多伦哥冰河高尔夫球俱乐部(Glacier Club)所 在 地: 美国 -> 科罗拉多州-> 多伦哥 设计单位: 美国Design Workshop事务所 获奖信息: 2007美国景观设计协会专业设计奖 -- 设计类荣誉奖 简介: 项目地点:美国科罗拉多州多伦哥市设计单位:美国Design Workshop事务所Durango, ColoradoDesign Workshop, Denver, Colorado
所 在 地: 美国 -> 科罗拉多州-> 多伦哥
设计单位: 美国Design Workshop事务所
2007美国景观设计协会专业设计奖 -- 设计类荣誉奖
设计单位:美国Design Workshop事务所
Durango, Colorado
Design Workshop, Denver, Colorado
Glacier Club’s new and revised courses create a place of play that exists in harmony with its wider setting. Most courses do not base their design on environmental needs nor plan for an operations system that will nurture the ecology of the course over the long term. Glacier Club was designed as a “green” course and uses a unique blending of disciplines that blurs the edges between landscape architecture, planning, and golf course design.
Just beautiful--a great example of this type of project done well. Golf courses are a significant part of the practice and this could have broad environmental impact for the entire industry. We applaud the landscape architect‘s light hand.