of VR and CAID systems respectively, the integration technology was studied, two prototypes of integration were implemented with CUBE and 3DS MAX. By one method, two systems were integrated in one process at the level of tessellation, which was transmitted through Socket communicating between UNIX and Windows platforms. The other more flexible approach was based on the VRML files sharing. Besides, this paper studied the method of achieving intent-driven product form design based on integrated VR-CAID platform, and built an intent-driven curve modifier based on integrated CUBE-3DS MAX platform.The intent-driven curve modifier was applied to the design of structural characteristic lines of automotive body and to the design of conceptual ship body in the CUBE-3DS MAX platform. The experimental applications demonstrated, the integrated VR-CAID systems can provide designers with an immersive environment, adaptive interactive evolutionary computation-based from design tool can capture the intent of the designer, and accelerate evolving design process. The proposed virtual environment-based intend-driven product form design system can provide better environment to support designers’creative work than traditional CAID tools.