论文简介: This MIT study examines the role of coal asan energy source in a world where constraintson carbon emissions are adopted to mitigateglobal warming. Our fi rst premise is that therisks of global warming are real and that the
This MIT study examines the role of coal as
an energy source in a world where constraints
on carbon emissions are adopted to mitigate
global warming. Our fi rst premise is that the
risks of global warming are real and that the
United States and other governments should
and will take action to restrict the emission of
CO2 and other greenhouse gases. Our second
and equally important premise is that coal will
continue to play a large and indispensable role
in a greenhouse gas constrained world. Indeed,
the challenge for governments and industry is to
fi nd a path that mitigates carbon emissions yet
continues to utilize coal to meet urgent energy
needs, especially in developing economies.
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